Tiger Beat October 25th, 2024
Do you know a current Bandon staff member who has made a difference in your life, the life of a child, or to the community? It can be any employee: a teacher, or an educational assistant, a bus driver or a secretary or a food service worker, an administrator or a custodian. Our district is filled with great staff!
Visit our website at www.bandon.k12.or.us and click on the Bandon Distinguished Tiger Award Nomination Form link. Complete the fillable form, and add no more than one page to the form explaining why you believe this Bandon staff member deserves the Bandon Distinguished Tiger Award. Be persuasive! Give it your all! Tell us as many details as you can about the staff member and what makes them deserving of this award.
Return completed form and one page essay to the following:
Joseph Bain
PO Box 659
Bandon, OR 97411
End of 1st Quarter
The end of the 1st quarter is quickly approaching, Thursday, October 31st is the last day of the quarter. Parents will receive progress report by email.
Halloween Dress Up Days
Monday October 28th Witch vs Wizard
Tuesday, October 29th Villain Day
Wednesday, October 30th Pink Out
Thursday, October 31st Halloween Costumes
Students may wear school appropriate costumes to school for Halloween. Costumes must follow all school dress code.
School Picture Retakes
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent teacher conferences will be held Thursday evening November 8th and Friday morning November 9th. Parents will be contact by the office if their student is in need of a conference. There will be open drop in times published for parent walk ins.
Cell Phones
Student cell phones are to be in their Yondr pouch while in the building. Students may have their cell phones out during lunch time only.
Winter Sports
Winter sports practice starts on November 18th. Athletes must be signed up on FamilyID and have a current OSAA sports physical on file prior to the first day of practice. Pay-to-play fees are due to the office no later than two weeks after season starts.
Parents you may access your students grades and attendance by logging into your ParentVUE account. If you do not know your ParentVUE log in information please contact the office and they will be happy to provide you with that information.
Halloween Dress Up Rules
Students are allowed to wear costumes to school on Halloween. We ask that any weapons be left at home, and that masks not be worn unless the teachers allow it in the classrooms. Costumes also need to follow school dress code. Please use your best judgement to make sure that student costumes are school appropriate.
Haunted Halls
Our annual yearbook fundraiser, Haunted Halls, is being held tonight, October 25th, from 4:30-6:30pm. Admission is $2, and there will be a bake sale outside. Our Yearbook/Journalism classes have been working hard to spook-ify our hallways, so please come show your support.
Picture Retakes
Picture Retake Day has been moved from October 30th to November 13, since we have yet to receive back our first round of pictures. Please click on the below buttons to order photos if you haven't done so yet.
HLMS Veterans Wall
If you would like to add a veteran in your student(s)'s life to our Veteran Recognition Wall in honor of Veterans Day, please click on the button below to access a Google Form. You may also email lwirt@bandon.k12.or.us with more information or any pictures you wish to add.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on November 7th from 5-8pm, and November 8th from 8am-12pm. We will have school on November 7th. 5th grade parents should click on the button below to sign up for a time. 6th-8th grade conferences will be both targeted and open house style. We will be contacting 6th-8th grade families to schedule a group conference with all of their teachers. We will also have times set aside for drop in conferences for any interested 6th-8th grade families. Those times will be released to you when they are finalized.
This month, our district staff wore pink in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Please take the time to check your Parent Vue account on a regular bases. It is a great way to help your student(s) keep track of grades and assignments, as well as a convenient way to communicate with their teachers. You can access your account by clicking on the black bar above, or you can download the APP in your APP store so you can save your log in information and access your account quickly from your phone.
Student Handbook
Cell Phone Policy
Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences
Fall conferences are upon us and will be held Thursday, November 7th (8:00am-8:00pm) and Friday, November 8th (8:00am-12:00 noon). Your 20 minute conference can be in-person or a phone call. Please indicate your top three time blocks for scheduling and your preferred format. You will be contacted via Seesaw on Friday, November 1st with your assigned time. Please complete the form that is linked here as soon as possible, no later than 12noon on Friday, October 25th. Slots will be assigned on a first come, first served basis. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScLJ3OzYVzwB_4ARSqEZ5QV8zDU0bgBkvRJLeb_jHGRj9jU6A/viewform
Picture RETAKE Day
November 13th is Picture Retake Day- This is a changed date from the original October 30th Retake day. The company had to push the date back to November because we still have not received the school pictures from earlier in October. You can order online with this link: https://Portraitmasters3120.simplephoto.com/prepay/48315873?code=BSOCE1024
Jog a Thon
Our students ran 1695 laps and pledged $15,499.90 ! Money can be turned into the office starting on Monday, November 28th.
The deadline for money collection to be eligible for incentive rewards is November 22nd.
Ocean Crest Staff Wearing Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Just a friendly reminder.
Please take a moment to support Ocean Crest Elementary School and our students through this Rite Aid fundraiser.
Click on our school link. Please forward and share.
All Access Rewards from Ray's Food Place
C&K Market, Inc. is committed to helping our local communities grow and prosper. Now All Access Rewards is making contributing easier than ever! As an All Access Rewards member you can choose a local charity or non-profit organization to support and we will give 1% back of all your qualified purchases to that organization. By enriching local communities, everyone benefits, building a place that thrives, and a place that is being created because people care.
With account information in hand either call, email or visit your local store to connect your account with you favorite charity or non-profit organization.
Call: (541) 412-0005
E-MAIL: AllAccess@CKMarket.Com
Visit: Stop In Your Local Store And Visit The Customer Service Counter And Ask To Connect You with Ocean Crest Elementary School.
Start shopping and earning 1% for your organization! Your qualified purchases will automatically be tracked and reported for you when you use your All Access Rewards Card at any of our store locations. Connect your account Visit: Stop In Your Local Store And Visit The Customer Service Counter And Favorite Organization.
Start shopping and earning 1% for your organization! Your qualified purchases will automatically be tracked and reported for you when you use your All Access Rewards Card at any of our store locations.
Migrant Education Program
Youth under the age of 22 who have moved from their country, city, or state in the last three years to work in agriculture or fishing, and who have not yet graduated may qualify for this program and supports.
Migrant Education Program (Spanish)
Valley Flora wanted to alert you to a few new programs that we - and other NW farms - are spearheading in in order to make fresh, local produce more accessible to low income families in our community. We’re trying to get the word out as widely as possible. If you have a spot to hang a poster (attached below), or room for a mention in your next newsletter, that would be wonderful! We are happy to provide you with a color-printed poster, just let us know! Also, please feel free to forward this email to anyone in your networks who would benefit from knowing about these programs.
- Double Up Food Bucks (DUFB): a program that helps low-income Oregonians purchase more fruits and vegetables while supporting local, family farms. Folks with SNAP benefits can purchase one of our farm’s community supported agriculture (CSA) shares and DUFB will provide 1:1 matching funds (they pay half the cost of the CSA with SNAP and DUFB covers the other half). It's a win-win that strengthens our community by providing better access to fresh, healthy food while helping local farmers earn a living.
- CSA Sliding Scale: our farm is offering a voluntary sliding scale payment system in order to make our food more accessible to everyone in the community. It’s been a beautiful example of community - and humanity - at its best.
Valley Flora
PO Box 91
Langlois, OR 97450
541.348.2229 for Restaurant Orders
541.348.2180 for CSA Inquiries
Bandon School District
Website: www.bandon.k12.or.us
Location: 455 9th St SW, Bandon, OR, USA
Phone: 541-347-4411