Husmann Happenings
📅 Important Dates 📅
- October 23rd: Early Release @ 2:00 pm
- October 26th: HPTO Trunk or Treat @ 3:00 pm-5:00 pm
- October 31st: Halloween Parties & Indoor Parade
- November 4th: Institute Day - NO SCHOOL
- Dine & Share @ Georgio's
- November 5th: Election Day - NO SCHOOL
- November 13th: Early Release @ 2:00 pm
🏫 A Note from your Administration 🏫
Hello, Husmann Parents & Guardians!
Since the start of the school year, all staff have been working on teaching and modeling expectations in and out of the classroom. The other areas where that takes place are hallways, restrooms, the cafeteria, outside on the blacktop/playground and in the auditorium for our Cougars that are bus riders.
Our PBIS Tier 1 and Tier 2 teams continue to look at all areas to learn where more re-teaching and re-modeling is necessary for our Cougars to be safe, kind and responsible while they are at school.
Take some time this week to ask your child what the routines and expectations are in those other areas. Some questions to generate discussion might be along the lines of:
- What does moving through the hallway look like in their classroom? Does everyone have a spot in line? How do they line up?
- What is the procedure for using the restroom in their classroom, and/or from an encore class? Is there a limit? How do they let their teacher know they are leaving the room?
- Who are they sitting by in the cafeteria and what do they do towards the end of their eating time? How do they keep their area looking clean?
- Where are some of the main areas they play in outside during recess time? What are their preferred activities during recess time? What else could they be playing? Who are the other students they are interacting with?
By having those types of discussions at home, our Cougars realize that those types of things are important to talk about at home as well, and not just what we talk about at school each day!
Your Partners in Education,
Mr. Sromek, Principal & Ms. Fitzgerald, Assistant Principal
🎃 Halloween 2024 🎃
Costume Guidelines:
Students should bring their costume to school. They will change into costumes at 2:40 p.m. Costumes should be non-violent. Please refrain from blood and weapons such as toy knives, axes, guns, swords, etc.
Parade will be held inside this year for students and staff.
Following the parade, students will return to their classrooms and be released at 3:30. In order to guarantee the safe dismissal of all of our students, we will not be releasing any students between 2:45-3:30.
Classroom Parties:
Parents that choose to dress in costume may do so without hiding their identity.
Doors will open 15 minutes before each party for parents that are coming to help. Each grade level is scheduling parties to fit in their schedule.
If you are planning on helping out at the party please confirm with your child’s teacher. We are collecting names ahead of time so that we can have name tags made up. This will speed up the check in process on the day of the party. Please check in with one of our staff members stationed at the front entrance prior to entering the building. All volunteers MUST go through the district Volunteer Process before the day of the party. Please complete your application at least a prior to the date.
- Should you choose not to have your student participate in the parties, please reach out to your student's teacher.
- Should you choose not to have your student participate in the indoor parade, please pick up your child at 2:30.
💜💛 Yearbooks! 💛💜
Did you know you can customize pages in your child's yearbook, for FREE?
To order your yearbook, please visit Treering here: HUS Yearbook
Use our school's passcode: 1015547582424576
All fifth grade students at Husmann will receive their yearbook FREE thanks to our very own HPTO! You can still add your custom pages too so head to the site!
However, Treering is currently offering 10% off yearbooks through the end of October!
❕❗ Teaching Children to Control Impulses ❗❕
When you’re a child, it’s not easy controlling your impulse reactions. Kids do things before they think all the time. Here are some easy tips to help you teach a child how to think before they act. Many times they may not realize what they are doing.
Many students with impulse control issues have a hard time dealing with their frustration or anger. Teaching children ways to calm down before responding to a situation (deep breaths, count to 10, stretching, etc.). Help your child realize there are consequences to all of our actions (both positive and negative). Role-play situations to help prepare your child to respond appropriately.
Students with impulse control issues many times invade other people’s personal space. Help your child understand other people’s points-of-view and understand exactly what personal space is. Using a hula-hoop is a good visual to help children understand this concept.
Encourage lots of exercise to help active children control their impulses. Encourage your child to be active, get outside to play, and find time to exercise each and every day!
Catch your child doing the right thing. Give them specific positive feedback when they control their impulses. Make it a point to control your impulses and even share out loud your thinking during those situations.
🗽 Veteran's Day Slideshow 🗽
Our Husmann Family will again be celebrating Military Veterans who are near and dear to our hearts. If you have a veteran in your family you'd like to celebrate with us, please send an image (and include their branch if not clearly visible) to Becky Vedder at rvedder@d47.org by October 31st. We still have the images from last year so if you sent one then, no need to send another unless you'd like to.
🍗🌽 Community Harvest Food Drive 🌽🍗
Husmann is proud to support the Crystal Lake Food Pantry and looks forward to participating in the Community Harvest Food Drive again this year, a combined effort of the Crystal Lake Chamber of Commerce and the Crystal Lake Community. Click here to see this year’s flyer for suggested donations. Monetary donations are also appreciated: checks can be made payable to the Crystal Lake Food Pantry. Donations will be accepted until Thursday, November 21.
❄️ Holiday Assistance ❄️
With the holiday season quickly approaching, our church partner, Bethany Lutheran, is supporting our Husmann families again this year with their holiday assistance program. This program is for families who could use the financial support. The church will purchase gifts for the family, wrap them, and deliver them to your family in time for the holidays (pick up is also available). The church would like all interested families to have their forms completed and sent to Miss Becker by November 8th. The assistance form is linked in English and Spanish. Please reach out to Miss Becker (sbecker@d47.org) if you have any questions or would like a paper copy of the form sent home.
🚌 Dismissal Changes 🚌
In order to safely coordinate the dismissal of all of our students, we ask that you inform the main office of any and all changes for your child. We will work with the teachers to make sure that all students go to the proper location. However, in order to manage this in the best way possible, we will NOT be accepting ANY dismissal changes after 3pm. We appreciate your partnership in keeping all of our kiddos accounted for.
💛💜 PTO Updates 💜💛
Dates to remember:
10/26: Trunk or Treat
11/4: Dine & Share @ Georgio's
Our trunk or treat is on Saturday, October 26th from 3-5pm! Click here to register your trunk.
Our Candy Monster is here and hungry for your donated candy for our event!
Like Us, Follow Us, Join Us
Want to stay in the know? Be sure to follow us on:
- Facebook: Husmann PTO
- Website: HusmannPTO.com
For any questions please email us at HusmannPTO@gmail.com
It's Been a Busy Two Weeks!
Click here to find out what will be on the breakfast or lunch menu for your elementary school.
Peachjar E-Flyers
To view your school's Peachjar E-Flyers, click here. For more information about Peachjar or to learn about community events and activities, visit our website.
Download the D47 App!
Easily access district and school calendars, menus, and receive important notifications by downloading the District 47 app on your phone.
Elevate Award
Nominations for the Elevate Award are now open for the 2024-2025 school year. Don't forget to nominate a deserving District 47 staff member for the Elevate award.