SLHS NEWS 2/26/2024
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Attention Parents of Seniors!!
Parents, please remind your Senior to check the board outside the Registrars’ office for the correct spelling of their names for Graduation. If any corrections need to be made, please have them see a Registrar.
Seniors, you must complete the Senior Year End Activity found in your School Links account under your To Do List.
This is a Graduation Requirement and is also how you will order your Final Transcript. Here is a link with instructions on how to complete the Survey.
FCCLA is hosting a sock drive to collect socks for Clothed by Faith! Please donate new socks to rm 1306 or use our Amazon list to purchase socks for our community!
Important Note from the Clinic
If your student was diagnosed with any of the illnesses listed below, Please email your student's grade level Nurse and provide notification when the student first receives any of the following diagnosis:
· Covid
· Influenza
· Staph
· Strep
· Conjunctivitis
· Mono
· Meningitis
· Malaria
· etc
All of these conditions must be reported to the health department. There is paperwork the Nurses have to complete and return to them in a timely manner.
We appreciate your swift attention to this manner! Remember...Team Work makes the dream work!
Joi Nevels R.N, B.S.N.
Seven Lakes High School
Main Campus Nurse ~ 10th -12th grade
9251 S. Fry Road
Katy, TX 77494
Phone: 281-237-2825
Fax: 281-644-1790
Karen A. Pillsbury, BS, RN
Seven Lakes High School,
9th Grade Nurse
9251 South Fry Road, Katy, TX 77494
Phone: 281-237-2982
Fax: 281-644-1799
Email: karenpillsbury@katyisd.org
Letter Jackets
Our next letter jacket fitting is Friday, March 1, in the rotunda during lunches. Eligible students will receive a packet from their coach/sponsor. Students who have earned eligibility in the past are also able to order at this fitting. Juniors who have a 4.0 GPA or higher are eligible to purchase an academic letter jacket. Those students received an email to their Katy ISD email address with instructions for picking up a packet. Those parents also received a copy of the letter. Contact ShannonDGlaser@katyisd.org if you have any questions.
Course Selection Is Under Way!!
Course Selection will be happening January through March. For any questions related to course selection or 4-year plans, please send with your student to discuss during their meeting with their counselor. See below for important dates!
NEW*** SLHS Course Selection Timeline Change ***NEW
Due to delays in district SchooLinks updates, some modifications to our course selection timeline are necessary. This means that counselors will begin meeting with students before SchooLinks has opened for students to input courses. Instead, students will be provided with a course selection worksheet, list of courses (course selection sheet), and will have access to our online course catalog.
Counselors will approve of courses when they meet individually with students and then input courses into SchooLinks. Parents and students will be able to view the approved courses in SchooLinks after counselor/student meetings. Parents and students will give their final confirmation of courses or submit final changes during course verification after Spring Break.
SLHS Course Selection Website: Course selection information can be found through the link below.
Updated Course Selection Dates:
Monday, 2/5—Friday, 3/08: Counselors meet with each student individually through English classes.
We will begin meeting with:
o 09th graders on February 27th
Monday, 3/18—Tuesday, 3/26: Course Verification through SchooLinks
Miller Career Center Application opens January 17th – March 1st! To learn more about programs offered:
Dual Credit Application and Paperwork- Due March 1st, no exceptions.
Miller Carrer Center Application Opens January 17th!!
All SLHS 11th graders are automatically registered to take the SAT School Day for free on March 6, 2024, at Seven Lakes High School. For further information on practice, what to bring, etc. please use the link below. Best of luck to our Juniors taking the SAT.
Revolution Prep-Free Digital SAT Practice Exam for Katy ISD Students
Revolution Prep is offering Katy ISD students four opportunities to take the new Digital SAT practice exam, online for FREE! See below for more information as well as the link to enroll:
Use this link to enroll in any of these FREE PRACTICE EXAMS
Katy Independent School District | Revolution Prep
Click “See All” for additional March testing dates.
SAT Seminar
After working with more than 60,000 students across the country over the last 15 years, Sycamore Learning Company designed these 5-hour seminars to help students prepare for the upcoming SAT with specific strategies to maximize scoring on each section of these tests.
The cost for one seminar is only $125 and each seminar includes an extensive study guide that has full-length practice tests with in-depth answer explanations for each question and 5 hours of in-class instruction.
The only materials needed for the seminar will be a calculator and two pencils. Enrollment may be limited, so please register as soon as possible at www.prepforthefuture.com to ensure your student does not miss out on this opportunity.
March 2, 9am-3pm SAT Seminar @ Seven Lakes High School
Transcript Requests
Transcripts can be requested after January 26th through the link below:
Katy Virtual School
Katy Virtual School (KVS) online classes allow secondary students to acquire graduation credits and/or expand their learning opportunities through paid, online high school credit courses during the summer and school year.
KVS courses:
- Provide flexibility in scheduling.
- Allow students to get ahead on credits.
- Provide opportunities to access courses that are not offered on the home campus.
- Help students moving into Katy ISD from outside Texas to meet graduation requirements.
- Are developed and taught by Katy ISD teachers.
KVS offers over 60 approved College Board Advanced Placement (AP), Katy Advanced Program (KAP) and academic level courses. The cost is $200 per semester with reduced or no fees for students identified as economically disadvantaged. KVS is approved by the NCAA for student initial eligibility.
Registration opens February 1, 2024, for summer 2024, fall 2024 and spring 2025. Questions can be answered through your home campus counselor, Katy Virtual School FAQ, or email katyvirtualschool@katyisd.org.
Katy ISD Parents and/or Guardians can view their child’s grades in the Home Access Center at any time. On the Grades page, you can access your child’s most recent progress report (IPR) and report card grades. On the Classwork page, you can setup personalized alerts for your child’s class averages. Based on the parent-defined percentage (%), you will receive an alert when your child’s average falls below or rises above a certain threshold. Select here to locate Instructions on how to setup grade alerts.
Revised Senior Calendar
College and Career
SAVE THE DATE: The FAFSA application opened on December 31, 2023! For more information regarding the FAFSA changes, go to https://www.salliemae.com/blog/fafsa-faqs/ and U.S. Department of Education
In accordance with Texas Education Code Section 28.0256, seniors graduating in 2022 and thereafter must complete and submit, and show proof of submission, a free application for federal student aid (FAFSA) or a Texas application for state financial aid (TAFSA).
Attention Seniors! SLHS PTSA Scholarship Application
Application for the SLHS PTSA Scholarship is now open.
Applicant and at least one parent/guardian must have been members of the SLHS PTSA both (a) the applicant’s junior year and (b) by March 7th of the applicant’s senior year
Become a SLHS PTSA member at www.joinpta.org
For more information check our website at https://www.sevenlakesptsa.com/scholarships
Email Vibha Burman, our Scholarship Chair with any questions at: slhsscholarship@gmail.com or text at 413-358-1197
Athletic Scholarship
Featured Scholarships
Deadline: March 1, 2024
Scholarship Information:https://houstonswe.org/student-scholarships/
Scholarship Amount: $1,200.00
Deadline: March 7 or by the HS Campus’ Deadline
K.A.R.E. Scholarship
Texas Tech Alumni Scholarship
Every year, the Texas Tech Alumni Association awards hundreds of scholarships funded by alumni contributions. These scholarships are awarded to deserving current undergraduate and graduate students and incoming freshmen, graduate and transfer students. TTAA scholarships are awarded based on a variety of factors including ethnicity, academic merit and financial need.
The deadline to submit your TTAA scholarship application will be April 15, 2024.
Scholarship Listing
US Army ROTC Scholarship
ATTN: Current JUNIORS, 11th grade students
- Create an Account My GoArmy
- Upon creating an account, login to the Scholarship Application
- Locate and contact the Recruiting Operations Officer at the school you plan to attend.
- Application must be started no later than March 4, 2024, to be eligible for review by the Army ROTC National Scholarship Board.
- Applications are due by March 11, 2024, to be reviewed by the board from March 18-22, 2024.
ATTN: Current JUNIORS, 11th grade students
Deadline: September 1, 2024
Amount: $2000
Additional Information
Deadline: Saturday, March 23, 2024 by 11:59p.m.
Grades: 5th-12th grade, age 10-18
Deadline: Friday, March 22, 2024
Order your Yearbook!!!!
NACAC National College Fair- Houston
Date: April 11, 2024
Time: 9:30am-12:30pm and 6:00pm-8:00pm
NRG Center
NRG Park
1 Fannin St
Houston, TX 77054
24-25 SLHS Cheer Tryout Information
On Wednesday, February 28, 2024, 6-8 pm @ the Leonard Merrell Center, we will be hosting our first-ever Katy ISD College Athlete Recruiting Seminar. This event's purpose is to provide information to parents and athletes about the recruiting process. The event will cover the difference between each level of play for all sports, how scholarships are impacted at each level, what you can do to create your “athletic” resume, and what the role is for parents in recruitment. There will be a chance to ask our presenter Todd Kelly questions following the event. This session will be broken into two parts that will focus on the high school process and the Junior High process. The QR code on the flyer for the event will allow you to RSVP for that night. We look forward to seeing you there!