Parent Guide

What is TPSP?
The Texas Performance Standards Project (TPS P) is comprised of a set of performance standards, curricula, and assessments for differentiating instruction and deepening academic learning. TPSP is designed to enhance Fort Bend ISD's gifted and talented (GT) program through rigorous, differentiated, independent research opportunities that are aligned with the Texas Essential Knowledge and SkiIls (TEKS) from kindergarten through high school.
What are the TPSP Essential Components?
Each TPSP consists of learning experiences and independent research. For a complete project, each student will conduct research, complete a project, and communicate their findings with an audience.
Who chooses a project, and what projects can they choose from?
Each student chooses his or her own TPSP. The GT Department has created project option documents to support our students by increasing awareness of the possibilities open to them. Students may choose a TPSP from any content area and are not confined by the limits of areas of identification.
How will TPSP be implemented?
TPSP as a whole will look different on every campus in FBISD. However, certain aspects will remain constant. First, students will choose the TPSP they want to complete. It does NOT have to be a TPSP from their identified area of giftedness, as many of the projects are cross-curricular. Second, the TPSP is a requirement in grades 1-9 and an opportunity in grades 10-12 for identified gifted and talented students throughout the district. TPSP has been integrated into our curriculum to support teachers in facilitating projects with our students. A project guide has been made available on the TPSP in FBISD website to provide further clarity on different aspects of the project.
How will this benefit my child?
"Students who participate in services designed for gifted students will demonstrate skills in self-directed learning, thinking, research, and communication as evidenced by the development of innovative products and performances that reflect individuality and creativity and are advanced in relation to students of similar age, experience or environment. High school graduates who have participated in services for gifted students will have produced products and performances of
professional quality as part of their gifted services."
-Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented Students
By inviting students to use dedicated time during the school day to explore a project in which they are interested, FBISD hopes to help these students feel more fulfilled in their educational experiences. It also provides the opportunity to build their collaborative, critical thinking, and communication skills while taking ownership of their learning.
Who completes a TPSP?
It is a requirement of FBISD that all identified GT students in grades 1-9 will complete a TPSP. In grades 10-12, TPSP is an opportunity for identified students to conduct independent research. The TPSP is a service provided by the district that is aligned and promoted by the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented students.
Is the TPSP graded?
The projects are assessed during a campus showcase utilizing the assessment rubrics provided on the TPSP website. Fort Bend ISO has integrated the TPSPs into our curriculum which allows for teachers to take grades on different tasks related to the completion of the projects. This will look different for every campus and student due to student choice in their TPSP and individualized teacher instructional decisions.
How will progress be monitored?
TPSP will be monitored at both the campus and district level in FBISD. Teachers on each campus will serve as facilitators for the projects and will utilize a monitoring system that is actively updated and shared with both the director of GT and the GT curriculum coordinator overseeing the service.
Where can I get more detailed information?
The TPSP in FBISD webpage provides access to contact information, TPSP guidelines, project options, assessment rubrics, and a glimpse of recent completed projects. The Texas Performance Standards Project website also provides a variety of helpful resources for teachers, parents, and students. For information about TPSP on a specific campus, please contact the campus GT administrator. See below for the GT administrator contact search feature on our webpage.