Colrain Central School News
Where we learn by serving...
Finding us online
October 11, 2024
A Note from Ms. Looman
- Picture Day is coming! Please click on the link below to place your order.
- If you missed the opportunity earlier to order some Colrain Central School apparel, you get another chance! See the link below to order your clothing from the online store which will be open until 11/17. Items will be delivered in time for the holidays.
From the Library
Stay tuned for more information about our new book fair format. We will have an all online book fair with 10,000+ titles -to choose from. Books will be shipped directly to your door! The book fair will happen from 11/11/24 - 11/25/24. Just in time for holiday shopping!
PTO News
Mark your calendars! Oct. 27th will be our Trunk or Treat and Fall Festival, featuring a Hager Bros Fried Dough Pop-up. See the flyer below for more information and click the link to see how you can help.
From Ms. Jensen's desk
TITLE I MATH FROM MS. JENSEN! (sjensen@mtrsd.org)
One of the strategies your student will use for addition and subtraction is an Open Number Line.
Here is some information on how it works!
Upcoming Events
10/14: No school in observation of Indigenous Peoples Day
10/15: 3:30pm LEC meeting
10/16: 5th grade field trip to Amherst College
10/17: 3:30pm PTO meeting
10/23: Picture Day
10/27: 1:00pm PTO Trunk or Treat and Fall Fest
1:50 dismissals: 10/23, 10/30