Schwarzkoff Community News
Location: 8401 Constitution Blvd, Sterling Heights, MI 48313
Phone: (586) 797-6300
Absence Line: (586) 797-6399 (must call in absence)
School Hours: 8:25 AM - 3:15 PM (full days) and 8:25 AM -11:29 AM (half days)
Breakfast Hours: 8:05-8:25 AM
Facebook: Schwarzkoff Elementary School
Bell Times
8:05 Main doors open for K-6 breakfast students ONLY
8:15 Inside doors open for classroom lineup
8:15 Kinder students enter via classroom doors (first week ONLY)
8:25 School begins
11:29 Half day dismissal
3:15 Regular dismissal
Important Dates
Monday, November 18th
- Robots in Media Center (Media Center CLOSED)
- Cougar Council PJ Drive (earn a Golden Paw)
Tuesday, November 19th
- Purchase Gratitude Grams
- Cougar Council PJ Drive (earn a Golden Paw)
- 3:30 ATG
Wednesday, November 20th
- Purchase Gratitude Grams
- Cougar Council PJ Drive (earn a Golden Paw)
- School Store @ Lunch
- 3:30 Staff Meeting
Thursday, November 21st
- 7:00 - Santa Shoppe Committee Meeting
- Cougar Council PJ Drive (earn a Golden Paw)
Friday, November 22nd
- NEHS Forms go home
- Cougar Council PJ Drive (earn a Golden Paw)
- Last Day to Purchase Gratitude Grams
Winter Wonderland Shoppe Sign Up Genius
US News and World Report Top 10 UCS Elementaries
- Schwarzkoff makes the Top 10 list of UCS Elementaries for US News and World Report 24 List
Winter Wonderland Activities, Letters to the North Pole
This request is to transform Schwarzkoff into a North Pole Wonderland for our students. We will buy large pre-lit decorations which will also be used for the daddy daughter dance. The funds will allow us to purchase a large metal mailbox with the words, "North Pole". Students will "mail" letters to a North Pole resident of their choosing, Santa, a Polar Bear, Reindeer, Elves, a North Pole resident. Students will get mail back from the "North Pole" before the Holiday Break. The activity will be optional and parents may exclude their children if so desired.
Gratitude Grams on Sale
Cougar Council Pajama Drive
Mrs. Fante's Polar Plunge
- I will plunge into Lac Saint Clair on Saturday, February 22nd.
- My plunge is to celebrate our students raising over $17,000 for our school.
- If you would like to donate additional funds to my Polar Plunge Challenge, click the link above.
- All funds will be donated to Macomb Special Olympics.
Attendance Policy 5115
Vacation or travel during school days is discouraged. Families should seek permission from a building administrator for an excused vacation absence prior to making any travel arrangements. The request should be made in writing at least one week prior to the vacation. Vacation absences of more than ten days in a semester will not be approved. Vacations taken without approval will be marked as unexcused absences. Arrangements should be made with the student’s teacher in advance as to timelines for completing class work. Homework may be requested and requires 24 hours to process.
**Please note, ONLY 10 days per semester are to be approved. Any days over 10 should be marked unexcused. If a family is going out on an extended leave, (ie. out of the country) please contact your EA.**
Cold Weather Reminder
Science O Team Update
24-25 Elementary Handbook Presentation
Sub Teacher Update
- Long-Term Rate $200 a day (an increase from $160)
- Building Sub $160 a day
- Retiree rate is $200 a day
- Long Term Retiree is $225 a day
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
- Kinder ONLY - Enter at door 8 unless breakfast
- 1st- 6th - Enter MAIN DOORS
- All cars enter and exit through same parking lot entrance (School staff at spot at 8:15)
- Parent drop off lane by gym staff on duty at 8:15.
- All students must be WALKED through the parking lot.
- Please note that students arrive at 8:25 will not be able to eat breakfast
Dismissal Procedures
- Kinders begin dismissal at 3:05 (first weeks ONLY)
- Khatri ONLY - Dismiss at Door 8
- 1st - Dismiss at classroom doors
- Molek & Duncan - Dismiss at classroom doors
- 3rd/Qaran - Dismiss at the classroom doors
- All bussers will wear bus tags and be supervised when walking out to busses.
- 3:20 - Staff duty ends, all students must be picked up by 3:15, 11:29 on half days.
Bell Schedule Arrival
- 8:05 - All students that enter must go to main doors in gym for breakfast. NO STUDENTS MAY ENTER AT THIS TIME UNLESS THEY ARE EATING BREAKFAST
- 8:15 - All students through main doors, breakfast students may go through inside double doors for classroom indoor line up.
- 8:25 - Arrival bell rings, all tardy students will enter through office doors, parents must walk tardy students to office, ring bell and show ID.
Security Procedures
We are asking for your assistance to ensure that our security procedures during the school day are effective and efficient. When you wish to visit Schwarzkoff Elementary, come to front door right of main door. At this door we have a security camera, intercom, and buzzer. To help us assist you when you would like to enter our school:
- Please press the buzzer to speak with someone in the office
- You will be asked to state your name and reason for visiting
- You will be asked to show your photo id into the security camera
- Office staff will buzz the door for you to enter the building
- Please pass through the lobby and enter the office
- Office staff will help you with your request
In addition, we are asking you to not let any visitors in the door as you enter (as they come up behind you) or as you exit the building.
The teachers and staff are committed to student safety and security, and we would like to thank you for your assistance in helping keep the students of Schwarzkoff safe.
Lunch Deliveries
While we understand the appeal of having fast food delivered to school, we prioritize the health, safety, and well-being of our entire student body. Allowing outside food deliveries creates logistical challenges, disrupts the school environment, and can lead to unfair advantages for some students. For these reasons, fast food deliveries during school hours will not be permitted. We encourage all students to either bring a packed lunch or enjoy the free meals provided in our cafeteria.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Students will have the opportunity to go outside with their classmates during designated times throughout the day. Recess helps to promote social and emotional learning and development for all children. Allowing time for our students to engage in peer interactions allows them to role play essential social skills. Recess also benefits our students by increasing their level of physical activity improving their memory, attention, and concentration. Each class will have a recess attached to the lunch program. We go outside whenever possible and stay inside if it is raining or the temperatures are below 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Students will have an optional second recess each day with their classroom teacher. Please have children dress for the weather.
Michigan School Meals
All meals are free this year thanks to the Michigan School Meals law. Students that would like to be eligible for benefits, such as pay-to-participate sports, college entrance fees, AP testing fees and more still need to fill out the Education Benefits Form or the School Meals Form. These forms are available at Please download and complete the forms to ensure we receive our Title I and other specialized funding from the state. Paper applications will be sent home with the youngest child in the family the first week of school.
We LOVE our Volunteers
Any prospective volunteer of Utica Community Schools including those who will be supervising students, working with students, chaperoning field trip, etc. must complete a Criminal History Check Form and be cleared prior to any volunteer services.
Volunteer background checks must be completed annually. If a parent has students in more than one school, only one volunteer form must be completed.
Click on the link below the photos, complete the form and return to Schwarzkoff Office