Horizon Happenings
Breezy fall days are a great time to learn!
October Parent/Guardian Letter!
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Now that school is well underway we need to remind parents of a few simple safety rules. PLEASE be sure to check in in the office every single time you want to proceed through the first set of doors to find out if you are able to go to your destination or not. For example, parents and guests are no longer aloud to the classrooms or on the playground.
However, grown ups are allowed to attend breakfast with their child at 7:45a.m. IF they check in in the office first. We need to have a secure and safe environment for your child as this is a top priority of Horizon Elementary.
Also, breakfast starts at 7:45. If you are bringing your child in to breakfast please come at 7:45 as they need to be able to finish eating PRIOR to school starting at 8:05am. They need to be in class at 8:05 am. Thank you for your cooperation with this.
See you soon!
Jill Taylor, Principal
Amber Boone, Vice Principal
No School Friday, October 18th and 25th
- Please remember that there is NO SCHOOL for your student on Friday, October 18th and 25th!
- No work for Paraprofessionals
- This is a teacher work day!
Molly Wright: How Every Child Can Thrive by Five | TED
Meet New to Horizon Teacher
Mrs. Ann Winder
- I moved to Jerome eight years ago with my wonderful husband and our three amazing children.
- I have a Bachelors in Accounting from Utah State University.
- I got my teaching license eight years ago when I started teaching the 5th grade at Summit Elementary.
- This year I moved to Horizon Elementary to continue teaching the 5th grade and I am so excited to work with the fantastic students the go to this marvelous school.
Meet New to Horizon Teacher
Mr. Brad Winder
- I was raised in the small desert town of Blanding, Utah.
- I spent my very hot summers reading at the library and swimming at the town swimming pool.
- Occasionally, my friends and I would go adventuring in the canyons and lakes near town.
- I met my amazing wife while attending Utah State University.
- I taught one year in Colorado and then 10 more in Utah before moving to Jerome 8 years ago.
- I love traveling all over with my wife and 3 kids.
- Disneyland is one of my favorite places and I go there as often as I can.
Meet New to Horizon Music Teacher
Mrs. Rebecca Teschner
- I have been teaching for 11 years.
- This is my third year teaching music.
- I play several instruments, but piano is my favorite.
- I have 5 kids and 4 grandkids.
- My hobbies include kayaking, traveling, everything music, and cooking.
- My favorite place to be is at the beach!
Walking the walking Track with Mayor Davis!!!
This is a fun but optional activity for students to meet their Mayor!
Oct 23rd – 1st Graders @ 11:10 am
Oct 24th – 2nd Graders @ 12:10 pm
Oct 28th – 3rd Graders @ 11:40 am
Oct 29th – 4th Graders @ 11:10 am
Oct 30th – 5th Graders @ 12:10 pm
Parent Teacher conferences-October 21-24
Sign up for PARENT-TEACHER Conferences-PTC Fast link will be coming soon!
FREE FLU MIST (Not the shot)
Information about Flumist below
Flumist Clinic
Jerome School District has teamed up with Family Health Services to provide FREE Flumist to
be administered during school. This will take place on September 26th & October 11th. Consent
form will be sent home with your student, please fill out and return to your students’ teacher before the given dates, by
signing you are giving consent to have the Flumist administered. Middle and High School
consent forms can be picked up at the school offices. If you have questions, contact district
school nurse Jennifer Vergara at 208-324-3361.
Flumist information: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/flulive.pdf
Halloween Information
PLEASE check with your child's teacher
to see if they are having a classroom party or not for Halloween.
PLEASE check with classroom teacher if treats are expected or allowed.
NO SCARY costumes
Students must wear SHOES (NOT SLIPPERS)
Costumes should not get in the way of school activities.
Practice Healthy Habits & Attend School Every Day!
It is crazy how fast our lost and found grows!
- PLEASE stop in and look for your students LOST items and take them home!
- It is overflowing with sweatshirts, jackets, lunch boxes, and water bottles!
PLEASE remember!
- Gym shoes are needed to participate in Physical Education.
- You are welcome to keep your gym shoes at school if you choose.
- PLEASE label your students gym shoes with their full name.
Shoe Tying!
A very basic and important skill is shoe tying.
- PLEASE teach your student how to tie their shoes and practice, practice, practice until they learn how!
Everyday Matters!
- Research evidence shows that missing 10 percent of the school year—about 17 days— negatively affects a student’s academic performance. That’s just two days per month, which is considered chronic absence
- Absenteeism in the first month of school can predict poor attendance throughout the school year. Half the students who miss 2-4 days in September go on to miss nearly a month of school.
- Poor attendance can influence whether children read proficiently by the end of third grade or are held back.
- Absenteeism and its ill effects start early. One in 10 kindergarten and first grade students are chronically absent.
CSI Read like an Eagle Reading Goals DUE
Read like an EAGLE Reading Goals DUE: October 7th
In order to get your free t-shirt and admission to the soccer game you need to complete your reading goals!
Students that meet their goals
will be recognized during the October 26th Soccer game
at CSI's Jerome high school soccer field at 1pm we will take the field!
**You must wear your Read like an Eagle t-shirt
to go to the game and be recognized for your achievements!
Dress Code
Please review the full dress code in the Parent/Student Handbook:
- Avoid tank tops. No spaghetti straps or white undershirt tank tops
- School appropriate slogans only
- No short shorts or skirts (must be finger tip of longer)
- NO Crop top or belly shirts
- Appropriate footwear to play in (no slippers)
- LABEL all clothing with student's name-It helps when they end up in the lost and found!
3rd graders thank St. Luke's ER Dept & Rotary for sponsoring the bike helmets!
No Bullying!
The Horizon family promotes
- Collaboration between all
- Kind words
- Caring Actions
Bullying other is NOT allowed under any circumstances and will be addressed whether in school, on the playground or on the bus.
Join us for breakfast!
It is hard to learn when you are hungry!
Breakfast is FREE again this year!
Serving starts at 7:45 am until 8:05am
See you there! (CHECK IN at office first, please)
Don't miss this delicious opportunity!
- If you haven't done so already
- PLEASE fill out the Free and Reduced lunch form.
- You can fill out a paper copy or a digital copy online at https://www.mymealtime.com/Apps/signin.aspx .
This really, really helps out our school and the information stays only at the district office. No information is shared with any agency or person at any time.
If you need help filling out the form please contact Vanessa Fitzsimons 208-324-1201 or Guadalupe Mercado at 208-324-1203 our district office and they will be happy to help you!
Know the rules and keep your student safe!
Safety of your child is our #1 priority:
Drop off/pick up line:
- 5 mph in the line
- Hop out as soon as the vehicle stops! (Do not wait until the front of the line to disembark!) it slows down the whole line!
- Wait at the two designated parent pick up lines. Please wait for staff to bring you your child. (Do NOT cross between the cars
- To cross 10th Ave a student MUST use one of the two crosswalks (near tiger Drive and near Filmore)
- Students must be accompanied by an adult to cross parking lots and bus lane.
- Written note is needed to ride a different bus or go home with someone else.
- If parking to pick up a student you MUST park in a designated parking stall (Not in center of lot or in NO parking along Forsythe Park side of 10th Ave.)
7th: Read like an Eagle Goals Deadline!
18th: NO SCHOOL students and Paras! --Teacher Workday
20th: LAST Day of Quarter 1
21st-24th: Parent Teacher Conferences (Sign up on PTC Fast)
25th: NO SCHOOL for students and Paras--Teacher Workday
26th: CSI Soccer game (wear your t-shirt)
31st: Halloween
3rd: FALL BACK-Day light savings
11th: Veterans Day--Honor to those that served!
15th: NO SCHOOL for students and Paras! --Teacher Workday
25th-29th: Thanksgiving break! NO SCHOOL!
28th: Thanksgiving Day
Nominations for Excellence in Education
This is a reminder to all to send in your nominations for Excellence in Education. Recently the Teacher Leadership team met and developed a process that I believe will further legitimize the honor of receiving this recognition. In the spirit of transparency here is some basic bullet points on the process:
- There are 3 categories that you can make nominations in, Elementary Certified, Secondary Certified and Classified.
- Recipients must be a current employee of the Jerome School District; for Certified Nominations: recipient must hold a valid Idaho teacher or pupil personnel certificate; for Classified Nominations: recipient must be employed in any non-certified position;
- Nominations are due by the last day of every month in order to get the voting done.
- Voting of nominees is done in the Teacher Leadership Team which is comprised of staff from every building.
- The voting process is anonymous. This means that the Teacher Leadership team does not see the names of the nominees. Instead they only see the information about the nominee that is submitted.
- Administrators are not eligible for this recognition;
- Students, parents, administrators, fellow staff members or anyone else n the community may nominate the individual;
- The recognition is for those who go above and beyond in making a difference in the life of an individual student or lives of a group of students.
Scan this QR code now and nominate a member our our amazing team to be recognized for their incredible efforts to change the lives of the students in our community!
Ryan B. Evans
Assistant Superintendent/Curriculum Director
Jerome School District
125 4th Ave West
208-324-2392 ext. 1030