Greystone News: Summer

July 27, 2024
Meet the Teacher and Registration Verification Day is coming!
We are so excited for the new school year. This issue of the Greystone News contains lots of information that will help you successfully navigate the start of the school year.
When you come to Greystone during your designated time (see above), you will check in with someone in the lobby. Then, you will proceed to the gym where you will complete some final registration forms. If you are lacking any required forms, you will be directed to our registrar, Mrs. Gena Pope.
Click here to review the Step by Step instructions for Meet the Teacher and Registration Verification Day!
Helpful hints:
1. Go ahead and pay your fees on My School Fees. It opens August 1st.
- On My School Fees, you click on the green registration fees box to see the fees. Please only select and pay fees for your child's grade level. If you have a new student, you will need to add your student using his/her student number which can be found on the outside of the registration packet. You can also call the school and Mrs. Pope can provide you the number if you want to go ahead and pay your fees before August 6th.
2. Make sure you fill out all forms completely and accurately.
3. Double check your student's bus stop information, as routes and stops often change. They also may change at any time leading up to and a few weeks beyond the first day of school. It is wise to double check on August 7th in the late afternoon.
4. Your packet will include your teacher letter(s), papers to complete, papers to take home, and your carpool tags. You will need your student's teacher's name to complete some of the papers, so look at the letter first.
5. Make sure you take time to say hey to Jaggy, pick your birthday book club book(if purchased), and check out the activities your child may want to get involved in this year.
Would you like to volunteer on August 6th?
Information About School Supplies
If you preordered school supplies, they will be in your student's classroom before school starts. If you need to purchase supplies, the list is linked below. You can bring these supplies when you come to Meet the Teacher Day or on the first few days of school.
You may begin making your donations on August 1, 2024 through My School Fees. The link is below. If you have a new student, you will need your student's 10-digit number to add him/her to your account. If this is your first student in Hoover, you will use your email to create an account and then add your student. Student numbers will be on your student's packet at Meet the Teacher and Registration Verification on August 6th or you may contact Gena Pope, our registrar, for your number.
Donations are optional, but we strongly encourage you to make a donation. These funds help support our teachers' classrooms and allow them to buy non-curriculum related items, such as class prizes, craft materials, and special snacks.
PTA News!!
Summer Library News
The Birthday Book Club is back for the new school year! Here's how it works:
- When you pay your fees during registration, you can pay for the Birthday Book Club ($10.00) right then under the "Optional" section.
- During Meet the Teacher on August 6, stop by the library to pick out your Birthday Book, get a special label with your name & birthday, & take your picture for the hallway bulletin board.
- You will show Mrs. Richey the receipt on your phone or a printout as you enter the library for Meet the Teacher.
- You will be able to check out the book during Meet the Teacher & keep it for a few weeks before returning it so your friends can read your Birthday Book!
- You will also be included in the Birthday Book Club yearbook page.
- This is our ONLY fundraiser for the library all year! All proceeds go straight to our library to purchase great new books for your kids!
- If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Richey at jrichey@hoover.k12.al.us
Volunteer Opportunity for 1st - 5th Grade Parents ONLY!
A sign up to help with preschool, preK, and 1st grade lunch is coming soon!
Student Code of Conduct 2024-2025
The 24-25 Student Code of Conduct has been board approved. Please click here to review the Code of Conduct.
Please note that wearables, such as Apple watches or other devices which have texting or communication capabilities, are not allowed in elementary school. Cell phones are not allowed to be on or out at elementary School. If a student needs to have a cell phone for after school, it must stay off and in the student's backpack. If you have an emergency and need to reach your child, you may contact the school office and we are glad to relay that message. If your child needs to contact you with an urgent need, your child can always come to the office and we will assist with your child contacting you. Please remember that backpacks are stored in the hallways and are often unsupervised.
Look at What is New!!
You may notice a new addition to our campus. As you enter the drop-off line, you’ll see a bight green bin for clothing recycling. Clothes Bin is helping us raise funds for our school by paying for our recycled clothing. Each pound we collect generates money for the school. They can take any clothing, shoes, bedding or bags, just please do not leave anything outside the bin. Thanks for your support!
Asbury Soccer Registration is Open!
Asbury’s Recreation Program has a casual (great-for-beginners!) soccer program for kids ages 4-10 and the fall season is now forming! Practices begin the week of August 19 and games are played on Saturday mornings or Sunday afternoons. Register before August 1 and pay $115. After August 1, it’s $135. Learn more at https://asburybham.org/soccer
See below for information about YMCA Afterschool Care
Mark Your Calendars
August 1 - My School Fees opens for 24-25
August 5 - School and Office is closed for Professional Development
August 6 - Meet the Teacher and Registration Verification Day
August 6 - Preschool, PreK, Kindergarten, and 1st Grade Parent Night - 6:00pm
August 8 - 1st Day of School
August 8 and 9 - PreK has amended hours - 8:45am - 1:15pm
August 9 - Back to School BINGO Night - 5:00 - 7:00pm
August 13 - Hoover School Board Meeting - 5:30pm
August 13 - 2nd Grade and Belcher Parent Night - 6:00pm
August 21 - Newcomer's Coffee - 9:00am
August 21 - PTA Meeting - 10:00am
August 22 - 3rd and 4th Grades Parent Night - 6:00pm
August 29 - 5th Grade Parent Night - 6:00pm
September 2 - NO SCHOOL - Labor Day!
Our Greystone Motto
Learn - Lead - Leave a Legacy
Our Greystone Mission
As a school community, we empower learners, inspire leaders, and encourage all children to reach their potential.
Our Greystone Vision
Empowering a generation of learners and leaders to leave a legacy.
Greystone Elementary
Email: sstocks@hoover.k12.al.us
Website: https://www.hoovercityschools.net/greystone
Location: 300 Village Street, Birmingham, AL, USA
Phone: 205-439-3200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GreystoneElementarySchool/
Twitter: @greystoneelem
(Board policy, 6.6) No student will be unlawfully excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in any program or activity offered or sponsored by the Board on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, disability, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, immigrant or migrant status, non-English speaking ability, or homeless status. All career and technical education opportunities are offered to all students regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, or disability. The district also provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
Mrs. Claire Jones-Moore, IDEA Coordinator
Mrs. Terri Coleman, 504 Coordinator
Mrs. Natasha Flowers, Title I Coordinator
Mrs. Natasha Flowers, Title II Coordinator
Mrs. Natasha Flowers, Title III Coordinator
Dr. Terry Lamar, Title IX Coordinator
Hoover City Schools 2810 Metropolitan Way Hoover, AL 35243 (205) 439-1000
(Board policy, 5.14.1) The Board is an equal opportunity employer. Personnel actions and decisions will be made without regard to factors or considerations prohibited by federal or state law (as such laws may from time to time be amended), including but not limited to race, gender, gender identity, age, disability, national origin, citizenship, religious preference, pregnancy, genetic information, political affiliation, military service, sexual orientation, or other non-merit based factors. Subject to the limitations set forth in 4.6.2, the general complaint (grievance) policy (4.6.1) may be used to present any complaint alleging unlawful discrimination or harassment. Inquiries regarding compliance and complaint procedures can be directed to:
Mrs. Kristi Williams, Equal Opportunity Employment Coordinator
Hoover City Schools 2810 Metropolitan Way Hoover, AL 35243 (205) 439-1000