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Mark your calendars for these important dates!
- Wednesday, 11/13 Early Release Day at 1pm
Tuesday, November 19th - Monday Night Jazz & Choir Concert, 7:00pm LMS gym
Thursday, November 21st - All LMS Concert Bands Concert, 7:00pm LMS gym
- Monday, 11/25 & Tuesday, 11/26 Parent Teacher Conferences (See below for times)
- No School for students- 11/25-11/29 Thanksgiving break
- Monday, December 2nd - Classes resume after Thanksgiving Break
Parent/Teacher Conferences
The Lundahl staff is looking forward to welcoming you to student led conferences on Monday, November 25th between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM and on Tuesday, November 26th between 8:00 AM and 11:00 AM.
Please view this video to best prepare for conferences.
If you haven’t signed up for a conference time yet, please use the appropriate link below.
6 Gold - 6 Gold Conference Sign Up
6 Purple- 6 Purple Conference Sign Up
7th Grade- 7th Grade Conference Sign Up
8 Gold- 8 Gold Conference Sign Up Link
8 Purple- 8 Purple Conference Sign Up
Lost n Found
Please stop by the cafeteria during conferences to check out the lost n found items. We will be donating any unclaimed items after the Thanksgiving break.
Veterans Day
Thank you to all of our families and veterans that were able to celebrate and honor those that have served our country with our breakfast and assembly. A special “thank you” to Mayor Haig Haleblian and Donna McNally as well as a number of students for speaking during the assembly, and Country Donuts, Starbucks, Richard Walker Pancake House, and Trader Joe’s for the food donations to make the day even more special.
Most importantly, “THANK YOU” to all of our United States Veterans for your service.
Notes from the Nurse:
Vision and hearing screenings will take place this week on Thursday November 14th and
Friday November 15th. All 8th graders will have their vision screened and any students with IEP’s or new to district 47 will receive both a vision and hearing screen. If your student wears glasses please remind them to bring their glasses to school on the screening days.
Yearbook Orders
Calling all students!! Make sure to order your yearbook! The last day to order is February 28th. Yearbooks are currently on sale for $21.00. To order online at Jostens click here
Current 8th Graders: Enroll Now for High School
If your student plans to attend a D155 High School next school year, you need to log in and complete the enrollment process by November 19, 2024. Your student will not be able to select their classes for freshman year unless they have been enrolled through the district’s New Student Online Enrollment system.
Parents & Guardians should have received an email from D155 on October 18. For more information, please visit D155’s Enrollment webpage, click here.
D155’s Middle School Art Experience
Event Details:
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Prairie Ridge High School
8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. - Check-in
9:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. - Workshops
Click here to register for the event. Space is limited, registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Once D155 reaches capacity a waitlist will be created. The registration fee is $10 to cover the cost of materials. If there are special circumstances regarding the fee, please contact Rachel Kautz, rkautz@d155.org.
Let's show some LOVE! Did you know that your child's teacher's will work a 12 hour day Monday during parent teacher conferences. The PTO is sponsoring dinner from El Fuego for Teachers on Monday! We need your help, please click this link if you can sign up to donate a few items/food/beverages that are needed. Questions? Email Elizabethmariekrotser@gmail.com
Thanks for helping out and your support!!
Upcoming PTO Activities & Fundraisers
PTO Meetings at 7pm on Dec. 9th, Feb. 24th, and April 14th- Hope you can make it.
Activity Night is Dec 13th, 6 to 8pm. Come play board games, puzzles, bags, soccer and basketball tournaments, volleyball and more! Any ideas that we can add, just let us know!
We need at least 10 parent volunteers! The Parent Volunteer sign up form will be in the next newsletter. This is a drop off only event. $3 to enter and $1 for tournaments. Cash only please. Snacks and drinks will be available for purchase. Any questions, please contact April Stoltman astoltman@d47.org jstoltman735@comcast.net 224-623-9295
All day Dine out day! Support LMS on 11/20 at Mod Pizza (228 S. Randall Road, Algonquin)
- Get ready for Tom’s gift cards! Every gift card helps raise funds for Lundahl! Please see the cheddar below for pre-ordering the gift cards. Our goal is to sell at least 400 gift cards! https://my.cheddarup.com/c/toms-gc-fundraiser-lms/items?cart
- Butterbraids are coming for December! More info to come soon!
Like Us, Follow Us, Join Us
Want to stay in the know? Be sure to follow us on:
- Facebook: Lundahl Middle School PTO Page
- Join the PTO Remind group to stay up to date with events and volunteer opportunities. Text @lmspto23 to 81010 or search for class lmspto23 in the Remind app to join our group.
For any questions please email us at lmspto@d47.org
Some of the things that PTO helps to support throughout the school year are: whole grade field trips for each grade, sport uniforms, teacher appreciation week and meals during conferences, teacher pop ups, whole school musical field trips and field trips for our clubs, honor night awards, LMS musical supplies and props and more!
As new clubs begin, they will be added to our Clubs & Activities page on our website. We encourage parents and students to also check our Daily Announcements, which are posted on our website each day, to see what clubs are starting up soon.
As we start the process of developing our new Strategic Plan, we invite you to provide feedback on the district. Please take a moment to share your thoughts in our School and Community Perception Survey. Your input will play a crucial role in shaping a plan that best supports our students and community.
Click here for the survey in English
Click here for the survey in Spanish
Holiday Gift Program
As the holiday season approaches, the Cary Grove High School Interact Club is coordinating a Holiday Gift Program to extend a helping hand to our families that may need assistance. If you feel your family could benefit, please follow the simple steps below.
To participate: Email Hailey Kelly, school counselor at Cary-Grove (hkelly@d155.org), by Wednesday, November 27th, with a wishlist of 3-4 gifts per child, each valued at $20-$30, and clothing sizes.
Gift Pick-up: Cary-Grove High School on Thursday, December 19th (3:00-4:00 PM) or Friday, December 20th (2:30-4:00 PM).
All information is kept confidential. For questions, contact Hailey Kelly at hkelly@d155.org.
Click here to find out what will be on the breakfast or lunch menu for your middle school.
Peachjar E-Flyers
To view your school's Peachjar E-Flyers, click here. For more information about Peachjar or to learn about community events and activities, visit our website.
Download the D47 App!
Easily access district and school calendars, menus, and receive important notifications by downloading the District 47 app on your phone.
Elevate Award
Middle School Connections Support Group For ages 11 to 14
Tackle the challenges of everyday life and mental health. This support group is co-led by a licensed clinical psychologist from Ascension and a NAMI Recovery Support Specialist. Every Fourth Monday Monthly - 4:30-6:00pm. Address 620 Dakota St. Crystal Lake Il 60012. RSVP to email help@namimch.org. Questions: 815-421-9459
Family Assistance 2024-2025
Does your family need assistance with things like school supplies, clothing or information regarding community services? If so, please complete the form below: