Moore's Message
September 2024

Happy Birthday to YOU!
Ms. Maeder, September 3rd
Ms. Barnes, September 9th
Mr. Hargrave, September 19th
Ms. Sierra, September 22nd
Car Line Reminders....
A few requests as we now have all students with us, which means more cars in the mornings!
- Students should not get out of the car before 8 a.m.
- It is incredibly helpful to have students gather their items as soon as you pull into the school from Lewisburg Pike so they will be ready to open the door when you stop.
- Please pull all the way forward - do not pause to let students out at the main sidewalk if there is a gap between you and the car in front of you. This results in backed up traffic.
- Adults should not get out of the car to assist students - we have staff who can help if needed!
- Students should exit vehicles on the side of the car nearest the building.
- There is only 1 lane of traffic in the mornings - thanks for not passing others in front of you!
Fill the Nest Yard Sale!
Donations will be accepted until Ms. Nunnery runs out of space! Please plan to stop by and check out the sale, too. Items are not priced and any reasonable offer is accepted. Email Danielle Nunnery at YardSaleEagles@gmail.com for more information.
MAC - Before & After School Care
FSSD's Morning and Afternoon Care (MAC), is a school-based program that provides childcare for students before and after school. Need to register for the MAC program? Our NEW online registration forms make it easy and may be found here: www.fssd.org/students-families/mac.
On early dismissal days, MAC is open regular morning hours (6am-8am) and then from 12:30 pm - 6:00 pm. If your child is registered for MAC and they are attending Early Dismissal in the afternoon, let me know via email. If you have any questions or need additional information about our program, please reach out to me at wintermel@fssd.org.
Melinda Winter
MAC Director
The NOOK Needs You!
NOOK (Needs of Our Kids) partners with schools in our community to provide basic essentials for kids in crisis. We help eliminate barriers to education by immediately responding to needs for items like new clothing, hygiene products, food, and gas gift cards. Items are delivered quickly and anonymously to the requesting school, enabling the child in need to return to learning with as little disruption to their day as possible.
A delivery of a new set of clothes or a new pair of shoes may seem like a small thing, but NOOK believes that for the child without these items, it makes a BIG impact! We are 100% volunteer driven and 100% donation based! Our current donation needs are new underwear (all sizes), feminine pads, and elastic waist pants. These items can be delivered to the NOOK box, located outside the back office. If you are interested in finding out about additional ways to contribute time or resources, please visit needsofourkids.com.
Counselor's Corner
“The role of parents and educators is not to prepare the road for the child, but to prepare
the child for the road!”
We - home and school - share the mutual goal of allowing your child to become responsible, confident, and independent adults someday. This quote embraces this by reminding us that we must allow our children/students to experience the “potholes” by guiding them and letting them navigate the challenges, not “filling the potholes” for them. Here are some thoughts:
“Failure is AWESOME!” … in the sense that this is when learning occurs. As hard as it is to see a child struggle at times, it is crucial to promote resiliency.
“Allow Advocacy” … encourage and coach your child/student to seek help on their own. For example, if they are having an ongoing conflict at school ask, “Have you talked to your teacher or Mr. C. about this?"
“Promote Independence” … Give them tasks that they have to complete or at least attempt by themselves, and let them try and problem solve solutions when things don’t go as planned. Remember, failure is valuable!
We all know the “road” can be hard and bumpy at times, but it is so crucial at the elementary level for our children/students to experience and learn from those moments and not try to remove those bumps. Don’t forget I am here to support your child, so if you have any questions or concerns be sure to contact me.
Mr. C -- Your MES School Counselor
615-790-4700 x. 3307
Notes from Nurse Sanders...
We are off to a great start to the school year! I’m enjoying taking care of your kids! Be sure to review the Student Health Services section of your Parent Handbook for important rules regarding student medications, illnesses, etc. If your child has a major illness, please make sure you have brought in the completed paperwork with any emergency medication that should be kept here at school.
As we expected, we are seeing a slight increase in cases of COVID, Strep, and stomach viruses during this first month of school. Please monitor your student for signs of illness and follow the FSD Illness Guidelines for when to keep your student at home. If you have questions or are unsure, don’t hesitate to contact me. Vision and hearing screenings for kindergarten, second, and fourth grades are being completed this month. Rescreens for those that need it will take place in the next few weeks and parents will be notified of deficiencies after that. Please help us keep all of our students safe by not sending in medications (including over the counter medicines) with your child. Parents should bring all medications in to the office. This is not only a school policy but a Tennessee state law.
Sherry Sanders, RN
Moore Elementary School Nurse
Fill the Nest Fundraiser kicks off THIS WEEK!!!!!
Our annual Fill the Nest campaign kicks off this week! Since our theme is “Game On” this year, we will be sending out “Yoshi eggs” for your child to decorate to add to our eagle’s nest. These colorful eggs will fill our “Moore Eagles’s Nest” in the hallway.
Our goal this year is $50,000 which will go towards playground equipment, new technology, classroom furniture, and more. Please keep an eye on the class folders for more information on how to donate. Let’s fill our nest!
Online Safety for Students
On Friday, August 30th, students completed Common Sense Media digital literacy lessons. These lessons help students be responsible and safe when on digital devices. We invite you to use these resources at home to continue the conversation.
Parenting in the a Digital Age (video series)
Save the Date!
Monday, 9.2 - Labor Day, no school!
Friday, 9.6 - Moore Miles Adult T-shirt Orders Due; Moore Miles Sponsorship Deadline
Tuesday, 9.10 - Picture Day
Friday, 9.27-Saturday, 9.28 - Fill the Nest Yard Sale
Tuesday, 10.1 - Moore Melodies Concert, 6 p.m.
Wednesday, 10.2 - National Custodian Recognition Day
Thursday, 10.3 - Moore Miles!
Friday, 10.4 - Early Dismissal (12:30)
Monday, 10.7-Friday, 10.11 - Fall Break, no school!