Duval Dispatch
Growing a Garden!
Week of January 13
Dear Duval Families-
Last week, we got back in the swing of things! Students re-learned routines and started their mid-year assessments. We are seeing some amazing growth from our Dolphins and we can't wait to see the learning that continues to occur this Spring!
We definitely had some cold weather last week, with a very slight warming trend early this week. Please keep sending kids to school with coats, hats and hand gear so they are well protected at recess.
As we begin 2025, we have an important project for the whole community. Please see the article below and please participate by making a "brick" for your family. We had some come in so far, but we need a lot more to complete our Duval replica.
This week we'll be celebrating National Hat Day on Wednesday! Wear ANY fun hat you can make or find!! On Thursday, we'll have an assembly to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr's hope for peace and respect. We will come together to celebrate our community with the chorus performing a song, an additional song we sing together as a school, and a special slide show. A recording of the assembly will be on our Dolphin TV Youtube Channel and Whitman Cable.
Have a wonderful week everyone!
Dr. Marcus and Ms. Craig
Important Info
Duval Values Project
Each family is asked to think about a value, something that doesn’t cost anything, but something that your family holds dear. Discuss it at dinner or in a free moment. What one thing do you think is most important about the Duval School, what value is most important for us as a community? Put that idea or word(s) on the side of a small box covered in paper bag or tan material. Together, these boxes will be the bricks that build a replica of Duval for all to enjoy.
As we get more and more “bricks” we will be collecting more and more ideas of what values we hold dearly as a community. From those ideas we will have conversations with each class about what 8-10 values represent the core values of the school. From there we will discuss the creation of a refined list at a faculty meeting, and finally at the School Council meeting in February. A final list will be created and will serve as the basis for everything we do at Duval in the future. The Duval Values will be posted in all rooms and will be a shared set of beliefs, and a shared language that we will be able to use as a community to make Duval an even better place than it already is.
Winter Recess
It's COLD and it's New England! We go out for recess!
ALL students MUST come to school prepared to go outside for recess. Students should come with a coat, hat, gloves/mittens, and boots (if there's snow). If you need help getting any of these, please email or call Dr. M, Ms. Craig, or Mrs. Sewall.
And pleeeeaase, PUT NAMES ON EVERYTHING! Thank you very much!!
Safety and Traffic Notes
- It is really important that we have your phone, email, and any family documents updated! Any changes, please call or email Mrs. Brandon as soon as the change is made!
- Parent drop-off and pick-up folks should stay in your cars if at all possible. We'll take the next couple weeks reminding folks with full implementation soon. Thank you.
- Walkers/bikers entrance/exit is Door 24, front of building. Younger students need to have an adult to meet them on the grass on either side of the crosswalk.
- A reminder that there is NO PASSING anywhere on campus during drop off and pick up. We let a couple cars go for early K parents, but that's it.
News from the Nurse
Last Week at Duval
SECRET Mission Melted Snowman in K!
Dolphin TV
Upcoming Events
Jan. 14- PTO Meeting and the traditional Papa Gino's Night!
Jan. 15- National HAT Day!
Jan. 16- Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Assembly
Jan. 20- MLKj Day- No School
Calendar Items for the Year. Click HERE.
Our first meeting of the year is this Tuesday January 14th at 7 PM in the Duval Library. We are having a crucial vote on our Boosterthon project spending and we would love to hear as many voices as possible. As always, free childcare will be provided and you have a chance to walk away with a prize in our monthly Dolphin Games. Be sure to show up early in order to not miss your chance
Next up in January is our first Scholastic Book Fair of the year from January 27th-31st, with a family night of fun on the evening of Wednesday January 29th. Be on the lookout for more information on the Fair itself, the eWallet program, and volunteering opportunities.
Speaking of volunteers, it is crucial that you verify your background check status with the front office if you want to help out with In-School events. Even if you have done one in the past, it may have expired. Please check with Ms. Brandon to make sure your CORI is up to date.
Thank you all and we hope to see you soon,
Marshall Ottina
President, Duval PTO
Community Corner
Helpful Links
Infinite Campus Log In for classroom information. Need an Infinite Campus Parent Portal Account? Please contact Technology at 781-618-8100
The WHRSD and Duval School PTO Facebook pages.
About Us
John H. Duval Elementary provides a safe, supportive environment where children are able to reach for the stars!
Email: john.marcus@whrsd.org
Website: https://whd.whrsd.org
Location: 60 Regal Street, Whitman, MA 02382
Phone: 781-618-7055
Twitter: @DuvalElementary