Lincoln Family Newsletter
September 2024
Mission, Vision and Values
Our BPS Mission: "Empower every learner to thrive."
Our BPS Vision: "Together, our strong relationships build inclusive, collaborative, and innovative environments that create agency and inspire a passion for learning, excellence, and discovery."
Our BPS Values: Inclusion, Excellence, Innovation and LeadershipMessage From Mrs. Hurt
The eight days was the MOST exciting and incredible back to school I have ever had the privilege to be a part of. In the four days prior to school starting, our staff came to learn and prepare for your children. THIS STAFF is nothing shy of phenomenal. Our Lincoln Lightning students are so blessed to have such an amazing group of teachers to learn and grow with.
The first day of school brought and continues to bring such a smile to my face. How much fun was that?! The smiles on the faces of students, parents and teachers were priceless. There were a few students who were a little warry, but that is to be expected. As the day went on, those students were excited and were ready to come back for day two.
And here we are having completed the eight day of school of the 2024-2025 school year. It is going to fly by. Thank you families. It is an honor and a privilege to serve you and your beautiful children at Lincoln Elementary School.
Student & Parent Handbook
Please take some time to review the 2024-2025 Student & Parent Handbook. You will find valuable information for yourselves and your children. The handbook can also be found on our school website by going to resources and then handbook.
Growing Classroom Communities
At the beginning of the school year, we are working on helping students build their classroom communities and embracing our Lincoln Beliefs of being Respectful, Responsible, Safe and Kind. Throughout the year, we utilize Second Step as our curriculum for social and emotional learning. Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which students acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.
Art From the Heart
This month will be Fridays (Sept. 6,13 and 20th) from right after school until 5. $45 per artist for the month of September. Please note there is no session on the 27th. Creativity is encouraged ! If bringing an after school snack it needs to be a single serve prepackaged snack and nut free. Sanitizer will be available. If suffering any symptoms the artist should refrain from coming to class. Class size limited to 25 . Please pre register at September Art Club
Dismissal Procedures
In an effort to keep all of our students SAFE, we want to remind you of our dismissal procedures. Please note the following items:
- Teachers will escort their entire class to the designated area based on their determined way home.
- We will stagger dismissal. 2nd and 3rd grade will begin making their way to dismissal at 3:03 and all other grade levels at 3:05.
- Kindergarten students will exit through door 3.
- 1st grade will exit through their classrooms outside doors and door 17 (soon to be 21).
- 2nd through 5th grade students getting picked up, walking or riding bike will exit out door 1. If you are picking them up at a meeting spot, students will use the sidewalks to meet you at your location.
- Students riding the bus will be escorted to and marshalled in the gym and guided to their bus to be checked off by our supervisors.
- Students going to CREA will be escorted to the cafeteria where they will be greeted by CREA staff.
Please make sure your teachers know the plan for end of day method for getting home. If your normal method changes, please contact the office and the teacher and your student will be notified.
Please do NOT park in the bus loading parking lot on the East side of the building.
Students are NOT allowed to play on the playground without supervision after school (please remind them to get to their destination).
Student and Adult Meal Prices
You can find the following list of Meal Prices on the BPS website.
Current Meal Prices....
Milk (1/2 pint) $.50 (Milk is included with all purchased meals.)
Milk charges happen only when:
1. Taking additional milk or
2. Take a milk without purchasing a meal (bringing your own lunch)
Breakfast: $1.60
Lunch: $2.50
Breakfast: No Charge
Lunch: No Charge - State Free (2024/2025 school year)
Breakfast: No Charge
Lunch: No Charge - Federal Free
Breakfast: $2.65
Lunch: $4.15
Lunch Visit Guidelines
If you plan to join your child for lunch, please notify the office by 9:00 a.m. and let us know if you'll be eating a school lunch. The office can also confirm your childβs lunch time.
When you arrive, please stop by the office to pick up a visitor badge. You may join your child in the cafeteria during their designated lunch period. However, parents and grandparents are not permitted to join students for recess.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Free or Reduced Meal Benefits
Applications are accepted anytime during the school year for free or reduced meals. If your household income changes at anytime during the school year and you think you may qualify for Free or Reduced Meal benefits, you can apply Online or submit a Free/Reduced application at Lincoln Elementary.
When students are approved for Free or Reduced meals, it covers reimbursable meals and does not include any Ala-Carte items. Ala-carte is an additional food item that can be purchased at full price if a student has funds in their lunch account or cash to cover the cost. There is no charging allowed for Ala-carte items.
Free or Reduced meal benefits DO NOT rollover from year to year, you must reapply every year. If you qualified for Free or Reduced Meal benefits during the previous school year, you will receive a 30 school day grace period. Your benefits will expire after the first 30 school days of new year, if a new application has not been received. Students will be charged full price for lunches if no application is received by the 30 day cut off. Charges will continue until the application is received, entered, and approved for benefits. These meal charges will not be reversed, and will become the parents' obligation to pay.
You may find the online application at our BPS Website.
PTO Happenings
Please attend this month's PTO meeting on Tuesday, September 3rd at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will last one hour (or less) and will take place in the Lincoln Elementary Collaboration Room. Come in door 1 and take a right. The door to the collaboration room is immediately around the corner! See you there!
Important Upoming Dates
2 - NO SCHOOL (Labor Day)
3 - PTO Meeting (6:30 - 7:30)
4 - School Picture Day
23 - NO SCHOOL (Staff Development Day)
1 - PTO Meeting (6:30 - 7:30)
4 - BHS Demons Homecoming vs. Century (7:00 Community Bowl)
15 - School Picture Makeup Day
17 & 18 - NO SCHOOL (Administrator's Conference)
TBD - Trunk or Treat
About Us
Email: melissa_hurt@bismarckschools.org
Website: www.bismarckschools.org/lincoln
Location: 3320 McCurry Way, Lincoln, ND, USA
Phone: 701-323-4310
Facebook: facebook.com/LincolnElementaryBismarckPublicSchools
Any third party non-school district events in this newsletter
are not sponsored/endorsed by Bismarck Public Schools.