The Eagle Express
Parent Newsletter: Week of August 12-15
Eagle Academy encourages academic excellence by integrating proven instructional methods with a challenging curriculum and high expectations.This combination provides every child with the foundation needed to achieve proficiency of Eagle Academy’s performance standards at each instructional level.
From the Principal's Desk
Dear Families,
It is with great expectancy that I welcome this 2024-2025 School Year in alluding to high expectations, high academic rigor, and high collaboration to ensure another successful year for our students, staff and families. I hope that you have enjoyed your summers and are ready to jump into this academic year.
I am expecting great things from our students and staff. As Eagles, we soar high and pay attention to details. Those details, small or great, will be pertinent to the advancement of our school and the education of our students.
I am looking forward to working with each and everyone of you as we learn, plan, and work together. I hope you have a great first week of school here at Eagle Academy Charter School.
Your Principal,
Dr. Lynn Mills
August at a Glance
Just Around the Corner
August 14-Back to School Meet & Greet, 5:30 pm
August 15-Students Return to School
August 21-Kindergarten Tears & Cheers, 9 am
August 21-New Staff Building Induction Program, 3:30 pm
August 27 -Fire Drill
August 27-K-3 Parent Night, 6 pm
August 28 4-8 Parent Night, 6 pm
New Staff to EACS
Mr. Matthew Chouinard-MS Science/Elective Teacher
Mrs. Alicia Painter-Kindergarten Teacher
Mr. Tyler Pond-MS Social Studies/Elective Teacher
Staff New to Positions at EACS
Mrs. Heather Caldwell-Fourth Grade Teacher
Mrs. Jervea Wright-Second Grade TA
Mrs. Barbara Patterson-Kindergarten TA
Back to School Meet and Greet Night
Who: All Families
What: Drop off school supplies & meet teachers & staff
When: Wednesday, August 14th (5:30 - 7:00 pm)
Where: Eagle Academy (10901 Mausel Street)
Note: Bring your checkbook or credit card. Our amazing PTO will be onsite with opportunities to order EACS Swag, sign up and pay for Popcorn Fridays, and milk (distributed during lunch). You can also learn about volunteer (school service) opportunities
We will also have a PASSPORT activity for students. Each student that turns in a completed passport before they leave on Wednesday will receive a surprise and be entered to win a "extra" spirit day for their grade level class.
Open House Parent Nights
August 27th (K-5) & 28th (6-8)
Please come out to your child(ren)'s classrooms to get more insight on the teacher, the school and the expectations of Eagle Academy! Please keep in mind that this time only for parents.
Tears and Cheers (Kindergarten)
Who: All Families of Kindergarten Students
What: Some will be crying, teary-eyed and blue. Some will be cheering, "I'm glad the summer is through!" Whatever you'll be feeling, stop by for a while. We'll be here to greet you with some coffee, doughnuts, and a smile.
When: Wednesday, August 21st (9:00 - 9:30 am)
Where: Eagle Academy (Staff Lounge)
Note: Start time on the first day of Kindergarten will be at 8:45.
EACS Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Student arrival begins at 8:10 am. Please line up no earlier than 8:05 am. Our school day ends at 3:20. Student Dismissal is at 3:25 pm. Please do not line up before 3:15 pm. Follow the car line route each day for arrival and dismissal.
Arrival Map
Dismissal Map
Proof of Residency
If you haven't already done so, please provide the front office staff with documents verifying your residence within the Municipality of Anchorage.
Accepted forms of documentation include:
- Utility Bill: Water/Sewer, Electric, Gas, or Trash (Please - no internet or cell phone bills)
- Lease/Rental agreement
You can upload these directly to your parent connect account vis the ASD website: https://parentconnect.asdk12.org/production/parentportal
You can also scan and email your documents to EACSFrontOffice@asdk12.org .
Anchorage School District Visitor & Volunteer Form
Dress to Impress
Please get student uniforms from French Toast. All students are required and expected to wear the appropriate school uniform each day!
Sponsor an Afterschool Activity
Looking ahead. We are hoping to find a handful of parents who would like to earn school service hours by sponsoring an after school activity next fall. After School Activities (ASA) will start approximately mid-late September and run through the first week of December (12 weeks) and are typically one day a week for an hour of instructional time. Parents who lead an activity will be able to help fulfill their annual school service required of 16 hours.
If you have a special skill, talent, or hobby that you would be willing to share with students please contact the front office.
Some Possible Activities Include:
Digital Photography
Chess club
Cross Country Running*
And More
*Running club will begin soon after school begins to prepare for the Beach Lake Jamboree in September.
Eagle Academy APB
Lynn Mills - Principal (mills_lynn@asdk12.org)
Vanessa Hall - APB (v.m.hall@outlook.com)
Heather Caldwell - APB Teacher (caldwell_heather@asdk12.org)
Mindy Edison - APB Teacher (edison_mindy@asdk12.org)
Chris Hatt- APB Member (roysterbash@hotmail.com )
Paula Ayojiak - APB Community (paula@ayojiak.com)
Emily Morrison - APB Member (morrison1623@hotmail.com)
Royal Harrop- APB Community (thebear.harrop@gmail.com)
Eagle Academy PTO
Emma Marriot-Predmore- Chair: (540) 533-9133
Alysia Thayer - Vice-Chair: (303) 378-3097
Vanessa Hall - Co-Treasurer: (907) 230-6365
Melanie Peterson - Secretary: (907) 947-5394
Jennifer Sandvik - Teacher Rep
Anchorage School District
Anchorage School District
Dr. Jharrett Bryantt- School Superintendent
Margo Bellamy-School Board President