SAU #34 Community News
March 2024

SAU #34 Community Newsletter
Please scroll down to access a wide range of information and links about what is happening all across SAU #34.
If you have trouble opening any of the links, please scroll to the top and click on the picture of the SAU sign. That will bring you out of the email preview and into the actual newsletter, all the links will work from there.
Changes to the March School Calendar
Several months ago both the Washington and Hillsboro-Deering School Boards Approved changes to the School Calendar for March.
Tuesday, March 12th is Family - Teacher Conference Day in all SAU # 34 Schools. Conferences are available between 10am and 6pm. Please contact your student's school to schedule a conference time.
There will be no early release in March.
Friday, March 22nd is a Professional Development Day for staff and there is no school for students.
PDFS of the Full School Calendars are linked are linked at the bottom of this newsletter.
Upcoming Important Dates
- March 4 Hillsboro-Deering School Board Meeting 6pm H-DES Library Media Center
- March 7 H-DES Family Education & Activity Night (FEAN) 5-6pm
- March 7 H-DHS Winter Sports Awards 6-7:30pm
- March 8 H-DES Penny Sale 5-9:30pm
- March 12 Family - Teacher Conferences at all SAU 34 School 10am - 6pm
- Please call your student's school to make an appointment
- March 9 Washington School District Annual Meeting 9am WES
- March 12 Windsor School District Annual Town Meeting 6pm Windsor Town Hall
- March 12 Ballot Voting Hillsboro-Deering School DIstrict
- Hillsboro: H-DMS 7am - 7pm
- Deering: Deering Town Hall 8am - 7pm
- March 14 District Choral Concert H-DMS 6-9pm
- March 18 Hillsboro-Deering School Board Meeting 6pm H-DES Library Media Center
- March 22 SAU 34 Professional Development Day - No School for Students
SAU #34 Website Calendar
The calendar on the SAU website provides a user-friendly way to selectable event views by building.
By clicking on the calendar name on the left-hand panel, you can hide that particular calendar's events from the larger view. You also can subscribe to a calendar to receive updates and changes to events.
News from Across SAU # 34
Student Recognitions Shared at Recent School Board Meetings
Waylen Ostertag
Waylen is a preschool student. Waylen is a wonderful friend who demonstrates kindness and caring to his fellow classmates. Waylen always follows directions and puts forth his best effort in all that he does.
Harrison Stith
Harrison is a hard worker and has shown tremendous growth this year! He has taken ownership of his learning and has made great progress with reading! He is helpful in the classroom and has a caring heart towards others!
Parker Raymond
Parker is always kind, caring and helpful to his classmates. He always challenges himself in his academics and participates in class discussions.
Holli Hargreaves
Holli is an 8th Grade student who designed the school logo for the music department concert polo shirts.
The High School would recognized all the DECA students that attended the state competition last week. We are so proud of their accomplishments.
Earned Medals in their event:
Julianne Labier - Hotel and Lodging Management
Peter Beane - Human Resources Management
Jack Hebert - Retail Merchandising
Jack Harrington - Entrepreneurship
Mason Ferwerda - Entrepreneurship
Earned a medal and received a plaque for 3rd Place in NH:
Eva Contreras - Marketing Communications
Earned plaques for their overall final placement:
Noah Harrington - 2nd Place NH Hospitality and Tourism Operations Research Event
Liana Swirko and Phoebe Inselman - 3rd Place NH Project Management - Business Solutions
Isabel Swirko - 3rd Place NH Project Management - Career Development
Kylie Urban, Alyssia Spencer, Katelyn Franklin - 1st place NH Franchise Business Plan
End 68 Hours of Hunger
Food For Families Event a Great Success!
On February 21st, HDMS hosted the first annual Food for Families event to benefit the Hillsboro-Deering Chapter of End68 Hours of Hunger. The event was a tremendous success, successfully raising $519 dollars in money donations, and nearly double that in food donations. The food and money will both directly be used to get food in the hands of students and families who are suffering from food insecurity. We were fortunate enough to receive food contributions that included Taco Beyondo's delicious beef and chicken buffet, and a spicy Southern delight in the form of Jambalaya from Tooky Mills. The event was staffed by a large number of HDMS staff and students, as well as a large number of our newly minted Hillcat football players, and attended by a large number of community members. The event was organized by 7th Grade Social Studies Teacher, Jonathan Young.
School Food & Nutrition Program
March 4-8 is 2024 National School Breakfast Week!
Hello Hillsboro-Deering Families,
March 4-8 is 2024 National School Breakfast Week! NSBW celebrates the importance of nutritious school breakfast in fueling students for success.
We will be mixing up some breakfast and lunch options for the week. We are also going to offer some fun fruit selections to test as fresh fruits are an important part of a healthy school breakfast offering essential nutrients such as Vitamin C that help keep your immune system strong. Don’t worry, we will also have the standard items.
Some new and/or fun items:
Fruit Smoothies
Rainbow Bagels
Cereal-Topped Whole Grain Baked Donuts
Ham, Egg, & Cheese Breakfast Sandwiches
Breakfast Pizza
Did you know children who eat breakfast are more likely to….
Reach higher levels of achievement in reading and math
Score higher on standardized tests
Have better concentration and memory
Be more alert and maintain a healthy weight
(Facts from the SNA Breakfast Week 2024)
At H-DSD, we served students with over 30,000 breakfasts last school year and over 17,000 breakfasts so far this year. School breakfast reaches 14.7 million students in approximately 90,000 schools nationwide! We are fortunate to be part of such a large, national program! We are excited to be at the start of so many student’s school days.
Have a great week and we hope to see your students for NSBW!
- Anna
Anna Muncy
Food & Nutrition Program Director
Hillsboro-Deering School District / SAU #34
(603)-464-1160 | amuncy@hdsd.org
6 Hillcat Drive Hillsboro NH 03244
If you have any questions about the School Food & Nutrition Program, or need assistance filling out forms or setting up an account, please contact Anna Muncy Food & Nutrition Program Director.
Hillsboro-Deering School District / SAU #34
(603)-464-1160 | amuncy@hdsd.org
6 Hillcat Drive Hillsboro NH 03244
School District Budget Information
The Work to build the school budgets for the 2024-2025 School Year is underway. This is a complex process with four separate fiscal entities, each with their own budget across SAU #34. Each budget process has its own timeline, based on requirements outlined in state law.
The four fiscal entities in SAU#34 are:
- The School Administrative Unit (SAU) is responsible for the oversight, management, and accountability reporting for all operational, business, and human resource functions for the three school districts. The budget of the SAU is voted on as a separate warrant article in all four towns, and the cost is divided among the the three member districts using the apportionment formula.
- The Hillsboro-Deering Cooperative School District provides programming for students from pre-school through age 22, and operates three schools located on the main campus in Hillsboro, as well as an alternative program located on a rented property in Deering.
- The Washington School District provides programming from early learning through age 22, with early learning through grade five at Washington Elementary School and grades 6 and beyond tuitioned to Hillsboro-Deering.
- The Windsor School District provides programing for pre-school through age 22, with all students tutioned to the Hillsboro-Deering Schools.
As the budget process unfolds there are multiple opportunities for community members to provide input and share their comments with the school boards. Please click the links below a view the budget timelines, proposed 2024-2025 budgets, and other information. These pages will be consistently updated throughout the school budgeting process.
SAU # 34 Budget Information
Hillsboro-Deering Cooperative School District Budget Information
Washington School District Budget Information
Windsor School District Budget Information
Free Covid-19 Test Available - Contact Your School Nurse
The School Nurses have Free Over the Counter Covid-19 Tests available for Families and Staff. Please contact your school nurse if you need some.
- Washington Elementary School:
- James Rhodes 603-495-3463 mailto: jrhodes@hdsd.org
- Hillsboro-Deering Elementary School:
- Diana Merriam 603-464-1311 mailto:dmerriam@hdsd.org
- Hillsboro-Deering Middle School:
- Sharon Gamache 603-464-1275 mailto:sgamache@hdsd.org
- Hillsboro-Deering High School:
- HeatherAnn Labier 603-464-1290 mailto:hlabier@hdsd.org
There are also a few winter coats still available for any student in need thanks to the generosity of the local Knights of Columbus!
Powerschool Parent Portal
The Powerschool Parent Portal provides families with a wealth of up to date information about their student's school experience.
All families should have received an email with a personalized link to sign in to the Parent Portal.
It is very important that all families use the Parent Portal to update their student registration information and permissions.
If you are having any difficulty accessing the Parent Portal please reach out to Neal Richardson, Director of Technology at nrichardson@hdsd.org so he can assist you.
All Around SAU 34
Check out the school newsletters and facebook pages for lots of great pictures and information about what is happening all across SAU 34!
SAU # 34 Website
Savings Account program
Let's get ready for school!
Parents and Other Adults: How do we Support Children Who are Struggling?
Panelists discuss how to be part of the solution for young people with mental illness
Students in grades 3-8 and 11th grade participate in the NH State Assessment.
SAU 34 Portrait of a Graduate
Click the icon to view the Portrait of a Graduate
SAU 34 Strategic Plan
Click the icon to view the Strategic Plan
Revised Calendars for the 2023-2024 School Year
Both the Hillsboro-Deering and Washington School Boards approved revisions to the 2023-2024 School DIstrict Calendars. PDFs of those calendars with the changes in red font with yellow highlighting are linked at the bottom of this newsletter.
The changes include:
- March 12th will be Parent Teacher Conferences from 10am - 6pm.
- Thursday, March 21st will be a regular school day
- Friday, March 22 will be a Professional Development Day, no school for students
- Wednesday, April 3rd will be a regular school day