Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 27th January 2023
Learning through forest schools
Forest School Fun in Year 4
Year 5 Art
Exploring passover in Year 2
In RE this week, Year 2 were taste testing the ingredients of a Seder Plate which is a Jewish meal that is shared during the celebration of Passover.
We tried Maror and Chazeret (lettuce and grated parsnip), Charoset (a mixture of apples and pears), Karpas (parsley), Zeroa (lamb shank), Beitzah (hard-boiled egg) and Matzah (flat bread).
The class talked about the different flavours and what each piece of food on the plate represented. Everyone was really brave and tried everything on their plate even if they thought they wouldn’t like it.
“My favourite thing to eat was the egg because it represents the cycle of life.” – Mercedes
“My favourite thing to eat was the parsley because it represents the flourishing of the Israelites and that’s exactly like our school value.” – Harvey
“My favourite thing to eat was the lamb because it represents sacrifice and showed God who not to harm on the night of the tenth plague. It was also really tasty and I haven’t ever tried lamb before!” – Rosie
Super science in Year 1
Open the Book - Jesus in the temple
Question of the Week
We had some great ideas.
'Angels are guardians to everyone.' Year 4
'They can be light in the darkness and holy messengers.' Year 4
'They are spirits and lights of hope.' Year 1
'They are God's staff.' Year 3
'Angels are symbols of peace.' Year 3
'They are magical beings, they care, give comfort and support.' Year 3
'Angels are loving, caring and beautiful.' Reception
'Angels help God and and help us to do the right thing.' Year 2
'Angels respond in times of need.' Year 2
'Angels are God's love. The live in heaven.' Year 5
'Angels are everywhere and always with us.' Year 6
'Angels can be within good people showing love and care.' Year 6
'They are spirits and special and all around.' Year 6
Stars of the Week
Emelia for her fabulous effort playing instruments and keeping to the beat.
Martha for putting super effort into all of her learning and for always having beautiful manners. What an excellent role model to others.
Year 1
Natasza for building resilience when work is particularly challenging. You are always a star Natasza.
Year 2
George for persevering when challenged, putting in 100% effort when having to work independently and coming up with brilliant ideas in RE.
Year 3
Amelia for her enthusiasm and extra work at home to write a script for our class worship.
Year 4
Danny for having a positive mindset, seeking ways to improve and always listening to feedback.
Year 5
Lexi for an excellent attitude towards her class work, particularly her work with division and her knowledge of hyphens.
Year 6
Jack for increased effort and participation in class leading to an improvement in his work, particularly in mathematics.
School Update
Parent Consultations
We will be having parent consultations after the half term break. These will run as they did in the autumn term. Parents and carers will have an opportunity to look at children's work after school and we will provide a mid year report. After half term we will send a link via email and text so that parents can book either an online or face to face appointment.
Dates for consultations:
Tuesday 28th February and Wednesday 1st March
Drinks and sweets
Please can we remind parents and carers that children should not be bringing pop or hydration drinks like Prime into school. We also do ask that sweets are chocolate bars are not included in lunch boxes. Children are encouraged to bring water and also fruit to have as a snack at morning break.
Many thanks for your continued support
Steven Holmes
Dates for Diaries
Wednesday 1st February at 9am - Year 3 Class Worship
Tuesday 7th February at 5.30pm - Parents meeting for London
Wednesday 8th February at 9am - Year 5 Class Worship
Friday 10th February - School closes for the half term break
Monday 20th February - School opens
Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd February - Book look after school
Wednesday 22nd February at 9am- Year 2 Class Worship
Thursday 23rd February - Spring Reports to be sent home
Tuesday 28th February - Parent Consultations
Wednesday 1st March - Parent Consultations
Wednesday 1st March at 9am - Year 1 Class Worship
Thursday 7th March - Year 4 visit Jorvik and Dig
Tuesday 14th March - Year 3 visit Murton Park for a Roman day
Wednesday 15th March at 9am - Reception Class Worship
Wednesday 22nd to Friday 24th March - Year 6 London visit
Tuesday 28th March - Easter Service in the Cathedral (TBC)
Friday 31st March - Music Concert
Friday 31st March - School closes for the Easter holidays
Oscar's Easter Holiday Club - dates to be confirmed
Monday 16th April - School opens for the summer term
Community news
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Website: www.riponcathedralschool.org.uk
Location: HG41LT, United Kingdom
Phone: 01765 602355
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Twitter: @riponcathschool