Career Center Newsletter
October 2018
No School - October 15th, 22nd and 29th
CAREER FAIR and Parent Teacher Conferences at The Career Center on October 22, 2018 from 8 - 4:00
*** ALL HIGH SCHOOLS & STUDENTS INVITED *** We would like to invite all MCVSD51 High school students to join us on October 22, 2018 from 8-4:00 for a Career Fair. Career Center staff will be here to meet with parents as we celebrate the end of the first quarter.
Students and parents may come throughout the day to get information about the programs that WCCC has to offer. Further, we will provide information about FAFSA, scholarships, and admission to colleges. We will have experts here to support you as you apply for all of these programs online.
It is our goal to help students feel confident in their career & college choice as they move to post secondary options.
Early Childhood Profession
The Early Childhood Profession classroom has been very busy during this past month. We are proud to announce that we have 27 students who have completed their Standard Precautions certification along with 28 students who have completed their Food Handler's card.
Currently we are taking the following child care certification courses: 1st Aide/CPR and Child Abuse reporting. ECP students also have completed registration in the state wide child care system program which assists them in their professional development in this field of study.
In addition to the above students continue to work hard to implement their art lesson plans and work daily on learning how to positively work with young children in their preschool environment.
Valeria Cardenas Coronado
Career Center students win big at state
SkillsUSA medal winners from the Career Center celebrated their wins at the state-level SkillsUSA competition and the school's Penny War win among Colorado schools with SkillsUSA programs Oct. 1, 2018, by throwing pies at Principal Cam Wyatt and teacher Carol Cooper
At Monday’s celebration, students received their medals they earned at the 2018 SkillsUSA State Leadership and Skills Conference earlier this year in Colorado Springs.
The winners are:
* Jessica Bernal-Lima (Bronze - First Aid/CPR)
* Kennedy Cavanee (Gold - Promotional Bulletin Board)
* Nathaniel Doty (Silver - Power Equipment Tech)
* Jamie Martin (Gold - Promotional Bulletin Board, Gold - Action Skills)
* Trenton Oberding (Gold - Power Equipment Tech)