Rattler Summer Update
July 12, 2023
Welcome Back, Amazing Augusta Ranch Families!!
Each year brings new excitement and growth in the Augusta Ranch family.
We have added another SCILLS classroom for special ed and increased sections at 2nd, 4th, and 6th.
New teacher hires:
Alyssa Johnson - kinder
Shelbie Deatherage -2nd
Jadelyn Hyde - 3rd
Callie Dundon - 4th
Ali Sedillo - 5th
Chloee Verville - 6th
Judy Gordon - Geffre Resource
Tadyn Graham - Art
Our new hires are exceptional, period. We really were able to hire the best of the best! You will enjoy meeting and working with them.
All of our internal classrooms are filled and all but one portable outside. Augusta Ranch continues to GROW and word is out, "This is the place to be!!"
We are thrilled to welcome you back and know this year will bring many wonderful learning experiences for our students! Our Kindness Club, Principal Academy, K-2 Tech Club, and 4-6th Drama club will all be after school activities to enhance the year with community service, goodwill activities, and fun coding and drama activities. I am playing around with a primary "Cooking Club" but just need a few more volunteers to pull off a once a month CHEF experience. Let me know if you have volunteer time from 3-4 on a school night to help out and I will get in touch with you.
Please save the following dates: Meet the Teacher Night Friday July 21
4-5:00 pm last names A-K 5:00-6:00pm last names M-Z
and also Curriculum Night August 9th for K-3 from 5-5:30 and 4-6th from 5:30-6:00.
These 30 minutes are VERY IMPORTANT- so please come. You will hear about the curriculum and what content will be covered this year, you will learn about the ID badges and school expectations for behavior and academics, teachers will share their positive behavior systems and ways of grading and communicating with you. Please take time to come and set the stage for a great start to this new year. We need you as strong and present partners as we navigate the 23-24 school year.
Enjoy the last few days of summer and look forward to seeing you soon!
Terrie Barnes, Principal Lana Moore,Dean
terrie.barnes@gilbertschools.net lana.moore@gilbertschools.net