RMS Wildcat Weekly
Week of August 31, 2020
Contact Us
Find Their Purpose & Fuel Their Passion
Our Vision:
Renaissance Middle School prepares students to achieve their dreams by charting a path to their purpose.
Email: hawkc@fultonschools.org
Website: www.renaissancemiddle.com
Location: 7155 Hall Road, Fairburn, GA, United States
Phone: (470)254-4330
Twitter: @RMS_Wildcats
We've Got RMS Spirit! How about you?
It's time to show our Wildcat Spirit next week!
Please see the attached flyer so that our scholars can participate as well. We can share our spirit week pictures on Twitter by including @RMS_Wildcats.
Questions about the reopening of schools?
Please click the link below
Let's Get Our Devices geared up for the start of school!
Wildcat Parents,
With the 2020-2021 school year well underway it is our goal to ensure that all RMS scholars have access to a school-issued device. If your scholar has not received their school-issued device, please CLICK HERE to schedule an appointment for pick up. The link provided is only to be utilized to schedule device pick up for scholars who do not currently have a Fulton County Schools issued device. Devices will be issued Monday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. by appointment only. Devices will be deployed from the cafeteria which is located on the school’s bus loading side of the building (second parking lot). The device coordinator will provide curbside service, so we are asking that you do not exit your vehicle.
Also, effective immediately, we will no longer be able to swap out devices or parts (chargers/keyboard) for devices at the school level. All inquiries for device technical support will be handled through the FCS Hotline. Please direct all device issues (login issues/password resets) or hardware issues (device locked, stop working, cracked screen, keyboard not working) to the FCS Hotline at 470-254-2300. Wait times may be longer than usual, as the representatives are servicing the entire district, so please be patient. If your call is disconnected please try again.
If you have questions or concerns in reference to device deployment or scheduling a pick up please contact Ms. Miller-Axam at millerj12@fultonschools.org. Thank you and have a wonderful week of instruction.
Universal Remote Learning Schedule
Is It an A-day or a B-day...Please see the calendar below!
What is RMS PBIS?
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based three-tiered framework for improving and integrating all the data, systems, and practices affecting student outcomes academically, socially, and emotionally every day. Renaissance Middle School has been a PBIS Distinguished School for the last two years and we are committed to providing a culture where students are able to find their purpose by fueling their passion.
How Will PBIS work with URL?
Just as in a regular classroom, expectations will be built on a foundation of accountability that is predictable and consistent. Students will know the positive and negative consequences of their virtual actions. The accountability program will be equitable for all students, regardless of their home environment and resources. We will as a school provide students with immediate behavioral feedback and reinforcement. We will set clear and concrete expectations for our students, just as we would in a regular face-to-face classroom by providing them the expectations through modeling and with visual matrices.
CLICK BELOW FOR the 20-21 "who do I contact" list
School Nutrition
Apply Today!
Did you know free & reduced-price meal applications benefit your family and your school?! Families may qualify for free or reduced-price school breakfast & lunch. If you have not already completed a Free and Reduced application, or if your income has decreased for any reason since you last applied or if your household size has increased, please take this opportunity to complete the attached application. A new application must be filled out every year. Only one application is needed per household.
Beginning July 27, 2020 apply online at: www.fulton.schoollunchapp.com
It’s easy & takes only minutes to complete!Community Corner
Please see the reminders and flyers below for events that are happening throughout our community! If you have an event that you like to be included in the community corner, please email Diantha Parker at parkerd3@fultonschools.org