Monroe County Schools CSH & FRC
August Newsletter 2024
What is Coordinated School Health?
Coordinated School Health (CSH) is an effective system designed to connect health (physical, emotional and social) with education. This coordinated approach improves students’ health and their capacity to learn through the support of families, communities and schools working together.
Eight Components of Coordinated School Health
- Physical Education/Activity and Wellness
- Nutrition
- Health Education
- Health Services
- Student, Family and Community Partnerships
- School Staff Wellness
- School Counseling, Psychological and Social Services
- Healthy School Environment
Motivation Monday/Quotes
"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." Thomas Edison
Now, if you know what you’re worth, then go out and get what you’re worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain’t you. You’re better than that!” – Rocky Balboa
Back to School Checklist
Friendly Reminder FREE breakfast/lunches!
School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) Meeting
Tuesday, Aug 13, 2024, 11:30 AM
Bert's Hometown Grill-Pizzeria, Tellico Street South, Madisonville, TN, USA
School Health Screenings
General Student Health Screening Guidelines Historically, the coordinated school health office coordinate/conduct school screenings. School Health Screenings The Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE) strongly recommends Local Education Agencies (LEAs) conduct each of the following types of health screenings. For each type of health screening, LEAs should ensure that appropriate protocols are followed, and staff/volunteer training is required. Vision: The TDOE strongly encourages LEAs to annually conduct vision screenings for all students in grades Pre-K, K, 2, 4, 6 and 8. LEAs may conduct vision screenings for all students in one year (or class) of high school. The TDOE also strongly recommends that LEAs annually conduct vision screenings for all students that are new to the school system and/or suspected of having a vision problem by their teachers. Hearing: The TDOE strongly encourages LEAs to annually conduct hearing screenings for all students in grades PreK, K, 2, 4, 6 and 8. LEAs may conduct hearing screenings for all students in one year (or class) of high school. The TDOE also strongly recommends that LEAs annually conduct hearing screenings for all students that are new to the school system and/or suspected of having a hearing problem by their teachers. Blood Pressure (BP): The TDOE strongly encourages LEAs to annually conduct BP screenings for all students in grades K, 2, 4, 6, 8 and one year of high school (usually wellness class). Body Mass Index (BMI) – Height and Weight: The TDOE strongly encourages LEAs to annually conduct BMI screenings for all students in grades K, 2, 4, 6, 8 and one year of high school (usually wellness class). Oral Health: The TDOE encourages LEAs to regularly screen students for oral health problems. All health screenings require active or passive parental/guardian consent. Monroe County School district uses “passive” parental permission. • “Passive” parent permission assumes parents/guardians want their child screened unless they return a signed note to the school indicating their preference to decline the screening for their child.
At this time, the CSH office is creating a screening schedule for, 1st semester. When it's completed we will send to principal's for approval/placing, on the school's master schedule. Teachers, if it's your screening day, this day won't be ideal, for a testing day. We allow for each school, to have one screening day. To help speed up the screenings process/get students back to class quickly, your cooperation when asked to screen, is greatly appreciated!
Healthy School Teams
What is a Healthy School Team?
A Healthy School team is representative of the eight components of Coordinated School Health which include; Health Education; Physical Education/Activity; Nutrition, Health Services, Healthy School Environment; School Counseling/Mental Health; Family/Community/Student Involvement; and Staff Health Promotion. Asking parents to be a member of the HST is an excellent way to engage parents in their child's health and facilitates academic success. The HST assists with the completion of the School Health Index and implementation of school-based health/safety initiatives. The leader of the HST provides feedback about the health initiatives occurring in school as well as collecting data for the Tennessee Department of Education through the Monroe County Schools Coordinated School Health Office.
School Health Index links
2023-24 School Health Index
In an effort to collect information required by the Tennessee Department of Education, Healthy School Teams will complete the School Health Index (SHI) by scoring ALL modules in the school health index links. A friendly reminder, it's state mandated that ALL schools have an active healthy school team and participate in the SHI, yearly. Team leaders are expected to set two meeting dates per year (fall and spring), for their team. CSH will pay for up to 5 subs = 1 day, per year. This day will allow to complete all school health index modules. Those will be due, the Friday before spring break each school year. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me by e-mail at: lacey@monroek12.org
Below are the links for elementary and secondary.
2024 CSH/FRC High Fives & School Supplies Event
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all who so generously donated school supplies for our "High Fives and School Supplies" event. A special thank you goes to student volunteers and SQHS Boys Basketball team! You guys were the glue, that held the day together! It's not about the things we have in life, but the things we give. Each volunteer and sponsor gave the gift, of your time!
Churches, multiple community businesses, individual donors, non profit organizations, and public health offices have ensured that each student/participant will start the school year with the school supplies they need. As of now, we've served 442 children with a back pack full of school supplies, T-Shirt, and water bottle. Participants also received a Second Harvest food bag, to take home. Also, lots of resources/health information. This year we had over 42 vendors participate, with our event!
Together we do great things!
SQHS Boys Basketball
Colorful/Happy Backpacks
Thank the lovely hosts, MPS!
Imagination Library at High Fives & School Supplies event!
We love getting the opportunity to talk with parents and kiddos about the FREE gift of books available through the Imagination Library! Last night, MCIL Board Co-chairs Debbie Michel and Kim Pennington took Dolly to check out the High Fives & School Supplies event. They had a great time!!
As always…ASK US how you can sign up for free monthly books for your kids from birth to 5!
Kindergarten Cutie Cafe
Get on our schedule! At this time, we will be accepting requests for elementary schools "Kindergarten Cutie Cafe"! A cafe that focuses on cafeteria expectations, rules, manners, and nutrition. We'd love to help assist in making lunch time easier, for your school family!
Partnering with Helping Mama's!
What's Helping Mama's? We are a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing essential baby and period products to women across East Tennessee. Helping Mamas Knoxville has served over 25,000 women and their families since 2018. We work with over 70 partner organizations that serve East Tennessee. We help to address the issue of diaper need by collecting and purchasing essential baby items then providing those items to the community through our partner organization or through our Mobile Distribution program.