September 2024

As a school of choice, our mission at Clark-Shaw Magnet School is to develop students into globally aware and productive citizens who excel academically and are responsible, courteous, life-long learners. This will be accomplished by providing a challenging curriculum in a safe and nurturing environment.
September 2024
No Demerit Day 8/30/24
Students who had not received a demerit or suspension so far this year were allowed to wear their favorite tennis shoes with their spirit shirt on Friday, August 30.
9th Grade
-TaNyhla Chukwuemeka
Carpool Reminders
Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we have welcomed new students and drivers to campus and helped familiarize with our carpool procedures. Our main goal each morning and afternoon is the safety of our students and staff as we try to be as efficient as possible. Please read the important instructions at the following link: [click here]
Bus Information
Science Fair
Science Fair is an integral part of Clark-Shaw's hands-on, inquiry-based STEM focus. Students in all grades will conduct an individual science fair project during 1st and 2nd quarters.
Check out the Clark-Shaw website for more information on science fair due dates: [click here]
-Penelope Smith
Share Your Photos!
Show some Eagle spirit and help us capture every memorable moment of the year! Send us your pictures so we can include them on social media, newsletter, website, or the yearbook. You can share back to school photos, and any other school-related pictures, at the yearbook eShare website at https://www.hjeshare.com/eShare/home?code=21021.
Email Mrs. Howell (ahowell3@mcpss.com) if you have any questions.
Thanks for sharing your back to school photos with us!
What's Happening on Campus?
Pep Rally
Our first pep rally of the year was held before the first home football game on Thursday, August 29. Team members were recognized on the football, volleyball, and flag football teams. Students enjoyed performances by the dance team and cheerleaders, as well as a friendly 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 challenge between grade levels. The 6th graders won the first spirit stick competition, and all grade levels are making plans to win it next time!
Flag Football Callouts
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 Competition
Dance Team
Welcome to our new faculty members!
-Kendall Harwell
-Mariah Irby
-Layla Roberts
-Ah'Nyla Nobles
-Sury Chirinos
-Brianna Spencer
-Evie Weeden
-Kamyah Hayes
-Kaylee Harwell
-Kerstin Tecum-Pedro
-Addyson Patrick
See You at the Pole is a time of prayer on the fourth Wednesday of September when students meet at their school flagpole, before school, to lift up their friends, families, teachers, school, and nation to God. It is student-initiated, student-organized, and student-led. Clark Shaw students and parents are welcome to join us at the flagpole Wed Sept 25th @ 6:50am for a time of student led prayer!
Registration is now open for the 7th grade field trip to Atlanta! https://travelleadersstudenttours.com/clarkshawATLANTA...
Deposit of $175 due 9/10!
All registration and payments will be made through Travel Leaders Student Tours adhering to the payment schedule set by the company. Money is nonrefundable if your student is unable to attend for any reason (including grades and behavior) or removed from the trip.
If you are interested in chaperoning, email Mrs. Howell (ahowell3@mcpss.com) the name of your student and a copy of your photo ID. There are only a couple of chaperone spots left!
Please note: any student who receives ISS or OSS before this trip will not be allowed to attend-even if the trip has been paid in full. Please speak to your child before making the commitment.
If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Howell- ahowell3@mcpss.com.
Registration is now open for the 6th grade field trip to Space Camp in Huntsville, AL!
Deposit of $150 due 9/27!
Other payment due dates are listed on the Registration form.
Registration should be filled out on the Google form. Payments will be made at school during homeroom to Mrs. Atchison with cash or check; we are also trying to get e-funds set up so that paying with a card is also an option. Registered families will receive a message as soon as it is set up. Money is nonrefundable if your student is unable to attend for any reason (including grades and behavior) or removed from the trip.
If you are interested in chaperoning, please fill out the registration form ASAP. Chaperones will be notified by Wednesday 9/18 so that they may pay for their spot by the due date.
Please note: any student who receives ISS or OSS before this trip will not be allowed to attend-even if the trip has been paid in full. Please speak to your child before making the commitment.
If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Howell- ahowell3@mcpss.com or Mrs. Atchison-abatchison@mcpss.com.
8th Grade Trip is still waiting to be approved by MCPSS.
Information will be sent out on social media and the school website as soon as we are allowed to advertise and registration is open with the travel agency.
School Fees
Parents, if you have not paid your student's $40 registration fees, please send payment to your child's homeroom teacher. Cash, money orders, or checks payable to Clark-Shaw are accepted. In addition, some elective classes collect fees. Payments for those should be given to the elective class teacher.
CSMS History Team
Our inaugural History Team met for the first time on September 4, 2024 and learned about the National History Day program and this year's theme of "Rights and Responsibilities." They also worked on determining whether a source was primary or secondary and made notes about what excited them and made them nervous surrounding their future projects. They are looking forward to selecting their project topics at the next meeting!
This month we transition to Fall. 🍂🍁 This is one of my favorite times of the year. I love watching the leaves change with that cool crisp air and knowing that the holidays are near. However, with this season also comes many new allergies, upper respiratory infections, and their symptoms. Since the start of the school year, we have been seeing things like Covid, Strep Throat, as well as Upper Respiratory infections. Please remind your student that the best way to prevent colds and infections is proper hand hygiene. You should wash your hands for at least 20 seconds using soap and water. This is one of our first defenses against the spread of infections and diseases. In addition to this, coughing or sneezing into your arm instead of your hand can help with prevention as well. Please remember that with any illness your student should remain home until they are 24 hours fever free without fever reducing medication. Please also remember, if your student is absent from school that they will need a parent note or a doctor’s note upon returning. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at 221-2106 or email me at jhwalker@mcpss.com.
Jolene Walker, RN
Multicultural Moment
Mrs. Jimenez, foreign languages teacher
Join in celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month by attending the 2024 Mobile Latin Festival
Purpose: a fundraiser for the Hispanic American Business Association of the Gulf Coast to provide scholarships to local Hispanic students
Date: Saturday, October 12, 2024
Time: 12:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Place: Mardi Gras Park (114 S. Royal Street, Mobile, AL 36602)
Cost: FREE!!!
Recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month
Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America.
The observation started in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week under President Lyndon Johnson and was expanded by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 to cover a 30-day period starting on September 15 and ending on October 15. It was enacted into law on August 17, 1988, on the approval of Public Law 100-402.
The day of September 15 is significant because it is the anniversary of independence for Latin American countries Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on September 16 and September18, respectively. Also, Columbus Day or Día de la Raza, which is October 12, falls within this 30 day period.
Tickets to Athletic Events
With our football and volleyball seasons about to begin, please remember that tickets can be purchased through Go Fan at the following link: [click here]. Go Fan tickets will be turned on the day before the game. Tickets will also be sold for cash at the door or gates this year. Come out and support our student athletes!
Go Eagles!!
Game Scores
Important Dates- 1st Quarter
September 2- Labor Day (NO SCHOOL)
September 9- Open House @ 6 PM/ Title 1 Parent Meeting before @ 5PM
September 16- Teacher Professional Development Day (NO SCHOOL)
September 30- Virtual Day (details TBA)
October 3- Homecoming Football Game @ 4 PM
October 4- GLOW-CO Homecoming Dance sponsored by PTA
October 11- Last Day of 1st Quarter
October 14- Teacher Work Day (NO SCHOOL)
October 15- 1st Day of 2nd Quarter
Our PTA needs you!
To access the PTA store (spirit items, memberships, etc.): https://clark-shaw-magnet-school-pta.square.site/s/shop
Follow them on Facebook: Clark Shaw PTA
Have a question? Email them at clarkshawpta1@gmail.com.
PTA is pleased to announce that homecoming will be glowing this year @ GLOWCO 2024!
Where: Clark Shaw Magnet School Gym
When: Friday, October 4, 2024
6th and 7th graders 5pm - 6:30pm
8th and 9th graders 7pm - 8:30pm
Dress code:****All students must be dressed appropriately *****
Girls: Age appropriate dresses. (No spaghetti straps, cleavage showing, or too short skirts allowed)
Boys: shirts with collars and dress slacks (no T-shirts or jeans allowed)
****All students must wear tennis shoes*****
ELA teachers are available for questions regarding the dress code
Tickets can be purchased through the PTA online store at
Last day to purchase tickets will be Wednesday, October 2, 2024. Tickets will be distributed to homerooms the week of the dance. Make sure you put the correct grade, student's name, and homeroom teacher on the ticket order.
**When ordering multiple tickets, please put them in your online cart one ticket at a time**
Ticket purchases are non-refundable!!
Connect with Clark-Shaw on Social Media
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clarkshawmagnet
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clarkshawmagnet_eagles @clarkshawmagnet_eagles
Website: https://clarkshawmagnet.com
Your child's teachers and the entire staff here at Clark-Shaw are committed to your child's success.
Please let us know how we can serve you!
Timesha Taylor-Jackson, Principal
September Newsletter compiled by Alecia Howell, ahowell3@mcpss.com, with assistance from the Journalism Class