Weekly Update
January 16, 2025
The 2024-2025 District calendar can be found here
School Hours
Student hours: 7:55-2:15 (M, T, Th, F)
Student hours: 7:55-1:15 (W-Early Release)
Office hours: 7:30-3:30
Doors Open to Students: 7:30
Upcoming Dates
Thursday 16 | DNO! @ Pastini / Bridgeport
Monday 20 | Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School
Wednesday 22 | Early Release @ 1:15
Friday 24 | Spirit Friday
Friday 24 | PAC Movie Night 6-8:00
Saturday 25 & Sunday 26 | Bottle Drop Weekend 10-4
Wednesday 29 | Early Release @ 1:15
Thursday 30 | Vision Screening
A Message from our Dean of Students, Mrs. Hyatt
This Month's Character Trait: Perseverance
At Hawk's View, we're diving into the importance of perseverance—the ability to push through challenges, stay committed, and keep trying even when things get tough. Throughout the month, staff and students are exploring what perseverance looks like, sounds like, and feels like in both learning and daily life.
One fantastic example of perseverance in action is our Mileage Club! Each week, students set goals to improve their times and increase the number of laps they run. It's inspiring to see their determination as they cheer each other on, celebrate milestones, and push themselves to achieve personal bests.
We encourage families to talk about perseverance at home—share examples from your own lives, cheer on your child’s efforts, and celebrate the little wins that show they're growing their perseverance muscles. Whether it’s tackling a tricky homework assignment, practicing a new skill, or staying patient during a tough moment, perseverance is a trait that will serve them well throughout life.
Let’s continue to support our Hawks as they work hard and show what it means to never give up!
Dinner Night Out! 11am-8:30pm Today!
Join us at Pastini in Bridgeport today for Dinner Night Out! 40% of all participating sales will be donated back to our school! Be sure to mention Hawks View! Spanish flyer can be found HERE.
Family Movie Night, Friday January 24th
Join us on Friday, January 24th for Movie Night! Activity entrance doors will open at 5:55.
Movie: The Wild Robot
Popcorn and a small water are free to Hawks View students
Hot dogs, candy, soda and water will also be available for purchase
This is NOT a drop off event, all students must be accompanied and supervised by an adult.
PE News!
Our amazing PE teachers are kicking off a brand-new unit this spring: BIKES! Their goal? To ensure that every Hawks View student learns how to ride a bike before they leave our school.
We’re seeking gently used bicycles suitable for kids in Kindergarten through 3rd grade to make this vision a reality. If you have a bike your child has outgrown or no longer uses, we’d love to give it a new home where it can help teach a child to ride!
Email fundraising@hawksviewpac.org to organize a bike pick-up or arrange a drop-off.
Please ensure bikes are in good working order—no bikes that need new parts or major repairs, please!
Thank you for helping us create lifelong memories and skills for our students!
Immunization Exclusion Date, February 19, 2025
Immunizations are required by law for children in attendance at public and private schools, preschools, child care facilities, and Head Start programs in Oregon. Nearly every place that provides care for a child outside the home requires shots or a medical or nonmedical exemption to stay enrolled.
Students who are out of compliance on February 19th, will be excluded from school until immunizations are updated. If you have not been contacted by our school office regarding immunizations, your child is compliant and you do not need to do anything.
If you have been contacted by our office, please bring in a copy of the updated immunizations from your medical provider as soon as possible. Parents who do not want their children vaccinated can claim a nonmedical exemption for one or all school immunizations. A completed certificate will need to be on file at your student’s school before the exclusion date if you choose this exemption. For more information and the Vaccine Education Module, please visit the Oregon Health Authority website.
You will also find immunization and clinic information on our Health Services website.
Nutrition Services: Negative Balance Alerts from ParentSquare
As a reminder, families began receiving notifications through ParentSquare this month, if their student’s lunch account had a negative balance. This negative balance may be from last year.
We encourage all families to check your student's school lunch account balance and address any outstanding negative balances. To pay your balance with a credit/debit card or eCheck/ACH, please visit the ParentVUE website. Instructions for navigating the ParentVUE website can be found here. Cash or check payments will be processed by the Nutrition Services Staff in the cafeteria.
For all of your Nutrition Services related questions, please contact us at nutrition@sherwood.k12.or.us or by phone at 503-825-5009.
Vision Screening
We are offering a free vision screening for all students at Hawks View on Thursday, January 30th. This screening will be conducted by the Lions Club with the assistance of parent volunteers, using SPOT screening devices. The screening is painless and performed from a distance, without touching your child’s eyes or face.
Screening results will be available in about a week. Most children pass the exam. Due to the volume of paperwork, we will only send home "did not pass" results. These will be sent home via backpack mail.
Opt-Out Option - If you do not want your child to participate in the vision screening, please contact your school office to opt-out.
If you have any questions about the vision screening, please contact Health Services at 503-825-5093.
Financial assistance - If your child needs an eye exam or glasses, financial assistance may be available.
Free Dental Care for Children
February is national Children's Dental Health Month,. According to the Oregon Smile Survey of 2017, released by the Oregon Department of Human Services, approximately 1 in 5 children had untreated dental decay. pacific University is hosting a Give Kids a Smile event on Saturday February 22, 2025. The goal is to provide much needed preventive, palliative, and restorative dental care for children. See flyers for more information. See informational flyer here.
Volunteering Reminder - Background Checks Required
If you are planning to volunteer in your student's classroom, help with classroom parties, or chaperone field trips, you will need to complete a background check first. Background checks take 7-10 working days to clear, so plan ahead and complete the process now! A new background check is required each year. Don't delay, please visit our District website to fill yours out today!
All volunteers will need to sign in on our volunteer computer on arrival. You will need to have a HelpCounter account in order to do so. Visit our PAC website HERE, and learn how to create a new account, or update an existing account. You will also see many of the volunteer opportunities available to you, as well as expectations for our volunteers.
Helpful Links
Community-Based Events and Announcements - Check often for new events/sports info
Volunteer Information/HelpCounter
Sherwood School District Calendar 2024-2025
Hawks View Elementary
Website: hv.sherwood.k12.or.us
Location: 21970 SW Sherwood Blvd
Phone: (503) 825-5400