Rāmere Friday 12th Poutū-te-rangi March (T1: Wk6 of 11)
Our Tumuaki Principal
We are now over halfway through Term One. Teachers have worked hard in the first month of the school year to establish clear routines that give children the structure they need for learning. We initially go slow at the start of the year to establish these routines, enabling us to increase the pace as the year progresses.
Snippets from my desk include...
- Pandemic Alert Level One: We are now back to Alert Level One, which is a general vigilance of where we go (track and trace, sign in/out), our health (keeping children away is sick) and our hygiene (handwashing and hand sanitising). This means we will keep all our children and staff healthy, fit and well.
- After School Care Review: Over the past few weeks, we have been part of an review of our After School Care programme through the Ministry of Social Development. This has produced a number of changes to how the programme operates. We are also seeking feedback on the programme and so families in the 2021 programme have a survey. If your child has been part of the programme and/or will use it this year, but not as yet, you are welcome to contact us for a survey form to provide us with your feedback.
- After School Care Cost Revisions: We have experienced significant increases in the costs of our After School Care programme related to recent collective employment agreement settlements. As a result of this, we have reviewed our pricing and from Term Three the per-day cost will be $17.50 (up to 5.30 pm) and $22.50 (up to 6.00 pm). We are giving our families plenty of warning in order to help with your budgeting as well.
- Equipment and Property: This week saw a range of fixes and upgrades inside and outside the school.
- Our iPads all got registered onto our school domain which has now been registered with Apple. This was a big and rather fiddly job - much fiddlier than anticipated.
- The concrete around Room 2 is all finished and being used, with grass seed down around the edges (fenced off until it grows). We slightly widened the east path to give more space for walking.
- Our data cabinet and incoming internet router got UPS (uninterrupted power supply) battery units installed to ensure we operate under small power cuts.
- There is continual tidying up occurring around our native garden to upgrade it for further planting of native trees and shrubs in the coming months.
Staff Thank Yous - Shared Leadership
At Edendale Primary School we value the leadership that people show right across the school. It gives a school a depth and strength that is important in these challenging and fast-changing times.
- A big thank you to Miss Laura McVicar for her work with coordinating our side of the LMV Zone Athletics. Laura trained our relay teams who did exceptionally well. Further, Laura has taken over the Assistant Principal role whilst Mrs Laura Russell is away on maternity leave. Well done to her.
- Thank you also in advance to Miss Sanne den Boon and Miss Kim Nicol for their leadership of the Car Boot Sale which is tomorrow. There is a lot of work involved with this especially since it was postponed from last week.
Ka kite and have a great weekend.
David McKenzie
Our Events Coming Up (Dependent on Pandemic Levels)
Week Six (of Eleven)
- Saturday 13th March Car Boot Sale, 9.00 am - 12.30 pm
Week Seven (of Eleven)
- Monday 15th - Friday 19th March School Swimming
Week Eight (of Eleven)
- Monday 22nd - Friday 26th March School Swimming
- Wednesday 24th - Friday 26th March Senior Camp Pukerau
- Saturday 27th March - Southland Primary School Athletics
- Saturday 27th March - Firewood Fundraiser 10am
Week Nine (of Eleven)
- Thursday 1st April Whanau Day
- Friday 2nd April Good Friday (School Closed)
Week Ten (of Eleven)
- Monday 5th - Tuesday 6th April Easter (School Closed)
Our Kaitiaki Board of Trustees
Enrolment Zone - Term Two First Half Applications Open
Enrolment at Edendale Primary School is governed by an enrolment scheme.
The Board has 20 places available for out of zone students for the 2021 school year. The exact number of places is subject to the number of eligible in-zone enrolments received.
This advertised enrolment period runs for the first portion of Term Two 2021 up to June 8th.
For out of zone students seeking enrolment within this enrolment period, the deadline for receipt of applications is Monday 3rd May.
Information and application forms can be picked up at the school office and are also available on our website
If the number of out of zone applications exceeds the number of places available, students will be selected by ballot. If a ballot for out of zone places is required, it will be held on Wednesday 5th May.
Parents will be informed of the outcome of the ballot as early as possible (and within three school days of the ballot being held).
Situations Vacant - Relief
We are looking for a person or people who could be a relief cleaner or relief After School Care coordinator. Email: with your CV if you are interested.
Our Home and School
Firewood Fundraiser - Saturday 27th March 10am
Location: Carnie Farm, Oakland Road, Mataura Island.
You don't need to have the equipment to be able to contribute but if you do, you are more than welcome to bring it, including all the appropriate safety equipment necessary for its operation.
Please let us know you are coming so we can confirm location, coordinate chainsaws and log splitters, as well as communicate should the weather be unsuitable.
If you would like to purchase wood also please contact us...
- Hamish Blackmore 027 636 0421
- Logan McKenzie 027 283 6943
Our Kura News and Information
App for Absences - 2021
We would love 2021 to be the year when all families provide notification of a child's absence through the school app. It is quick, easy and effective.
Please make sure that you provide a reason as the Ministry of Education requires us to code all absences. Thanks very much.
Lost Property - Found and Wanting a Home
With the warmer days, we accumulate a lot of items, especially tops. It is worth looking at our lost property rack (in the staffroom porch) for items. We have quite a number that would love to be reunited with their owners.
School Swimming - Week 7 to Week 8
Swimming is coming up the two weeks after next week. Please check out your child's class newsletter for their exact times.
We get a lot of lost/mixed up property during swimming. It is very helpful to have everything clearly named (clothes, togs, towel, swimming bags, shoes etc.).
When the swimming pool changing rooms are shared and everyone has the same uniform, you can see how things can easily get mixed up.
Scholastic Book Club - Issue Two
Issue Two has been sent home.
Should you wish to order from this, please have your order form along with payment into the school office no later than Monday 29th March.
You can also order online by following the instructions on the order form.
Zone Athletics - Thursday
The weather did not cooperate for us to be able to hold our zone athletics on Wednesday. Thank you for your flexibility as we shifted the day to Thursday, which whilst being a bit nippy and damp underfoot to start with, turned out to be a fantastic day. The children did very well.
Thank you to Mrs Jane Muir for her support with the junior athletics, Wyndham School for the setup and to Menzies College for the use of their grounds.
High achieving older children may have qualified for the Southland Athletics which is held at Surrey Park (Invercargill) on Saturday 27th March. The Southland Athletics has standards for qualification so a first at the LMV Zone Athletics may not necessarily mean qualification for Southland. Information will come out next week around this.
Our Team for this Week: Team Kiwi
What a wonderful start we have in Team Kiwi for 2021.
There are 14 little great kiwis in our room this term.
Like a lot of the classes, we too have had a busy but exciting term with Sports Activator, cricket, Ice blocks for Grace, touch rugby, athletics practice, Zone Athletics and rugby. We love it.
In Team Kiwi we started reading ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ as a class. We enjoyed the book so much that Miss Mineur went out and bought some real caterpillars. Miss Mineur bought one big plant that already had three caterpillars on it. We all love them, we named our furry friends. Their names are Sparkle, Butter and Emily.
We soon realised we had a lot more than three caterpillars. We counted them all and we had nine furry friends therefore we needed to get a couple more plants for our very hungry caterpillars. We have all loved learning about the caterpillars and their life cycle and we are super excited to watch them grow into beautiful butterflies.
We come to school to learn and everyone has been willing and wanting to learn in our classroom. We do huge amounts of reading, writing and maths each day. We also get to do a lot of art too which is super fun!
- Poppy – “I like doing Jack Hartmann, it is fun.”
- Reilly – “I like eating at school.”
- Nile – “I like doing action stations at reading time.”
- Macie – “I like learning how to write and how to write the letters down.”
- Fletcher – “I like seeing and playing with everybody at school.”
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) - Term One Manaakitanga Respect
We show manaakitanga respect when we...
Use our manners and talk politely to each other.
Follow rules and instructions.
Listen actively.
Are aware of the needs of others and offer to help.
Term Two - Haepapa Responsibility
Term Three - Tohungatanga Excellence
Term Four - Ponotanga Integrity
Principal's Values Award
This week the Principal Tumuaki would like to acknowledge Nova Barrett for being a contributor of values to our school.
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Kea
Team Kea’s MVP for manaakitanga respect is Jackson.
Jackson walks into the classroom with a happy smile and greets his classmates and teacher. He gets ready for the day by unpacking his bag and getting his desk area ready. Jackson knows our classroom routines and expectations and follows them well.
Jackson is a fantastic role model for his classmates. He follows instructions, listens and stays focused. Jackson tries his best with all learning tasks and is already making great progress with his learning.
During learning time, Jackson participates and gives everything a go. He is always happy to lend a helping hand to his friends. Jackson is kind and treats others how he would like to be treated.
Jackson shows respect to all the peers and adults around him by being kind, trustworthy and using excellent manners.
We are very lucky to have a wonderful friend and learner like you in Team Kea. I am looking forward to seeing all your future achievements. Well done!
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Weka
Team Weka’s MVP for Manaakitanga - Respect is Fillan Bajo.
Fillan is a kind and caring student who has settled into Team Weka quickly.
When he arrives in the morning he greets the teacher politely and then carries on with the morning routine. He makes sure he is organised and has the right equipment ready for the day.
Fillan listens respectfully whilst others are talking and displays great mat manners. It is great to have such a good role model in Team Weka!
Fillan follows class instructions well and can be counted on to do the right thing at the right time. He is willing to help others when he is asked to.
Fillan you provide a lovely presence to Team Weka. We are so pleased with the way you have settled in and look forward to seeing your progress in 2021.
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Tui
Team Tui’s MVP for Manaakitangi - Respect is Miriam
Miriam has a great attitude towards school and relating to others.
She comes to school with a big smile every day, greets people in the morning, is always polite and uses her manners.
Miriam is an active listener when her peers are talking in group discussions and I can rely on her to follow instructions and always do the right thing.
Miriam is very friendly and is always keen to offer a hand to help out and often without having to be asked.
She has a kind, caring personality and is always encouraging her classmates by telling them they have done a great job or by cheering them on in games or sports.
You have had a great start to the year in Team Tui and we are really lucky to have you in our class! Ka Pai!
Community Notices
Wyndham Lions Club - Bread Tags
The Wyndham Lions Club is collecting bread tags.
These will be sent away to be recycled and made into products like wheelchairs.
If you would like to donate them they can be dropped into the school office.
Enquiries to Liz Scott 027 3077765.
Edendale Netball Club - Registrations
The Edendale Netball Club registration afternoon is on Wednesday 17th March 3.15 - 4.15pm at the Edendale Rugby Clubrooms.
Netball is played in Term 2, on a Friday afternoon/late afternoon at Wyndham courts. Boys and girls are welcome to play.
The teams are...
- Yr1 & Yr2 Future Ferns
- Yr3 & Yr4 Future Ferns plus game
- Yr5 & Yr6: 6 aside games
- Yr7 & Yr8: 7 aside games
AGM and the general meeting will be held on Monday 22nd March at 7.30 pm at Edendale Pioneer Tavern. Everybody welcome to attend.
All enquires to Amy Alksne 021 0271 8066
Our Contact Information
Location: Edendale Primary School, 24 Salford Street, Edendale 9825, New Zealand
Phone: 03 206 6959
Twitter: @EdendaleSchool