ISWA's Learning Coach Account

Learning Coach Account
The Learning Coach Account gives you access to your student's courses and schedule.
You can:
- Monitor your student's progress,
- Check school-wide announcements
- Find teacher contact information.
- View and update your account information.
Need to know how to set up your Learning Coach account?
- Read this help article to find out how, or
- Call Customer Care at 866-512-2273.
How to Use Engageli
Entering an Engageli Virtual Classroom
When you enter the Engageli virtual classrooms, you will need to check your Background, Mic & Video settings. Once you have your settings adjusted you will need to click on Sign in and Join button, in order to enter the classroom.
Class sessions are in a video conferencing platform called Engageli.
Please use this interactive tool above (Engageli 3.1 Learner) to get started with Engageli. There will also be sessions available before school starts. You will see the sessions in your class connect schedule.
You can also join the national sessions that begin at the end of July.
How Much Time Does School Take?
High School Master Schedule Information
The ISWA Master Schedule for Trimester 2
- Each student's Class Connect schedule in the Online High School is the most accurate schedule.
- The master schedule indicates the specific time courses can meet. The schedule is built to make sure we have time to work with students who need additional support in a class. If a student does not need additional support (as determined by STAR testing & class progress), they will not be invited to all sessions for the week.
- The master schedule has time built in for students who receive special services through the ELL program and/or Special Education. These courses are noted with an asterisk*. Only students eligible for the services will be invited to the sessions.
- Assemblies are always optional attendance
- Please contact your student's Homeroom Teacher if you have any questions.
Trimester 2 Cohort 1 Master Schedule
Students with a start date of 12/2/2024
Trimester 2 Cohort 2 Master Schedule
Students with a start date of 1/13/2025
Trimester 2 Cohort 3 Master Schedule
Students with a start date of 2/10/2025
Middle School Master Schedule Information
ISWA Middle School Master Schedule.
- Each student's Class Connect schedule in the Online High School is the most accurate schedule.
- The master schedule indicates the specific time courses can meet. The schedule is built to make sure we have time to work with students who need additional support in a class. If a student does not need additional support (as determined by STAR testing & class progress), they will not be invited to all sessions for the week.
- The master schedule has time built in for students who receive special services through the ELL program and/or Special Education. These courses are noted with an asterisk*. Only students eligible for the services will be invited to the sessions.
- The master schedule has time built in to complete STAR testing. Once students have completed their STAR assessments, they will not be invited to future STAR sessions until the next testing cycle.
- Please contact your student's Homeroom Teacher if you have any questions.
Elementary Master Schedule Information
Here are a few things you need to know about our schedule:
- Each student’s Class Connect schedule in the OLS is the most accurate schedule.
- The schedule may be adjusted to support student needs.
- We occasionally complete STAR testing on Friday mornings in place of classes.
- We will notify you if your student needs to attend STAR testing sessions.
- Students who receive additional support through an IEP or through the Multilingual Learner Program will have additional sessions scheduled.
Please contact your student’s Teacher if you have any questions. Thank you!
Semester 2 Kindergarten Master Schedule
Semester 2 1st Grade Master Schedule
Semester 2 2nd Grade Master Schedule
Semester 2 3rd Grade Master Schedule
Semester 2 4th Grade Master Schedule
Semester 2 5th Grade Master Schedule
Expectations and Tips for Success
Learning Coaches (elementary school students only)
- Learning Coaches should plan on supporting their student with their live classes and homework about 4-6 hours a day in the first few weeks of school
- Once your student is familiar with using the online school, they should be able to work more independently and will require less supervision
- Attend the Monthly Progress Conference with your student and their teacher
- Attend all your live class sessions
- Complete your homework every day
- Attend your Monthly Progress Conference with your Learning Coach and your teacher
We've seen students be more successful and make more growth when their Learning Coach or parents are actively involved
Frequently Asked Questions
Q.) Where is my laptop?
A.) The first step to receiving a laptop from the school is by completing the Family Income Form.
- Check your email for the form or reach out to hardware@k12insightwa.org to request a new form.
- If you have completed the Family Income Form, you can check your status here: https://www.help.k12.com/s/article/Track-Shipping-Status-Materials-Computer-Equipment
Q.) Where are the Orientations and why don’t I see them?
A.) Orientation will show up on your class connect schedule. You will see the sessions in your schedule two weeks before your start date.
My Students Tab
- Student's courses
- Assignments
- Live class schedule
The icons on this page will show you if assignments are:
- Not Completed
- Skipped
- Completed
- Completed but Not Mastered
- Overdue.
If you have multiple students you can switch between them by clicking on the name listed at the top of the page and then selecting your other students.
My Schedule Tab
- Required or
- Optional
You can switch between a daily view or a weekly view.
Checking Your Student's Progress
Teacher Contact Information
You can find the teacher contact information for each course under the Progress column.
See below:
School Announcements
You have access to school-wide announcements under the Announcements tab. Check this tab regularly to keep up on important announcements and information from the school.
My Account
You can also access your account information, passwords, student materials and shipping information by clicking on My Account.
Attendance Policies and Expectations
Our policies and procedures have been created and are implemented to keep students on track to be successful in school and life, maintain a positive school structure, and ultimately graduate high school.
All attendance excusals should go to attendance@k12insightwa.org
The following are the attendance expectations and requirements for ALL students who take any courses at ISWA:
- Students are required to communicate and maintain conversations with their teachers during the span of each week (excluding holiday breaks).
- Students are expected to attend their live classes and if they are going to miss any classes, they must notify the appropriate content teacher.
- Students must login to the Online School daily and complete their course work.
- IMPORTANT: Only logging into the Online School does NOT count as satisfying the weekly, school attendance policies.
- Students will be required to complete a Monthly Progress Conference with their homeroom teacher.
Students who are unable to satisfy these policies over the duration of each school week will be notified by the school. The Learning Coach(es) will also be made aware of the unexcused absences via email or phone call. ISWA will implement the progressive intervention processing to help the student get back on track. All attendance policies can be found in the ISWA Student Handbook.
SOAR Program
Student Handbooks & School Calendars
High School 2024-2025 School Calendar
Kinder-8th 2024-2025 School Calendar
Tech Support
For customer service and tech support, call 866-512-2273
You can also visit our help website at: https://www.help.k12.com
Helpful Links
Have more Questions?? Check out these helpful links and resources below!
Class sessions are in a video conferencing platform called Engageli.
Meet our Special Education Team!
LC Community
Learning Coach Community
We are excited to announce the Learning Coach Community is now open! The Learning Coach Community is a one-stop-shop online community available to ALL K12 Learning Coaches. In the community, LC's can receive support (either as a returning or first-time LC's), access resources for students, find tips and tools for online school, and more. Ready to connect with other families learning from home?
Go to community.k12.com to get started!
Washington State Governor’s Office of the Education Ombuds (OEO)
The Washington State Office of Education Ombuds (OEO) listens, shares information and referrals, and works with families, communities, and schools to address concerns so that every student can fully participate and thrive in our state’s public schools. OEO provides support in multiple languages and has telephone interpretation available. To get help or learn more about what OEO does, please visit our website: https://www.oeo.wa.gov/en; email oeoinfo@gov.wa.gov, or call: 1-866-297-2597 (interpretation available).
The Washington State Governor’s Office of the Education Ombuds (OEO) is an independent state agency that helps to reduce educational opportunity gaps by supporting families, students, educators, and other stakeholders in communities across WA in understanding the K-12 school system and resolving concerns collaboratively. OEO services are free and confidential. Anyone can contact OEO with a question or concern about K-12 public schools.
OEO also has 1-page flyers translated into the following languages, which can be downloaded and printed, or copied and pasted into school newsletters or other school publications.
- OEO Awareness SB 5376 Flyer English
- OEO Awareness SB 5376 Flyer English and Spanish
- OEO Awareness SB 5376 Flyer English and Amharic
- OEO Awareness SB 5376 Flyer English and Arabic
- OEO Awareness SB 5376 Flyer English and Chinese Simplified
- OEO Awareness SB 5376 Flyer English and Dari
- OEO Awareness SB 5376 Flyer English and French
- OEO Awareness SB 5376 Flyer English and Hindi
- OEO Awareness SB 5376 Flyer English and Khmer
- OEO Awareness SB 5376 Flyer English and Korean
- OEO Awareness SB 5376 Flyer English and Marshallese
- OEO Awareness SB 5376 Flyer English and Punjabi
- OEO Awareness SB 5376 Flyer English and Russian
- OEO Awareness SB 5376 Flyer English and Samoan
- OEO Awareness SB 5376 Flyer English and Somali
- OEO Awareness SB 5376 Flyer English and Tagalog
- OEO Awareness SB 5376 Flyer English and Tigrinya
- OEO Awareness SB 5376 Flyer English and Ukrainian
- OEO Awareness SB 5376 Flyer English and Vietnamese
OEO’s Mailing address is:
P.O. Box 40004
Olympia, WA 98504
Notice of Nondiscrimination
Insight School of Washington does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
The following person has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination:
Title IX Coordinator, Diana Figula
2601 S 35th Street, Suite 100
Tacoma, WA 98509
Title IX inquiries may also be directed toward the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR): https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/index.html
Information about the nondiscrimination and sex-based discrimination policies and grievance procedures, and how to report a concern or complaint can be found in the Student Handbooks.