ACES Family Update
ACES -Empowering ALL Learners to Grow and Succeed. 9/03/2023
Keeping All Safe
I hope you had an excellent Labor Day and had time to enjoy your family over the weekend.
We have been very fortunate to have fair weather so far, and this has encouraged many students to walk or ride their bikes to and from school. As always, we are reiterating the rules for safe walking and riding and would appreciate your help in reminding your child of these practices.
On Eielson AFB helmets must be worn when riding a bike. We are frequently seeing students without helmets or with helmets hanging from handlebars. Please remind them to wear them properly.
Everyone must use the crosswalk to cross the road. Please encourage your child to cross with the crossing guard so that traffic is stopped for pedestrians and bikes to safely enter the road.
On the flip side, please be vigilant while driving in the area at dismissal. Dismissal actually goes pretty fast, with over 400 students leaving within 10 minutes. This becomes especially challenging on days when School Age is closed and many parents who do not normally pick up their children join us in the pick up line.
With drop off, please read the drop off procedures linked with the dismissal procedures. Please drop students off for precess and breakfast in the Loop Drive. All students should enter the playground for precess by walking through the building from the loop drive. Please review the drop off/dismissal procedures for K-1, drop off/dismissal procedures for 2-5.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns please let me know.
See you in the car line!
Teresa Lesage
Assessments Coming Up
Transportation Update
How can you help your child learn to read?
- Phonemic Awareness
- Phonics
- Fluency
- Vocabulary
- Comprehension
This week let's talk about PHONICS. Watch this video on tips you can practice this skill with your child!
Employment Opportunities at ACES
For a full listing of External Job Openings, Click here.
We would love for you join our Crawford team! Break Aides work a maximum of 15 hours a week and supervise students during recess. We also need Custodians, a Kitchen Manager, STEALTH Science Advisor, and an instructional tutor. Come work with us and enjoy the daylight in the company of the kids!
Lunch Pin Pad
Full price meals, $2.00 for student breakfast, $3.50 for lunch
First, the news from the USDA is that school meals will need to be paid for this year for student who have not qualified for Free and Reduced lunch. Please visit the Nutrition Services page to fill out the online application. If you qualified last year you will have 30 days from the beginning of the school year grace next year to file your new application. It is important that you apply for your family's benefit, and also, additional funding for the school may be provided depending on the percentage of students qualifying for free and reduced lunch. Please take a few moments to fill out the online application. For those qualifying breakfast could be no charge and lunch as low as $.40.
Upcoming Events
- 2023-2024 FNSBSD Calendar
- Assessment Calendar
- September
September 4 - Labor Day, No School
September 5 - ACE Shirt order form/payment due
September 5-8 MAP assessments
September 6 - Charlie's Cache
September 8 - Skate Party!
September 14 - -K-2 Picture Day
September 15 - 3-5 Picture Day, Siblings during lunch and All School Picture (Wear your ACES shirt!)
September 28 - Early Dismissal at 12:40
September 29 - District Professional Development, No School
- October
October 13 - End of First Quarter (Early Dismissal 12:40 pm)
October 30, 31 - Parent Teacher Conferences
- November
November 23-24 - Thanksgiving Break
- December
December 20-22 End of Quarter - Early Dismissal (12:40)
December 25- January 5 - Winter Break (January 8 teacher work day)
Anderson-Crawford Office Staff Contacts
Office Hours are 7:00am-3:00pm
Please call or email for information Phone: 372-3306
Attendance Secretary: Dayley Mosley email:
Administrative Secretary: Clarissa Kougl email:
Anderson-Crawford Elementary School
Crawford was awarded National Blue Ribbon Status in 2014.
Location: 692 Ravens Way Eielson Air Force Base, AK 99702
Phone: 907-372-3306