Lubbock-Cooper North Elementary
In our Growth Era
North Happenings: September 2024
Upcoming Events
- September 2: No School
- Starting September 3, Map and ISIP testing for Grades K-5
- September 6: PTO meeting, 8:00 a.m.
- September 9: Picture Day
- September 9: Raising Canes Competition, North Elementary vs. Central Elementary
- September 13: Snack Shack
- September 24: Hotdogs for Watch DOGS
- September 26: Dual Language Parent Night
- September 30: No School for Students
Reminders to families:
We have many parents staying in the cafeteria for breakfast. This has made it a challenge to get all students seated with their trays. Please help us by making sure that you are not taking the seat of a student who needs to eat their breakfast.
The office is unable to call students out of class after 3:00 p.m., as our dismissal procedures begin at that time.
Please send a Seesaw message to the teacher for changes to your child's pick up plan. Anyone picking up your child must be listed on their Skyward account.
Door Dash and other food delivery services are not permitted for students. Please make other arrangements.
Raising Canes Competition: North Vs. Central Elementry
- September 9, ALL day!
- Eat at Raising Canes on 82nd and University
- Mention Lubbock-Cooper North
- A portion goes to our school
Understand Skyward: a video tutorial
Updated Protocols for Campus Front Entrances
Updated Protocols for Campus Front Entrances
Lubbock-Cooper ISD
August 9, 2024
We want to inform you of an important update regarding campus entry procedures. As part of a new requirement from TEA, the district is in the process of transitioning to a "buzz in" system for the front entrances of all LCISD campuses. Front entrances will now remain locked throughout the school day, and visitors to the campus will be required to press a button to be granted entry ("buzz in").
Please note, all other campus doors have always been locked throughout the school day (or manned, if temporarily unlocked for reentry from outdoor activities), and this practice will continue. All LCISD campus front entrances are also designed to route visitors through the front office rather than directly into the common areas of the campus - this will also remain the same. LCISD police officers will still be patrolling each Lubbock-Cooper campus. The only change is that, rather than directly entering the front office, visitors will now be "buzzed in."
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we work to maintain safe, secure learning environments for our Pirates and Patriots!
Link below for more information
Watch Dogs- Sign up September 24th
About the WATCH D.O.G.S.® Program ~ Established 1998
The Dads of Great Students WATCH D.O.G.S.® program is one of the nation’s largest and most respected school-based, family, and community engagement, organizations designed and developed by educators, experts and parent & guardian volunteers over more than two decades.
Our programs for Elementary campuses help provide positive male role models for the students, demonstrating by their presence that education is important. Meanwhile, we provide extra sets of eyes and ears to enhance school security, reduce bullying and provide a greater sense of campus safety allowing students and teachers to focus on learning and instruction.
We provide training content, support materials, uniform apparel and other promotional items for your campus community. Our mission is to support principals and teachers by providing willing volunteers while contributing to improved outcomes for students.
Who are Watch D.O.G.S.® (Dads Of Great Students)?
Fathers, grandfathers, step-fathers, uncles, and other father figures serve on campus for one day or many each year under the leadership of a program coordinator and the guidance of a school principal or designated administrator. We have brought millions of volunteers onto campuses who use our model, tools, and support.
Dress Code
2024-2025 Lubbock-Cooper ISD Student Dress Code
The district’s dress code promotes hygiene, prevents disruption, and minimizes safety hazards. Students and parents may determine a student’s personal dress and grooming standards, provided they comply with the following:
● Clothing designed to be worn as an undergarment may not be worn as outer clothing.
● Students may not wear strapless shirts, shirts with spaghetti strap, tank or cut tops, half shirts,
or mesh shirts. All shirts and blouses should be of sufficient length so as not to expose the
midriff, and should be properly buttoned. The shoulders of sleeveless shirts and blouses must
be at least three inches wide (grades 6-12), unaltered, and must have tight armholes so as not
to reveal any undergarments.
●Dresses, skirts, and shorts must allow students to be able to stand, sit, and/or bend with
modesty. Campus administrators have discretion to determine if dresses, skirts, and shorts are
inappropriate due to length. Cut-off shorts and spandex shorts are not permitted.
● Leggings, tights, yoga pants, or similar pants are permitted so long as they are accompanied
with an approved top that is within the width of three fingers from the top of the knee. Leggings
with sheer cut-outs or panels are not permitted (grades pk-12).
● Students may not wear excessively tight clothing and/or low cut blouses or tops that expose
cleavage and/or midriff.
● Students must wear appropriate footwear. For student safety, it may be recommended
and/or required for students to have appropriate shoes for different classes such as
science, FCS, P.E. and Ag. Shoes with wheels and house shoes are not permitted.
● Explicit, suggestive, or vulgar apparel or adornments that are disruptive to the educational
process are prohibited. Apparel or adornments that advertise alcoholic beverages, tobacco, drugs, or violence are
● Jeans must not have holes above the approved hemline*. If jeans have holes above the
approved hemline, the student must wear tights underneath the jeans. Jeans must be worn in
an appropriate manner and maintained at the waistline. (Sagging is not permitted. “Sagging” is
defined as pants low enough to expose the wearer’s underwear). *For purposes of this dress
code, “approved hemline” means the width of three fingers from the top of the knee cap.
● Piercings are permitted, but are limited to ear piercings and nasal piercings (single nostril)
only. Gauging is not permitted. Piercings may not be extreme, offensive, or a distraction to
● Students are permitted to have well-groomed and neatly trimmed facial hair that is not a
distraction to others.
● Extreme hairstyles* that attract attention to the extent that they interfere with the learning
environment are prohibited. Hair should be kept clean and well-groomed. Hair should not
cover the eyes. Hair color must be a naturally occurring color. This applies to facial hair.
*Extreme hairstyles are determined at the discretion of campus administrators.
● Students are not permitted to wear hats inside any campus buildings (campus-approved
hat days, dress-up days, etc. are the exception to this rule). If a student wears a hat into the
building, the hat may be confiscated and returned. The same policy applies to hoods on shirts
or sweatshirts.
● Students are not permitted to wear pajamas to school (campus-approved dress-up days are
the exception to this rule).
● Students are prohibited from wearing trench coats of any kind.
● Gang-related, cult, or satanic dress or emblems are prohibited.
● Students are prohibited from wearing chains, other than appropriate necklaces, at any time.
● Any tattoo that is deemed lewd, offensive, vulgar, obscene, or inappropriate by
administration must be covered while on school grounds.
Items confiscated that are in violation of the dress code will be returned at the
end of the school year.
Student badges are mandatory and must be worn by students at all times.
Failure to wear a student issued badge may result in disciplinary action.
Please see your campus principal for more information.
The principal, in coordination with the sponsor, coach, or other person in charge of any
extracurricular activity, may regulate the dress and grooming of students who participate in the activity. Students who violate these standards may be removed or excluded from the activity fora period determined by the principal and/or sponsor, and may be subject to other disciplinary action.
If the principal determines that a student’s grooming or clothing violates the school’s dress code, the student will be given an opportunity to correct the problem at school. If not corrected, the student may be assigned to in-school suspension for the remainder of the day, until the offense is corrected, or until a parent or designee brings an acceptable change of clothing to the school. Repeated offenses may result in more serious disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.
From Left to Right:
Taylor St. Romain, Summer Hinojos, Cassidy Brown, Avery Mathai, Summer Nichols, Brittni Kirk, Becky Hatchett, Gloria Urteaga, Sarah Abernathie
Flashback Friday
Please watch the video below to see what our amazing teachers have to say about the benefits of Flashback Friday, and to see it in action!
Bell Schedule
School doors open for students at 7:15 AM
First bell rings at 7:45 AMTardy bell rings at 7:55 AM
School dismisses at 3:20 PM
Lubbock-Cooper North Elementary
Krista Klein, Assistant Principal
Whitney Tarrant, Assistant Principal
Erica Timmons, Assistant Principal
Kylie Prather, Counselor
Website: https://www.lcisd.net/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=428117&type=d&pREC_ID=939369
Phone: 806-993-2343
-Facebook: facebook.com/LubbockCooperNorth/
Twitter: @LCISDnorth