The Patriot Post
News & Events at Freedom MS - Week of March 24th
Welcome / Bienvenidos
Freedom Families,
We are thrilled to announce that our students have successfully completed their IAR testing. For any students who missed a test over the past two weeks, makeup sessions will be held during the upcoming week to ensure everyone has the opportunity to complete their assessments.
This week at Freedom Middle School was filled with exciting events and enriching experiences. Our students had the privilege of learning from Chicagoland Exotic Animal Rescue (CLEAR), who shared valuable insights into resources available for exotic animals in need. Not only did CLEAR provide informative presentations, but they also delighted our students by bringing along a few fascinating animals for them to see up close.
As the week came to a close, our entire school came together for a memorable dance event. Students enjoyed spending time with friends, dancing to music provided by a talented DJ, and capturing fun moments in the photo booth.
We are incredibly proud of our FMS band students who showcased their musical talents at the Berwyn Band Festival on Saturday. Competing alongside bands from other middle schools, they represented FMS with dedication and skill. Great job, Patriots!
Have a great week!
Enrique Ojeda – Principal – eojeda1@bsd100.org
Brian Conant- Assistant Principal - bconant@bsd100.org
Familias de Freedom,
Estamos encantados de anunciar que nuestros estudiantes han completado con éxito sus pruebas IAR. Para los estudiantes que perdieron una prueba en las últimas dos semanas, las sesiones de recuperación se llevará a cabo durante la próxima semana para asegurar que todos tengan la oportunidad de completar sus evaluaciones.
Esta semana en Freedom Middle School estuvo llena de eventos emocionantes y experiencias enriquecedoras. Nuestros estudiantes tuvieron el privilegio de aprender de Chicagoland Exotic Animal Rescue (CLEAR), que compartió información valiosa sobre los recursos disponibles para los animales exóticos en necesidad. CLEAR no sólo ofreció presentaciones informativas, sino que también deleitó a nuestros alumnos trayendo algunos animales fascinantes para que los vieran de cerca.
Al final de la semana, toda la escuela se reunió en un memorable baile. Los alumnos disfrutaron pasando tiempo con sus amigos, bailando al ritmo de la música que pinchó un DJ de gran talento y capturando momentos divertidos en el fotomatón.
Estamos muy orgullosos de nuestros estudiantes de banda FMS que mostraron su talento musical en el Festival de la Banda Berwyn el sábado. Compitiendo junto a bandas de otras escuelas intermedias, representaron a FMS con dedicación y habilidad. ¡Gran trabajo, Patriotas!
El personal de Freedom
Enrique Ojeda – Director – eojeda1@bsd100.org
Brian Conant- Subdirector -bconant@bsd100.org
Upcoming Important Dates / Próximas fechas importantes
3/29: Spring Break
5/15- 8th Grade Boat Trip
5/17: Springfield Trip
5/23- Astro Fun Zone
3/29: Vacaciones de primavera
5/15- 8vo Grado Viaje en Barco
5/17: Viaje a Springfield
5/23- Astro Fun Zone
FMS- Students of the Month
Student of the Month-6th Grade-Neri Galvez
Student of the Month-7th Grade-Michael Mulac
Student of the Month-8th Grade-Alice Garcia
Students of the Month-Exploratory
8th Grade: Ben Ocampo
Ben has done a great job in Health class. Ben makes sure to complete all assignments on time. He is always very helpful with assisting other students and is super polite. Congratulations Ben on student on the Month.
7th Grade: Analiah Arambula
Analiah is such a kind, well mannered student. She is always prepared for class and works very hard in all of the class activities. Thanks for being a great student!
6th Grade: Dominique Garcia
Dominique Garcia - great kid, good attitude and participation, always works hard and does her best.
Dominique is a wonderful student who has been great in Health class. Dominique brings in a positive attitude and energy to the class, and is always working hard on all of her assignments and projects. It is always great having Dominique in Health class as she brings a great energy each and every day. So proud of you Dominique
SCOTY Award Winners
SCOTY Award Winners
School Citizen of the Year
Jehieli Chavez-6th Grade
Jaliyah Williams-8th Grade
FMS Dance
Chicagoland Exotic Animal Rescue
Berwyn Band Festival
Family Liaison/Enlace Familiar
Hello Freedom Families,
My name is Axel Zaragoza. I'm the Family Liaison and I teach 7th grade Dual here at Freedom Middle School. My role is to be your connection and I will help
Here's a presentation with more details.
Things to look out for in the meantime.
I will send a document for event sign ups so that you can assist our Patriots.
Hola Familias de Freedom,
Mi nombre es Axel Zaragoza. Soy el Enlace Familiar y enseño 7mo grado Dual aquí en Freedom Middle School. Mi papel es ser su conexión y ayudar a
a los padres/tutores a obtener la información y asistencia que necesitan para a apoyar a sus hijos en casa y para asegurar el éxito de sus hijos en la escuela.
Aquí hay una presentación con más detalles.
Cosas a tener en cuenta mientras tanto.
Enviaré un documento para las inscripciones a los eventos para que puedan asistir a nuestros Patriotas.
Parent Question of the Week/Pregunta de los padres de la semana
Why is IAR important?
Classroom Updates/Actualizaciones de las clases
Whats Happening in Science! Qué está pasando en ciencia
This week 6th grade students continued studying how air gets it’s temperature. They examined how places on the same latitude
This week 7th grade will continue laboratory experiments to discuss the properties of different substances and the products of chemical reactions. The following labs are determination of a substance based on density, separation of a heterogeneous mixture, and the reaction behind slime.
Whats Happening in SS! Qué está pasando en SS
This week, we will be diving into the fascinating realm of Greek Mythology. Specifically, we will be breaking down the characteristics of a myth. As part of this exploration, students will have the opportunity to write their own myth and create their very own Greek deity.
Seventh graders will take the Branches of Government Assessment to complete the 3rd and final United States Constitution test next week. Students will head into the next unit on Economics after spring break. Students will learn about supply and demand and how both impact the price of goods and services.
8th grade students are beginning a new unit on the Atomic Bomb. Students will be interacting with content through multiple readings, activities, and videos.
Whats Happening in Math! Qué está pasando en matemáticas
6th grade Aimes are continuing their Rational numbers unit which works on adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing positive and negative numbers.
7th grade Aimes are still working on their Exponents and Scientific Notation. They are going to be creating their own games using the content from the Exponents and Scientific Notation unit.
8th grade is moving into Unit 6 on Associations in Data. Students will examine different ways to organize bivariate data, including scatter plots. They will be measuring their wing spans and heights.
8th grade AIMES is continuing to work on their Quadratic Functions unit this week. They took their unit test this past week and will creating their own games using the content from the unit
Whats Happening in ELA! Qué está pasando en lectura!
This week, the 7th graders are being assessed on their argumentative reading skills. They will identify an author’s claim and find supporting evidence to analyze. This week, 6th grade AIMES ELA students are continuing their argumentative reading unit about Happiness. So far, they’ve researched how money and doing good can affect your happiness. They are working on finding strong evidence to support a claim and authentic discussion skills. This week, the 7th grade AIMES ELA is continuing their argumentative reading unit about true crime. As a class, we’re listening to the podcast Serial and analyzing how the narrator uses rhetorical devices to convince the audience of her claim. This week, the 8th grade AIMES ELA class began a mini unit called the Butterfly Project. They will read poetry from the collection “I Never Saw Another Butterfly” to discover how poetry and art help us remember the Holocaust and promote tolerance. They will be practicing close reading skills and authentic discussion skills to prepare for high school.
Whats Happening in Exploratory! Qué está pasando en exploratory
This week in Art:
6th Grade - Focusing on Value and shading to create form and dimension. Students will learn to draw realistic human eyes.
7th Grade - Working on a symmetrical design project creating a playing card painting. Students will create a symmetrical design which requires measurement, 2D spacial awareness, drawing and painting.
8th Grade - Working on a Pen and Ink Text Drawing. Focus on Text, Value, and Space.
This week in BAND:
7th and 8th Grade students are preparing for the Berwyn Band Festival which will take place at Morton College at 9:30am on Saturday, March 23. A paper copy and email of the details were sent home the week of 2/22.
6th- Students are working on eighth notes as well as learning new notes and applying them to folk songs.
This week in CHOIR:
Students in the choir are preparing for their March 26th concert. We are currently focusing on artistry in our music and how to use dynamic contrast. Students will be rehearsing with the Heritage Choir in a week to put everything together.
This week in HEALTH:
6th Grade: Students will begin their Hygiene Module. Students will learn about the importance of good hygiene, including proper ways to take care of your skin, hair, eyes, teeth, and ears.
7th Grade: Students will begin their Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco Module. Students will learn about the health risks associated with the use of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. Students will also learn various strategies for refusing and prevention.
8th grade:Students will be creating Board Games. These board games will be used to assist with promoting Healthy Mental and Emotional Health.
This week in MUSIC:
6th grade: Students will learn about Motif, leitmotif, and underscoring; this will open up the idea of character themes through music.
7th Grade: Students will start will be learning about Mariachi and Mexico. They will also be introduced to their final project in Muisc.
8th Grade: Students will learn to play chords for their final playing assessment. They will learn two songs and play it in front of me for their grade.
We are starting our Racket games Unit, learning the basics of badminton and pickleball. In the fitness center, students have been practicing keeping an exercise log and are continuing to explore the 5 health principles of fitness and the 6 skill components of fitness in their fitness routines.
This week in SPANISH (7th-8th Grades)/WORLD CULTURES (6th Grade):
Spanish I (7th): Students will learn how to write sentences using subject pronouns.
Spanish II (8th): Students will learn how to write sentences using -er verbs in the present tense.
World Cultures (6th): Students will compare/contrast two cultures of their choice.
This week in STEAM:
6th Grade : Timing puzzles, working on averages, and ranking their puzzles based on difficulty
7th Grade: Energy Expo Presentations! Students are presenting their findings with alternative forms of energy, demonstrating a working model and showcasing their poster boards to honored guests.
8th Grade: Finishing our Balloon Rocket project. Student groups are adding aerodynamics
Student Ambassadors - Anthony & Lentz
Student Council - Rubich
NJHS - Bomba
Band- J. Clark
Choir - Cervantes
Chess- Roberson
Guitar Club - Cervantes
Spring Musical - Cervantes
Robotics - Auld
Anime - Zaragoza
GSA - Lentz
Rock Climbing- Smith
Yearbook- Malina and Avina
Winter Sports/Deportes de invierno
This week in ATHLETICS: Spring sports have arrived. Boys’ Volleyball and Girls’ Soccer are in full swing with practices. Co-Ed softball will begin on March 12th.
JV Boys’ Volleyball - Dan Niemczyk (dniemczyk@bsd100.org)
Varsity Boys’ Volleyball - Brian Wilms (bwilms@bsd100.org)
JV Girls’ Soccer - Mark Williams (mwilliams@bsd100.org)
Melissa Huerta (mhuerta@bsd100.org)
Varsity Girls’ Soccer - Todd Lentz (tlentz@bsd100.org)
JV Co-Ed Softball - Thomas Clark (tclark@bsd100.org)
Varsity Co-Ed Softball - Kevan Reilly (kreilly@bsd100.org)
Athletic program/ programa atlético
If you child has decided to participate in the Freedom Middle School Athletic program, they will need a signed permission slip, sports physical and a paid $25.00 Athletic fee.
Estimado padre/tutor:
Si su hijo(a) ha decidido participar en el programa atlético de la Escuela Intermedia Freedom, necesitará una hoja de permiso firmada, un examen físico deportivo y el pago de una cuota atlética de $25.00.
Athletic Eligibility/Elegibilidad Atlética
Student athletes will be responsible for completing an eligibility form for sports. The procedure for this is below.
Eligibility: Students must remain eligible each week to continue participating. Eligibility is based on behavior and academics. Students will not be allowed to participate in games or practices the following week if ineligible. They may return to play if they meet the eligibility requirements on their next eligibility form.
Forms: Students must complete the eligibility form every Wednesday and return it to the folder by Friday morning. If a student is deemed ineligible based on the form they should continue to support their team but are unable to participate.
ISS/OSS: If a student receives an ISS, they are ineligible for the next game (1 game) but can continue to practice. If a student receives an OSS, they are ineligible for 1 week and are not allowed to participate in games or practices for that week. If a student receives 2 OSS in the course of a sports season, they will be removed from the team.
Los estudiantes atletas serán responsables de completar un formulario de elegibilidad para los deportes. El procedimiento para esto es abajo.
Requisitos: Los estudiantes deben permanecer elegibles cada semana para continuar participando. La elegibilidad se basa en el comportamiento y los estudios. Los estudiantes no podrán participar en juegos o prácticas la semana siguiente si no son elegibles. Podrán volver a jugar si cumplen con los requisitos de elegibilidad en su siguiente formulario de elegibilidad.
Formularios: Los estudiantes deben completar el formulario de elegibilidad cada miércoles y devolverlo a la carpeta antes del viernes por la mañana. Si un estudiante es considerado inelegible basado en el formulario ellos deben continuar apoyando a su equipo pero no pueden participar.
ISS/OSS: Si un estudiante recibe una ISS, no es elegible para el siguiente partido (1 juego) pero puede seguir practicando. Si un estudiante recibe una OSS, estará inelegible por 1 semana y no podrá participar en juegos o prácticas por esa semana. Si un alumno recibe 2 OSS en el transcurso de una temporada deportiva, será expulsado del equipo.
P.E. Uniforms/ Uniforme de educación física
Los estudiantes comenzarán a usar P.E. uniformes el 29 de agosto .Los uniformes de educación física están a la venta en la Oficina de Freedom.
- PE Shirt/Camisa de educación física - $10
- PE Shorts/Pantalones cortos de educación física- $15
- Sweatshirt with no hood/Sudadera sin capucha - $20
- Sweatpants/Pantalones deportivos- $20
Student Schedule / Horario estudiantil
Report Bullying / Informar el acoso
Utilice la aplicación Stop!t para denunciar el acoso de forma anónima. Los estudiantes pueden usarlo para informar los comportamientos que ven en persona o en línea.
Freedom Middle School
Email: eojeda1@bsd100.org
Website: freedom.bsd100.org
Location: 3016 Ridgeland Avenue, Berwyn, IL, United States
Phone: 708-795-5800
Facebook: facebook.com/freedomD100
Twitter: @freedomD100
Freedom Middle School