Early Childhood CARES

Parent Support
Non-Service Days
Please note the following no-service days for the coming month:
Friday, October 12th
Thursday, October 31st
Friday, November 1st
Parent Resource: Potty Training
Potty training can be a challenging time for families and we hope that the tips and information in our previously recorded Parent Chat's will provide some insight and perhaps relief for busy parents and guardians. For more resources check out our video library of educational resources on YouTube.
WHEN: Wednesday, October 23 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
WHERE: Hybrid and in person, Arc Lane County, 4181 E St, Springfield
Exhausted from your child's behaviors and burned out from all the different approaches you have tried?
Alexis Reed is a developmental disabilities behavior professional and trainer, and she will lead a presentation on Co-Regulation and the Brain's Alarm System: Transforming Crisis to Connection.
This training will be offered in person and online, and Spanish interpretation will be provided upon request to parents online. Families Connected will provide free dinner and childcare to families who attend in person.
Check out the Arc Lane County website for more information and to RSVP in Spanish or English!
WHEN: Saturday, October 26 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m
WHERE: TWO LOCATIONS! Arc Lane County, 4181 E St, Springfield
AND Rose Cottage, 76499 Rose St, Oakridge!
*Children must be 5+
Children are invited to come paint pumpkins at the next Kids' Saturday Social!
This month, The Arc will also host a Kids' Saturday Social in Oakridge so parents in this rural community can also take a break. Contact Nancy for information about this new program.
Families do not have to be associated with The Arc to take advantage of this free respite program. The Arc Lane County provides this program to children who experience developmental disabilities, mental health or behavioral health concerns the fourth Saturday of every month, thanks to a grant from the Lane County System of Care.
Check out the Arc Lane County website for more information and to RSVP in Spanish or English!
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
Did you know that every child in Lane County under the age of 5 is eligible to enroll in Dolly Parton's Imagination Library? Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is a book gifting program that sends books each month directly to your home until your child’s 5th birthday, for FREE!
Families can enroll through the program website.
Free therapy services for BIPOC community
Oregon Counseling and Eugene Therapy are offering a number of pro bono sessions for BIPOC community members and supporters whose mental health has been negatively impacted by recent events. Community members without insurance or without adequate insurance coverage are welcome to contact us for more information by emailing BLM@OregonCounseling.com or BLM@eugenetherapy.com
Community Updates and Events
Relief Nursery Updated Community Resource Guide
The newest edition of the Relief Nursery Community Resource Guide is now available online. A printable version is attached below.
WHEN: Mondays, 12pm – 1:30pm
WHERE: Our Community Birth Center, 188 West B St, Suite O, Springfield
Did you know that Baby Clinic is open to all community members, regardless of where you gave birth? Invite your friends with babies and stop in today between 12 pm to 1:30 pm for fun and connections. Free, as always, to attend.
WHEN: Every Wednesday, 11 am - 12 pm
WHERE: 86 Centennial Loop, Eugene, OR
At Baby Connection, you can:
- Get infant feeding support from lactation and feeding specialists
- Have your baby weighed and get a weekly photo taken
- Connect with other new parents and share your experiences
- Receive guidance from professional Parenting Educators
WHEN: Every other week for 10 sessions, starting October 9th.
WHERE: Parenting Now, Eugene, OR
Connect with Other Families: Build a supportive community with other new parents.
Understand Your Baby: Learn to respond to your unique baby’s needs.
Self-Care: Explore the importance of taking care of yourself and navigating changes in your adult relationships.
Oregon Lifeline offers reduced or free internet or phone
Oregon Lifeline: Is a federal and state government program that provides a monthly discount on phone or high-speed internet service for qualifying low-income Oregon households.
- Receive a discount on your phone bill of up to $15.25 per month;
- Receive a discount on your high-speed internet bill of up to $19.25 per month; or
- Receive free cell phone and data service
Visit the website for more information or to apply.
Join Our Team
Early Childhood CARES Hiring For Classrooms
Are you looking for a full or part time position working with young children ages birth through five? Early Childhood CARES is seeking qualified candidates to work in our classrooms as Early Childhood Assistants.
Shifts are flexible and can accommodate working parents and provide on the job training as well as scheduled professional development throughout the year. Permanent employees receive a tuition discount at the University of Oregon.
Other Open Positions
Pro Tem Physical Therapist: Early Childhood CARES is seeking to hire up to 2 pro tem Physical Therapists to fill a temporary vacancy beginning in mid-October 2024 for approximately 4-6 months. FTE (appointment %) is negotiable.
Early Childhood Associate Teacher: The purpose of this position is to provide on-site responsibility for the daily routines in a preschool classroom. The position is located in a facility that includes children having cognitive, social, self-help, communication, and/or physical disabilities and they require the willingness to work in the environment associated with the position's location and purpose.
Early Childhood Associate Teacher - Florence: The purpose of this position is to provide on-site responsibility for the daily routines in a preschool classroom. The position is located in a facility that includes children who have cognitive, social, self-help, communication and/or physical disabilities and requires the willingness to work in the environment associated with the position's location and purpose.
About Us and Contact Information
Early Childhood CARES
Email: eccares@uoregon.edu
Website: http://earlychildhoodcares.uoregon.edu
Location: 1500 West 12th Avenue, Eugene, OR, USA
Phone: 5413462578
Facebook: facebook.com/earlychildhoodcares