JAMS Weekly Update
September 23, 2024

Dear JAMS Families/Estimadas Familias de JAMS
At JAMS, we believe that working together as a team to help our students thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Whether it’s attendance challenges, social concerns, academic struggles, or mental health needs, open communication is key. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if any issues arise so we can work together to support your child. Thank you for your continued partnership!
September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness about the importance of mental health and the resources available to support our students. At John Adams Middle School, we are deeply committed to fostering a safe and supportive environment where every student feels seen and valued. As part of this commitment, the JAMS counseling program is proud to host a variety of groups that provide support to students who share similar experiences. If you would like more information about our counseling groups or other resources available, please reach out to our counseling team. Signs, symptoms, and resources for depression and suicidality.
Cornerstone Photography will be here Friday, September 27th for Make Up Picture Day from 8:30am-12pm. If your child did not take their picture or would like to retake their picture, please have them come to the dance studio next to the gym. They will be open before school and during nutrition break.
Have a great week,
Martha Chacón
Septiembre es el Mes de la Concientización sobre la Prevención del Suicidio, un momento para crear conciencia sobre la importancia de la salud mental y los recursos disponibles para apoyar a nuestros estudiantes. En la escuela secundaria John Adams, estamos profundamente comprometidos a fomentar un ambiente seguro y de apoyo donde cada estudiante se sienta visto y valorado. Como parte de este compromiso, el programa de consejería JAMS se enorgullece de albergar una variedad de grupos que brindan apoyo a estudiantes que comparten experiencias similares. Si desea obtener más información sobre nuestros grupos de asesoramiento u otros recursos disponibles, comuníquese con nuestro equipo de asesoramiento. Signos, síntomas y recursos para la depresión y las tendencias suicidas.
Cornerstone Photography estará aquí el viernes 27 de septiembre para el día de retoque de fotos en JAMS de 8:30am-12pm. Si su hijo/a no tomó su foto o quiere retomar su foto, que venga al estudio de baile que está al lado de el gimnasio. Estarán abierto antes de la escuela o durante la nutrición.
Que tengan una buena semana!
Martha Chacon
Boys & Girls Club AM Club/Club de la mañana de Boys and Girls Club
The Boys & Girls Club AM Club is now open! Hours are Mon-Thurs from 7:30-8:55 am and Fridays from 7:30-9:25 am. Since we offer AM classes starting at 8:00 am, we kindly ask that any students arriving early be dropped off at the Boys & Girls Club rather than hanging out on campus. We made sure to offer this morning club time for your convenience. If you are on the membership waiting list for the afternoon, reach out to the Boys & Girls Club and let them know you need morning club. For more information and to register, please visit this link.. This is a great opportunity for students!
Attendance Awareness Month: Let's Be On Time!
September is Attendance Awareness Month, and we’re focusing on the importance of getting students to school on time. Being late, even by just 5 minutes, means your child misses the crucial start of class and can disrupt the learning environment for everyone. To support our students and ensure their success, our counseling interns will be reaching out to families with chronic attendance or tardy issues. We’ll also be calling home if your child is frequently late or missing morning classes. Superintendent's Message on Attendance. As mentioned before, students who miss their AM classes are in danger of losing their elective. Let’s all work together to give our students the best chance to succeed by getting them to school on time, ready to learn!
Coffee with the Counselors/Cafecito con las consejeras
9/26 9:00am In Person @ JAMS room 45
10/24 7pm on Zoom
11/21 9:00am In person @ JAMS room 45
Counseling Groups/Grupos de consejería
The JAMS counseling program is proud to host a variety of groups that provide support to students who share similar experiences. These groups help students develop coping skills or gain tools to overcome challenges. Groups take place during a non-academic class, once a week, for 8 sessions. Groups are free and participation is optional.
El programa de consejería de JAMS se enorgullece en presentar una variedad de grupos para brindar apoyo a los estudiantes que comparten similares experiencias. Estos grupos ayudan a los estudiantes a desarrollar habilidades para enfrentar o aprender habilidades para superar diferentes desafíos. Los grupos se llevan a cabo una vez por semana, por 8 sesiones, durante una clase no académica. Los grupos son gratuitos y la participación es opcional.
JAMS Athletics Results & Upcoming Events/Resultados Atléticos y Próximos Eventos
Congratulations to the over 200 courageous student athletes that tried out for our Fall Sports teams. We’ve seen huge growth in the participation numbers and encourage everyone to continue pursuing your interests. This past Friday the sports season kicked off with victories by all three Flag football teams. Congratulations Dragons!
Flag Football (FF)
7th/8th - D1 - 1-0
6th - D2 - 1-0
Girls Flag Football (GFF)
6th-8th - D1 - 1-0
Girls Volleyball (GVB)
7th/8th - D1 - no contest (pending reschedule)
6th - D2 - no contest (pending reschedule)
Cross Country (XC)
Upcoming meet at Edward's Vincent Park (Inglewood) on 10/1, arrive by 4pm, race starts shortly after.
For upcoming games and schedules/Para próximos juegos y horarios: https://www.smmusd.org/Page/7205
8th Grade Night with the SAMOHI Viking Marching Band
All 8th graders are invited! Please RSVP here!
Special Education Meet and Greet/Para padres con hijos en educación especial
Free and Reduced Meal Application
I am asking all parents to please complete the Free and Reduced Meals application by Friday, October 4. While California provides free meals to all students, this application is critical for securing eligibility for additional programs and resources, such as Title 1 funding for the 2025-26 school year. The state uses this form to determine which families qualify for benefits beyond free meals, and widespread participation is key. As a Title I school, John Adams Middle School depends on these funds to offer enrichment programs, interventions, and essential staff support for our students. Your cooperation in completing the application is greatly appreciated. Free/Reduced Meal Application.
Cell Phone Policy: "Away for the Day"
At John Adams Middle School, we have an "Away for the Day" policy regarding cell phones. All students are required to turn off their phones and keep them in their backpacks throughout the school day. This helps minimize distractions and keeps students focused on learning.
If you need to get in touch with your child during school hours, please call the main office, and we will relay the message to them. Similarly, if your child isn't feeling well, they should go directly to the nurse's office. The nurse will assess the situation and, if needed, will contact you directly.
Thank you for supporting our efforts to provide your child with a cellphone-free school experience!
¡Gracias por apoyar nuestros esfuerzos para ofrecerle a su hijo/a una experiencia escolar libre de teléfonos celulares!
Weekly Schedule
- Monday, September 23: AM and 1-6; dismissal 3:15 pm (blue bells)
- Tuesday, September 24: AM and 1-6; dismissal 3:15 pm (blue bells)
- Wednesday, September 25: AM and Blocks 1,3,5; dismissal at 2:55 pm (gold bells)
- Thursday, September 26: AM and Blocks 2,4,6; dismissal at 2:55 pm (gold bells)
- Friday, September 27: All Classes, late start (9:35 am) dismissal at 2:50 pm (green bells)
School Site Council Meeting on Thursday at 4 pm in room 13 and ELAC meeting at 6:30 pm in the Performing Arts Studio. Junta de consejo escolar el jueves at las 4 pm in el salon 13 y junta de ELAC at las 6:30 pm in el Estudio de Artes Escénicas.
John Adams Middle School
kind · connected · compassionate
Website: https://www.smmusd.org/jams
Location: 2425 16th Street, Santa Monica, CA, USA
Phone: 310-452-2326
Twitter: @jamsdragonsSM