Family Newsletter
Cleveland STEM High School

January 24, 2025
Hello Cleveland Families!
Thank you to the many students and families who joined us last night for our "Plan For Your Future" event, where we encouraged students to register for dual credit opportunities at Cleveland. Dual credit courses allow students to earn college credits within the safe confines of our school, where Cleveland staff are ready and available to support their thriving. Over the first couple of weeks in February, students will register for classes for the 25-26 school year. Please be sure to check in with your student about which classes they hope to take next year!
Principal Jeff Lam
Assistant Principal Jacklyn Cable
Assistant Principal Laura Roesener
Admin Intern Joseph Mingo
Upcoming Dates and Events
- 1/28 | Last day of 1st semester
- 1/30 | Running Start Information Session (11:40 - 12:15)
- 2/5 | Lunar New Year Celebration (5:30 - 8:00 pm)
- 2/8 | Open house for Prospective Students & Families
- 2/8 | Winter Formal Dance (7:00 - 10:00 pm, at Cleveland)
- 2/11 | Eagle for a Day (for prospective 8th grade students)
- 2/17 | Semester 1 grade are live on the Source
Important Info to Know
Registration for 25-26 School Year is Here!
The online class registration portal in the Source will open January 29th where students will pick their courses for the 2025-2026 school year. On Wednesday 1/29 counselors will be giving a registration lesson in advisory to help students learn to use the portal and select classes for next year. The attachments and links below are guides to help students pick and register for classes. Counselors will be meeting with students individually in Humanities from Feb 3- Feb 14, to help ensure that all students have filled out the online class registration and it is aligned with their High School graduation requirements.
Registration Materials and Steps:
- The online registration directions link: Course Registration Directions 2025-2026
- Here is the Registration Handbook 25-26 so that you can read more about courses that are available.
- Watch the SPS Online Registration Video: https://vimeo.com/410821529 presentation. Please note that this is the SPS video and students actually will need 8 credits at Cleveland instead of the 6 mentioned in this video. Also note that students are only picking their elective classes and science (current 10th and 11th graders). Required courses (humanities, pathway, math, 10th grade science will be added in for them by Ms. Tagupa)
- Students log in to the Source and complete course registration with a guardian prior to Feb 3rd, or at the latest, on the day counselors will go into their humanities class. If a course is yearlong, make sure to select both A and B or 1 and 2 to ensure they are registering for both semesters. Example: for Chinese 3, select Chinese 3a AND Chinese 3 B. Or for AP Chemistry, Select AP Chem 1 AND AP Chem 2
Partner with PTSA to support Cleveland's Winter Formal dance!
Cleveland High School PTSA is excited to support students as they plan the annual Winter Formal dance, which will be Saturday, February 8th from 7:00pm-10pm at the school. Students need our help to make it a successful event and here are 3 ways to get involved.
- Volunteer at the event. We need PTSA volunteers to help set up, act as chaperones, staff coat check, and serve food so students can fully enjoy Homecoming. If you would like to join us in person to help, please sign up here.
- Bake or buy a sweet treat for students. Cleveland PTSA is providing sweet treats for students at the Winter Formal dance, and we're looking for contributions of cupcakes, cookies, doughnuts, candy, etc. Learn more and sign up here.
The PTSA needs your help with planning the upcoming spring fundraiser, if you are interested please sign up here.
You are invited to the February 11th PTSA Member Meeting on Zoom at 6pm
Meeting ID 676 604 9258
All Families: please take a moment to complete the Child Nutrition Eligibility and Education Benefits Application
Please take a moment and complete CNEEP form here. We need all families to complete this form, regardless of your income level.
As we enter into a challenging budget season, the data collected from this form will have a significant impact on how much funding receive. We appreciate you taking the time to fill out this survey today!
Sign up for group counseling sessions for 2nd semester
Are you interested in having your child be in confidential, free counseling groups this semester? Cleveland is offering several different counseling groups which will take place on a rotating schedule during the school day starting in February with mental health counselors through Therapeutic Health Services, Atlantic St. Counseling, as well as Cleveland counseling and social work interns. Parents/guardians can refer on the child's behalf and counselors will check in with student. Students can also self refer to a group.
Running Start Student Info Session
Running Start is an optional program that allows students in 11th and 12th grade to take college courses at Washington’s 2-year and technical colleges and receive high school and college credit at the same time. Running Start tuition is free. Students will need to pay for books, class fees, and transportation to the college. Fee waivers are available for students eligible for Free or Reduced Lunch. Click here for more info.
Current 10th and 11th grade students interested in joining Running Start should attend the mandatory information session:
- Thursday January 30th during lunch (11:40-12:10) in the Auditorium
- Thursday February 27th during lunch (11:40-12:10) in the Auditorium
The end of the semester is January 28th
First semester ends on 1/28, and second semester will begin 1/29. Be sure to check the Source so you are aware of their current grades and can see any schedule changes they may have for next semester.
Open house for prospective students is 2/8, from 10:30 - 12:00
Please share with your networks, Our School Open house for prospective students will be Feb 8th, 2025 from 10:30-12:00pm. More information and how to RSVP can be found on this link.
Attention all Seniors: The Seattle Promise Scholarship application and Seattle Colleges Admissions applications are Open!
Both applications are due February 14, 2025. We strongly encourage ALL seniors to complete both applications as soon as possible to guarantee access to two FREE years of college. It also ensures students have ample time to complete additional steps in the enrollment process.
Click here to view the Seattle Promise Application
Interpreted Application Workshops - Happening Now!
To support students and families with the Seattle Promise and Seattle Colleges applications, Seattle Colleges are hosting virtual Application Workshops with interpreters for a variety of languages available. These sessions are designed to walk students through the application process and answer any questions they may have.
We encourage your senior to attend one of these workshops if they need guidance on completing their applications.
Get involved with CHS Athletics!
Click here to learn more about Cleveland athletics opportunities, contact information, athletics registration, and game schedules.