December 2024
Happy Holidays!
As I reflect on 2024, I feel so proud of this group of GT students and how they have grown. I also feel incredibly blessed to be in this position serving Bransford Elementary and grateful to have families as supportive as you! Thank you for sharing your children with me. I couldn't love being with them more!
Kindergarten - 4th Grade ASPIRE and GT Referrals
GT Progress Reports
GT Progress Reports are coming home this week. Be sure to take out the progress report, sign the envelope, and return the empty envelope to school.
Also, I want to remind you that students will receive a "4" if they have mastered a skill as we would expect them to by the END of the grade level. At this middle point in the year, your student is on track if they have a "3." Expect to see mostly 3's if your child is on track and know that any 4's show an area of strength.
Classroom Happenings
1st Grade
In 1st grade, we have been recording videos for the announcements to share what is in the Lost and Found. We are hoping to see the number of items dwindle as we do this regularly!
They also enjoyed getting to try some logic puzzles and holiday-themed creativity tasks.
2nd Grade
2nd grade GT LEADers used simple machine knowledge to design and present a wolf trap. They had some fantastic ideas!
3rd Grade
3rd Grade GT LEADers wrote a story with creative alliteration to go with their creations they made in November. They did a great job adding to their stories and getting creative with their word choice!
4th Grade
Fourth grade GT LEADers finished working through our Detective School unit. They put their detective skills to the test as they solved several fictional mysteries.
5th Grade
In 5th grade, they just about completed working on independent research projects. I'll meet with them in January so we can complete their presentations and present. It has been really neat to watch them research the wide variety of interests in our room!
GT LEAD Schedule
1st Grade
Mondays 11:35-12:25
Fridays 12:30-1:10
2nd Grade
Mondays 1:00-2:00
Thursdays 8:25-9:25
3rd Grade
Kaufmann and Flink
Mondays 2:00-3:00
Wednesdays 10:25-11:25
Mondays 10:20-11:20
Wednesdays 7:50-8:50
4th Grade
Thursdays 11:10-12:10 and 1:30-3:00
5th Grade
Wednesdays 9:25-10:25
Fridays 1:30-3:00