This Week @ PS 88Q
January 19th, 2025
No School Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr.
A Message From Mrs. O'Shaughnessy
I hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend. And the snow!! This week we are expecting cold temperatures, so please make sure your child has their coat, hat, gloves, scarves. We will be inside for recess due to the wind chills, but arrivals and dismissals will be cold. It is nice and warm and toasty in the building.
As you know, the New York City Public School (NYPS) has agreed that any potential snow days would be a pivot to remote day. Earlier in the school year, (November) we had a pivot to remote "test" where students had to log on to their google classroom from home. In the near future, this may happen again, to test the system, and prepare our families in the case of a remote day. I am including some of the details below:
- All students have an email and password to access teachhub. Please ensure you have the email and password. Once in teachhub, students have access to Google Classroom, and all resources
- Google Classroom can be accessed through a computer, an IPAD or a phone.
- Parents: Do you have access to your New York City School's Account?
- In the event of a pivot to remote day, attendance is taken. The school day is five hours long. The school day would be from 8:00am to 1:00pm. Attendance policy is as follows:
Remote: Student attends (is virtually present for) synchronous instruction for the equivalent of at least one full instructional period during the scheduled program day.
- If your child can not participate online (for various reasons) please communicate with the teacher and offline work can be assigned.
- In the event of a pivot to remote day, there will be a staggered log in schedule. What does that mean?
- Kindergarten logs in 8:00am-8:15am
- Grade 1 and 2 logs in 8:15am-8:30am
- Grade 3, 4, 5 logs in from 8:30am-8:45am
- 3K and Pre-K have specific guidance. See link below
- What if I am having difficulty? Always reach out to me loshaughnessy@schools.nyc.gov and I can support.
We are prepared in the event of a pivot to remote day, but we know that we would all rather be in school!
Digital Citizenship
Parent Responsibilities
- Make sure your child acts responsibly. This includes knowing and understanding the Discipline Code, Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy (IAUSP), and Social Media Guidelines for Students 12 and Younger or 13 and Older.
- Keep track of your children's online use when they are not in school—including mobile apps, online games, and other social media
- Share values with your children and talk with them about what is—and is not—acceptable online behavior.
Student Responsibilities
Follow the rules
- Follow all school and class rules for using technology
- Act responsibly to all—both online and face-to-face
- Collaborate in positive ways that help you learn
- Use technology to support an inclusive school community
Stay safe
- Only use accounts that belong to you.
- Protect passwords—don’t share them with others
- Don’t automatically save passwords on school devices
- Don’t give out personal information online without your parent’s permission
- Have permission from a parent before meeting anyone in person that you have met only online
Open House: Tuesday January 21 at 5:00pm
We have hosted 9 wonderful Open Houses to support our families in their application to PS 88Q. With kindergarten applications closing this week, and 3K and Pre-K applications open, we are hosting another evening Open House. We look forward to meeting any families and helping you navigate the MySchools application.
Our Playground is FINALLY Open!
On Friday, our students finally got to enjoy the playground. It has been a long wait, but the day finally came. With the freezing temperatures coming, it was important to get them on the equipment as soon as it was officially completed. There have been many questions regarding the progress, and the use of the playground.
- The project was funded by the NYC Parks Department and contracted through NYC. No part of the playground was cleared for use until all details of installation were complete.
- The playground at this time is for use of PS 88Q. During the school day, or during permit holders time (GRYC) it is exclusively for our students.
- The playground will eventually be a NYC Public Park, on the hours school is not in session, BUT IT IS NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AT THIS TIME. When it is, signage will be posted, with guidelines for use.
If you have not sent in the playground permission slip, please send in ASAP. If you need another copy, please ask your teacher to send one home. I have attached a copy below.
Our Social Justice Committees Latest Initiative
3K and The Clothing Unit
3K has been exploring the Clothing unit. As part of this unit, we invited community members to speak about their professions and the distinctive uniforms or garments they wear for their jobs. We were fortunate to have some amazing family volunteers
- Rose (3K004)’s grandmother is a judge
- Ripley (3K004)’s mom is a midwife
- Alexander (3K002)’s mom is a teaching artist
- Our wonderful school safety agent, Arlesha
PTA News
Monthly General Membership Meeting
**Tuesday, January 21 from 6pm-7pm**
Activity for the kids during the meeting!
Cozy Family Movie Night
Friday, January 31, from 5pm-7:30pm
We are in the midst of planning and working out the details to improve the experience from last year!
Graduation Pictures for K and 5th Grade - Monday January 27:
Sign up to help with Graduation Pictures here: bit.ly/3C2NU5m
This is a school event, but we're helping to gather volunteers.
Cozy Family Movie Night - Friday January 31:
Sign up to volunteer here: bit.ly/MovieNight25
We will need a team of volunteers to make the night smooth and enjoyable!
Please use this form to communicate any and all needs, concerns, and thoughts.
You always have a place to go for help and to have your voice heard.
We will use this feedback to lead Q and A during General Membership Meetings, will pass it along to administration and the SLT, and reference it often to keep in touch with parent thoughts.
It will remain open for the entire 2024-25 school year
From Our Chancellor
How We Recruit and Celebrate Our Teachers
Dear Families and Colleagues,
As a former teacher and school leader, and now as the mother of a New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) student, I know firsthand the power of an excellent educator. Today’s newsletter highlights two terrific programs that help us celebrate and recruit our NYCPS teachers.
- Big Apple Awards: These annual awards go to incredible educators from across the city; nominations for the 2025 awards are open until January 21. Think of a current teacher who inspires you, who regularly goes above and beyond—and nominate them today!
- NYC Teaching Fellows: I started my own career in the NYC Teaching Fellows program, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary! Fellows receive a stipend during training and earn a subsidized master's degree while teaching full-time in our classrooms. Please share this opportunity widely; the early action deadline is February 15.
To all our current (and future) teachers: We see you and appreciate you. Thank you for building bold futures for our students.
In partnership,
Melissa Aviles-Ramos