News from the Nest!
September Monthly Newsletter
Sky Hawk Families,
Thank you so much for a great start to the school year! It is with your help and support that we have had a great first few weeks of school! We cannot fully express how excited we are about this school year and all the exciting events in store. Please get connected with us and stay in touch!
There are a few updates that we want you to be aware of:
- Absence call outs will now occur at 10am and 6pm
- Check out ends at 3:15p daily
- When coming to games, do not click "here" on your Go Fan until you arrive. It must be clicked by the game attendant.
Additionally, students attended grade level assemblies to discuss school-wide expectations. Here are some takeaways:
- Be Kind
- We are a "No Gum" school
- Cellphones are to be put away while on campus
- Food and Drinks (with the exception of water) are not to leave the cafeteria.
- Adhere to the LRSD dress code.
- Get to class on time and stay in designated areas.
If you could help us communicate these expectations at home, that would be awesome!
Be sure to check out our calendar of events below and on our app (Select Pinnacle View Middle School as your "Organization."). If you do not already, please follow us on Facebook at Pinnacle View Middle School - LRSD and/or on Instagram @PinnacleViewMS. Let's make September great!
Be sure to Join Rooms!!!
If your information is current and correct within eSchool, you should have received a text message from 98900 and/or an email from accounts@edurooms.com. You will only need to complete one invite process to activate your Rooms account. If you do not receive a text message or email, you will need to contact the school to ensure your information is correct. Once, you've updated your information, you will receive your invite the following day.
Parking & Car Line Expectations
Student Pickup/Towing Cars
Our neighboring businesses are asking that you NOT park in their business lots. Baptist Health Therapy has patients with limited mobility and cannot properly service their clients due to our families parking and utilizing their space. Please use the car line, and do not park in neighboring business. They will begin towing cars starting next week.
Car Line Procedure
- Students will not be allowed to walk to the left of the school (towards Izzy’s or Goodwill)
- All walkers must walk on the sidewalk until they reach Ranch Blvd.
- Businesses do not allow our families and students to utilize their parking. Please refrain from parking in the business parking lot areas
- Make sure your child knows how they will get home and are familiar with their ride prior to 2pm
6th & Goal: 6th Grade Football League
6th Grade Football
6th and Goal is for our 6th grade students. We have several students interested and will make an announcement and send a message when we can get started. We are waiting on our district representative to give us the green light! There is no need to sign up again if you've already completed the form. We now have a new volunteer coach, Kevin Allen, who will be in contact as soon as we get information from the district on our start time. If your child is interested, please sign up here -------> 6th Grade Football Signup
Student Government Applications Now Available
Band and Flag Line Pep Rally
Science Fair Parent Meeting
Student IDs Coming Soon!
Girls Basketball Tryout Information
LRPD Youth Mentoring Opportunities
Yearbooks are on Sale Now!
New "Handle With Care" Communication
Join our PTSA!
📣Skyhawk Spirit Store is OPEN!📣
💙Send your Skyhawk back to school in style!
💙Preorders will be available at the Skyhawk Academy & Registration!
💙Limited availability of preorders!
Don’t miss out! https://pvmslr.givebacks.com/store?limit=21&live=true
1st Incentive is Around the Corner
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events:
3rd- PVMS vs. FHSA Football Location: Fair
4th- PVMS vs. Mabelvale at Mabelvale -Volleyball
5th- Science Fair-Competition Ready (For parents interested in having their children compete in CARSEF and middle school Science Fair)
5th- Band Fundraiser 5:30 PVMS Cafeteria
9th-PVMS vs. Fair at PVMS- Volleyball 5:30
10th- PVMS vs. Lacey- Football Scott Field 7:00pm
11th- PVMS vs. Mann at Mann 5:30
16th- PVMS vs. Forest Heights at PVMS 5:30
17th- PVMS vs. Mabelvale Football at Fair 5:30
18th- PVMS vs. PH at Pulaski Heights Volleyball
23rd- PVMS vs. Lacey at Lacey 5:30 Volleyball
24th- PVMS vs. Horace Mann Football at Scott Field 5:30
25th- PVMS vs. Dunbar at PVMS
Pinnacle View Middle School
Email: takecia.campbell@lrsd.org
Website: https://www.lrsd.org/Page/85
Location: 5701 Ranch Drive, Little Rock, AR, USA
Phone: (501) 4478500
Facebook: facebook.com/PinnacleViewMiddleSchool-LRSD
Instagram: @pinnacleviewms