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Mark your calendars for these important dates!
- Monday, December 23rd- Winter Break begins - No School
- Monday, January 6th - Classes Resume after winter break
- Monday, January 20th - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School
Dear PTO and Families,
On behalf of our entire staff, we want to extend a heartfelt thank you for the incredible dinner you provided during conferences. Your generosity and thoughtfulness made a long evening much more enjoyable and reminded us how fortunate we are to have such a supportive school community.
Knowing we have families like you who value and appreciate our efforts means the world to us. Thank you for nourishing not just our bodies but also our spirits.
With gratitude,
LMS Staff
No Place for Hate
No Place for Hate comes to Lundahl Middle School!
Click the link to read all about it!
Do you want to make a difference at Lundahl Middle School? It's time to make the Lundahl No Place for Hate commitment. Please sign the promise sheet if you can help us abide by the pledge. From this day forward, I commit to making school NO PLACE FOR HATE. Thank you!
Weather Guidelines for Outside Student Activities
During the cold winter weather, be sure that your child comes to school with appropriate winter coats, hats, gloves, etc. Students go outside daily for lunch recess and need to be dressed for the weather. The guidelines established by District 47 during cold weather are as follows:
Temperature/Wind Chill of 15 degrees or warmer = unlimited time outside
Temperature/Wind Chill of 0 to 15 degrees = 20 minutes outside
Below 0 degrees = Students remain indoors
Student Pick Up and Drop Off During the School Day
As the weather turns colder, we thought it would be helpful to share some information with you about students arriving and leaving during the school day.
Arriving after the start of the school day:
Drop your student off and direct them to go to the main entrance at the front of the building and ring the buzzer on stone pilar. The front office will check them in and direct them to class. You do not need to come with your child to check them in.
If your student is running late but will be at school before the end of first period, you do not need to call the school.
If your student is arriving later than 8:30, please report it using the attendance link in ParentVue and note the estimated time of late arrival. The student’s absence will be adjusted accordingly once the student arrives.
A parent/guardian written notification is required to dismiss a student during the school day. If possible, please do ONE of the following:
- Report it using the attendance link in ParentVue and note your pick up time and any other pertinent information. Please note, this does mark the student absent for the day, but attendance is reviewed on an ongoing basis and will be corrected accordingly.
- Send an email to lmsschool@d47.org with pick up time and other pertinent information.
If you are unable to provide written notification to pick up your student, you will need to go to our Main Entrance (door #2), ring the buzzer on the stone pilar to let us know you’re here, and sign them out on the clipboard at the office window. We will then call the student out of class and send them out to you.
Parents we need your cooperation for the safety of our students
Notes from the Nurse:
Dear Parents & Guardians,
The health and safety of our students at Lundahl is always our top priority. We want you to be aware of an increased number of pneumonia cases in our community.
Pneumonia is spread by airborne or direct exposure to respiratory droplets from a person who is infected or carrying the bacteria. Please be alert to cold symptoms in your child that worsen. Symptoms generally include:
An abrupt onset of fever (temperature equal to or greater than 100.4) and shaking or chills
Chest Pain
Shortness of Breath
If any of the above symptoms should develop, please contact your healthcare provider for treatment, and please notify the School Nurse. Your child can return to school after being fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of any fever-reducing medications. A fever is 100.4 degrees or greater according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.
The McHenry County Health Department recommends the following:
Please continue to use proper hand washing hygiene etiquette
Practice respiratory etiquette such as covering mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, If tissue is not available, sneeze into the elbow, not the hands
Wash hands immediately after blowing the nose, coughing, sneezing
Stay up to date on recommended vaccinations, including influenza and COVID-19
We will continue to monitor any cases here at Lundahl and notify the McHenry County Department of Health as needed.
We appreciate your partnership as we continue to provide a healthy and safe learning environment for students and staff.
Kristi Ljunggren RN
We are excited to announce the opening of the “Lundahl Closet”. This closet is filled with new and gently used items that may be needed by our students or their family members. Examples of items we currently have are: coats, hats, mittens, scarves, sweatshirts and socks. Please feel free to reach out to Ms. Staggs ( kstaggs@d47.org) or Mrs. Ljunggren (klljunggren@d47.org) if you or your student are interested in checking out what is available. All items are free.
Yearbook Orders
Calling all students!! Make sure to order your yearbook! The last day to order is February 28th. Yearbooks are currently on sale for $26.00. To order online at Jostens click here
Thank you from the PTO to all families that were able to donate for conferences. The staff was very thankful for your time and donations for them. It was a huge hit!
And thank you to the teachers and parents that attended our PTO meeting. We love seeing new faces!
Upcoming PTO Activities & Fundraisers
Activity Night is Dec 13th, 6 to 8pm. Come play board games, puzzles, bags, soccer and basketball tournaments, volleyball and more! Any ideas that we can add, just let us know!
We need at least 10 parent volunteers! The Parent Volunteer sign up form will be in the next newsletter. This is a drop off only event. $3 to enter and $1 for tournaments. Cash only please. Snacks and drinks will be available for purchase. Any questions, please contact April Stoltman astoltman@d47.org jstoltman735@comcast.net 224-623-9295
- Get ready for Tom’s gift cards! Every gift card helps raise funds for Lundahl! Please see the cheddar below for pre-ordering the gift cards. Our goal is to sell at least 400 gift cards! https://my.cheddarup.com/c/toms-gc-fundraiser-lms/items?cart
Like Us, Follow Us, Join Us
Want to stay in the know? Be sure to follow us on:
- Facebook: Lundahl Middle School PTO Page
- Join the PTO Remind group to stay up to date with events and volunteer opportunities. Text @lmspto23 to 81010 or search for class lmspto23 in the Remind app to join our group.
For any questions please email us at lmspto@d47.org
Some of the things that PTO helps to support throughout the school year are: whole grade field trips for each grade, sport uniforms, teacher appreciation week and meals during conferences, teacher pop ups, whole school musical field trips and field trips for our clubs, honor night awards, LMS musical supplies and props and more!
Thank You for Your Generosity!
We are thrilled to announce that our LMS Student Council sponsored Superhero versus Villain Fall Food Drive collected over 2,000 items! Your incredible support and generosity has made a meaningful difference in the lives of many in our community. Together, we’ve shown the power of kindness and teamwork. Thank you for helping us make an impact!
Please see below for details about these upcoming activities. If your student is interested in participating, please be sure to register on SNAP AND have a current sports physical on file in the health office. PLEASE NOTE: Students will not be allowed to participate without these two steps being completed.
As new clubs begin, they will be added to our Clubs & Activities page on our website. We encourage parents and students to also check our Daily Announcements, which are posted on our website each day, to see what clubs are starting up soon.
Click here to find out what will be on the breakfast or lunch menu for your middle school.
Peachjar E-Flyers
To view your school's Peachjar E-Flyers, click here. For more information about Peachjar or to learn about community events and activities, visit our website.
Download the D47 App!
Easily access district and school calendars, menus, and receive important notifications by downloading the District 47 app on your phone.
Elevate Award
Middle School Connections Support Group For ages 11 to 14
Tackle the challenges of everyday life and mental health. This support group is co-led by a licensed clinical psychologist from Ascension and a NAMI Recovery Support Specialist. Every Fourth Monday Monthly - 4:30-6:00pm. Address 620 Dakota St. Crystal Lake Il 60012. RSVP to email help@namimch.org. Questions: 815-421-9459
Family Assistance 2024-2025
Does your family need assistance with things like school supplies, clothing or information regarding community services? If so, please complete the form below: