News From The Grizzlies' Den
With Dr. Erin Stephen
Week of January 27th
Dear Greystone Families,
As we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., this is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the values he championed—kindness, equality, and courage. At Greystone, we are committed to fostering a culture of kindness and inclusion. This month, we encourage our students to reflect on what it means to be kind and how small, thoughtful actions can make a big difference in our school and community. Dr. King believed in the power of collective action, and we are so proud of how our students work together to support and uplift one another. We invite you to join us in encouraging conversations at home about kindness, fairness, and standing up for what is right. Together, we can continue to inspire our children to lead with empathy and create a brighter future for all.
Thank you for your continued support in helping us nurture a positive and inclusive school environment.
It's a great day to be a grizzly!
Important Upcoming Dates
1/31: Bingo Night @ GES (more information below)
2/3-2/7: National School Counseling Week Spirit Week
2/11: Culture Day (2/20 Snow Date)
2/14: Half Day
2/17: No School
3/5-3/7: Spring Conferences
***The Philadelphia Union Soccer Club will reschedule for April***
Please see flyer below for links
5th Grade Parent Corner
Downloadable attachment below
Lost and Found - Last Call
Our Lost and Found is overflowing with jackets, lunchboxes, and other items looking for their owners! Please take a moment to check the Lost and Found for any belongings your child may have misplaced. Items that are not claimed by the end of the month will be donated to a local charity. Thank you for helping us keep our school organized and supporting those in need!
Attendance with Mary Platt
District Attendance Updates
We have some important updates to share regarding attendance and communication:
Note Submission Options: Caregivers can now submit parent notes for absences through Pickup Patrol and Talking Points messages. We will continue to accept emails and handwritten notes. We hope this makes it easier for you to keep us informed!
Automated Phone Calls: Automated phone calls will be sent to caregivers of students with unexcused (LAW) absences at 10:00 AM each morning. This will help keep you updated on your child's attendance. If this automated call ever feels inaccurate, please contact our main office.
New Email for Parent Notes: We have established a new email address for submitting parent notes: GESattendance@wcasd.k12.pa.us. Our school secretaries will receive emails to this address which will ensure a smooth communication process.
Early Dismissal and Tardiness Change: Eight (8) unlawful lateness and/or early dismissals will considered one (1) unlawful absence in grades K-5
Nurse Exclusion Policy: We’ve added a new policy for nurse exclusions (NN). If the school nurse advises a student to stay home the following day, this will now be considered an excused absence.
Thank you for your cooperation as we implement these changes to enhance our attendance processes.
PTO's Corner
Bingo Night
Limited Registration is OPEN for GES Bingo Night on Friday, January 31st (snow date of Friday, February 7th). There will be two sessions at 5pm and 645pm. Come join in the fun! There will be great prizes as well as some of your favorite GES Staff Bingo callers!
Registration Link: https://www.greystonepto.com/form/m/315446
Interested in Volunteering to Help with Bingo Night? Click here to signup: https://www.greystonepto.com/volunteer/141257
Culture Day
The second annual Culture Day is coming up on February 11th! We cannot wait to celebrate all of the international cultures represented within our GES community.
So that we can be sure to include all of the countries our students and families originate from and/or have spent time being culturally-immersed in, parents and guardians please take a moment to fill out this quick survey.
Survey: https://s.surveyplanet.com/qkv27cha Encuesta: https://s.surveyplanet.com/3rl5r2pd
Thank you, gracias, grazie, danke, 谢谢, arigato, merci!
January Recess Volunteer Link: https://www.greystonepto.com/volunteer/141496
If you are scheduled for recess volunteer and we need to call indoor recess we will need to reschedule parent help!
Carline Procedure Reminders
Car Line
Our number one concern during pick up and drop off is safety! We want to make sure all students are safe. While these procedures are not new, this is a new school year and it is always good to review. Please remember that we are a school zone and we should be patient and kind as drivers.
Student Drop-Off
Student drop-off will take in the smaller loop outside the gym. Students being driven to school will be dropped off along the sidewalk.
■ When dropping off, drivers should pull all the way along the sidewalk.
■ Please have your child exit on the passenger side of the car for their safety.
■ A staff member will be at the door to usher students inside.
■ Students may be dropped off between 8:30 am and 9:00 am.
■ After 9:05, students will need to be signed in at our main office.
■ Parents should remain in their cars throughout this process.
■ If you child need extra time or assistance getting out of the car please park in one of the parking spots to help them.
Student Pick-Up
We will do our best to make this process fast and smooth. Please remain in your cars, keep moving, and follow directions given by the staff members on duty.
■ Dismissal begins at 3:30. Please do not enter the car loop until 3:20
■ When picking-up, drivers should enter the large loop by the main entrance.
■ If your child needs help getting buckled or getting into the car we ask that you park to give yourself and your child the additional time.
■ A staff member will be outside to track the students’ names.
■ Students will be dismissed and exit the gym doors, and walk directly to their cars.
■ Staff members will guide students to their cars.
■ Once students are safely in the cars, parents should safely exit the car loop.
■ Please wait patiently for the car in front of you to move. We should never pass on the left for student safety.
■ Parents should remain in their cars throughout this process.
If you did not remember to change pick up patrol to parent pick-up ahead of time, please park and go to the office and your student will be called to meet you. The school MUST know by 2pm if you are changing your pick up plans and are planning to pick up in carline.
Pick Up Patrol
Our school uses Pickup Patrol for parents to report absences and communicate dismissal plan changes. All Change must be made by 2pm for the teacher to get notification
Notes, emails or phone calls are not accepted for changes, except in emergencies.
RETURNING PARENTS: If you have not done so already please enter and confirm your students default plan. For a safe dismissal, it’s essential that we know your student’s regular daily dismissal plans.
NEW PARENTS: Please reach out to the main office if you have not received a registration email. The PUP web app is free for parents, and you can use it from your smartphone or computer. Instructions for how to add the app to your phone are included in the registration email.
Thank you for using PickUp Patrol to make safety a priority and to ensure our dismissal process is efficient for all our students. If you have any questions, please check the PUP Parent Guide. If you still need help, contact the office.
Greystone Elementary School
Dr. Erin Stephen
Email: EStephen@wcasd.net
Phone: 484-266-2300
Address: 1195 Aram Ave, West Chester, Pa 19380
Instagram: @GreystoneGrizzilies