Week 30 MIT Update
ESD Special Board Meeting, Garden Club, more...
Week 30 MIT Update
Upcoming Dates
Upcoming Dates
4/16 6:30 pm ESD Special Board Meeting–District Office
4/17 7:00 pm “Save the Music” Music Booster Virtual Meeting
4/19 4:30 pm Madrona Vineyard
4/21 2:00 pm Garden Club–building garden boxes
4/22 4:00 pm Garden Club–weeding and grounds clean up
4/26 9:30 am Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast
4/30 Deadline for MIT Election Nominations
We have a few volunteer positions we need filled quickly. First, Girls on the Run need one more coach. Second, MIT elections are coming up soon and we need one or two people to run the Election Committee… And of course we’ll need some people to fill the open board positions! Please see below for all the details.
Hey there! Did you know that we have a poll at the end of every email? It’s just for fun and we have a different question every week. Make sure to scroll all the way to the end to participate.
Do you know there is a calendar on the Madrona BearFacts website? This one can be linked to your personal calendar. https://www.madronabearfacts.com/calendar/events-calendar/
There is also a calendar in the ParentSquare app and on the official district Madrona page. https://madrona.edmonds.wednet.edu/calendar
MIT also has a Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/madronamit
Madrona Children’s Theatre now has an Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/madrona_childrens_theatre?igsh=cm5iZm1rdWY5YzV2&fbclid=IwAR2kHYeFLPR-muTD0OL6D8_5S0BGWAJEmFpQ8jhUk5uhbbljjp3zDCVVMqk
ESD Budget Cuts Are Coming!
ESD Budget Cuts Are Coming!
ESD Budget Cuts Are Coming!
Have you heard the saying, “Death by 1,000 paper cuts?” That feels rather fitting right now. Choir was cut from our program this year. We barely hung onto orchestra. Intermediate lost 0.2 FTE hours of a math teacher. Right now, to balance the 2024-25 school year budget, ESD is looking for ways to cut $10.6 million from their spending. There are potential cuts that could very significantly impact Madrona students. Per an anonymous union member, “Madrona parents need to be more involved than they ever have before.” School board members need to hear our voices to hear how important music, electives and staffing are to our kids.
Per this list, Madrona could potentially lose one certificated staff (teacher) and one paraeducator.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE make room in your schedule to attend the School Board Special Meeting. TUESDAY, APRIL 16 at 6:30-8:30 at the ESD Office: 20420 68th Ave. W. Lynnwood, 98036. If you cannot make it in person, please attend virtually. Per our source, you can tune in online using the link that will be on the district website Tuesday at 6:30. Board members can see how many folks are watching the meeting online.
MIT plans to host a meeting within the next two weeks to provide more information about potential cuts and ways you can help support Madrona. More information will come out soon.
ESD budget information can be found here: https://www.edmonds.wednet.edu/our-district/district-information-reports/budget-information
Music Booster “Save the Music” Virtual Meeting
In addition, the Mountlake Terrace High School Music Boosters and Edmonds-Woodway High School Music Boosters are hosting “Save the Music” virtual meeting on April 17. All Edmonds School District elementary, middle, and high school parents and interested community members are welcome to hear parent advocates speak about proposed music cuts to band, jazz, orchestra, and choir classes. This is an opportunity to learn how we got here, actions you can take to support music programs, and ask questions.
Registration is required. Please register at https://shorturl.at/hlsKQ
Save The Music Meeting
Wednesday, April 17
Virtual [Register to receive a link to the Zoom meeting]
More information about potential music cuts is found at Mountlake Terrace High School Music, www.mthsmusic.org/save, or Edmonds-Woodway High School Music, www.ewhsmusic.com/take-action.
You can direct all questions and comments to savethemusic@mthsmusic.org.
Garden Club
Join us to celebrate Earth Day and start up the Madrona Garden. This will be a two day event so get your gloves ready. April 21 we will primarily be working on setting up the garden beds we have for the Madrona Garden and filling up the beds. April 22, starting at 4 PM, we will focus on weeding around school and any other remaining things if needed for the garden. If we have lots of volunteers we can weed on Earth Day as well. If you plan to attend Earth day and have a wheelbarrow please bring it, gloves and buckets too. For a headcount please rsvp on the sign up genius. If you have any questions feel free to email lynnleighrobinson@gmail.com
Want to help from home?
Volunteers needed to start plants at home or purchase plants for school gardens.
Please pick up flats and pots in the community garden area. This area is located behind the Madrona sign where the metal tree is located. The pots will be close to the driveway.
We will need you to provide potting soil or seed starting mix for the pots and seeds. A good brand of potting soil to look for is Black Gold.
Purchase and plant the following seeds now to give to teachers by Mid-Late May to plant in their outdoor spaces.
The following vegetables can be started now and will be collected to give to teachers to allow students to take home in June:
Swiss Chard
Fill cells or pots with soil to the top of the pot, the soil will settle. Use a pencil to make larger holes, but small seeds only need to be covered very lightly. You do not need to plant all the seeds in a pot. 2-4 seeds per cell or pot. Generally, plant seeds 2xs the depth of their size. Place flats in a warm location on a patio or in a greenhouse and on a table where slugs can not reach them. They will need natural light from a South or West facing location with 8-10 hours of sunlight if you do not have grow lights. If you do have grow lights, be sure to keep grow lights close to the soil so the starts do not get leggy. Use a gentle watering nozzle to keep soil moist. Don't let the soil dry out, but don't let it get too soggy. A plastic bottle with holes poked in the cap makes a great watering can for plant starts. If you need assistance, please email me at melissarmcginn@gmail.com. Or if you would like to donate some purchased plant starts, let me know so we can coordinate timing.
Taste the Flowers Download
Art Walk and Silent Auction Fundraiser
Hello Madrona community, we are thrilled to have our annual Art Walk and Auction again this year on Thursday May 30th, 2024 from 6pm-8pm
But we need your help!
We are looking for some more volunteers to add to the art walk committee as well as volunteers to help on the day of the art walk.
If you are interested in joining the art walk committee please email madronaartwalk@gmail.com
If you would like to volunteer on the day of the art walk there are many available positions, please see the sign up genius link https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050B4BAFAF2EA6FA7-49057543-artwalk#/.
If you would like to donate a piece of art for the art walk, please email madronaartwalk@gmail.com
All art donations must be submitted by May 16th, 2024
This year we also need easels to get the art up to eye level. If you have an easel you are willing to lend to the art walk for the evening please send an email so we can arrange a time to pick it up.
Thank you!
MIT Bylaws Update
The MIT Board would like to update the Bylaws. Current bylaws can be found here: https://www.madronabearfacts.com/forms-downloads/ The updated bylaws we would like to vote into action can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AyAdqZShfrKlzGIc_ZCMmfJgbc2QELhW/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=108647701996491214077&rtpof=true&sd=true
Some of the changes we would like to make are simply bringing them up to date with current verbage: changing pronouns to non-gendered pronouns, and expanding the inclusion statement. Other, more impactful changes include: requiring faculty chair to be employed at Madrona at 0.7 FTE, allowing a student vote on board if a student rep is on the board, and increasing the requirement of a second signature on checks from $1,000 to $1,500. Please review the bylaws and submit any comments to Molly at MITParentChair@gmail.com.
We need to have at least 25 people present at our next meeting in order to have a vote on changed bylaws. Our next regular General meeting is May 13 at 6:30. We encourage you to attend in person but understand this can be difficult. A zoom link will be sent closer to the date.
MIT Meeting Info
The MIT Meeting Zoom links are the same every meeting so make a note or Attend in Person.
Attending in person?
Meet us in the Madrona library at 6:30 pm. If you have items to bring up for discussion please send them to mitparentchair@gmail.com in advance so Molly can get it on the agenda.
MIT Meeting Zoom Link
MIT Zoom access
Meeting ID: 821 0452 7371
Security Passcode: 910768
After MIT Meeting Social
Join us after the meeting at Diamond Knot Brewpub in Mountlake Terrace. This is an informal, adults-only social to meet other Madrona Parents. We hope to see you there!
We are meeting after every meeting at:
5602 232ND ST SW #106,
COACH NEEDED for Girls on the Run
We are looking for one more Girls on the Run coach. Practice runs from April 15th - June 10th on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Coaching is truly one of the most rewarding experiences and Girls on the Run has a curriculum that is simple to follow. We really need someone who can do both practices. We have two coaches but each one can only do one day a week. You would be on a great team with wonderful people! If you have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out! Email Shelsea Rawson rawsons447@edmonds.wednet.edu if you are interested.
Girls on the Run Registration
Registration for our Spring 2024 Season is Now Open!
Where traditional after-school clubs and organized sports often fall short, Girls on the Run steps in and fills the gap. Data shows caregivers seek after-school initiatives that encourage independent thought, build confidence, and nurture emotional health. GOTR goes beyond just physical activity — we foster a positive, educational and inclusive environment where every girl feels seen, heard, and valued. If you’re looking for a program that inspires your girl to be her best self, register for GOTR today! https://www.pinwheel.us/register/index/GOTRSnoCo-Spring-24?sid=bc71000fd913429d9dc28fc60babd973
Our spring season runs the weeks of April 15-June 10. Teams meet for 90 minutes, twice per week and all of our teams gather for a Celebration 5K on June 9 in Mill Creek. Register your 3rd-6th grade girl or gender-expansive youth for a program that will positively impact them for life! If you have questions, please reach out to Shelsea at rawsons447@edmonds.wednet.edu
It’s that time of the year when we need to start planning for next year!
We need a couple of volunteers to help run our Election Committee. You will be responsible for communicating and recruiting for open board positions, creating a ballot (using Google Forms or Survey Monkey), and tallying votes. Elections will take place in late April-early May. Please email Molly if you’re interested in helping: MITParentChair@gmail.com
Election time for MIT is underway…but we need help ASAP. Per our bylaws, we need an election committee to run our election process.
You will be responsible for communicating and recruiting for open board positions, creating a ballot (using Google Forms or Survey Monkey), and tallying votes. Elections will take place in late April-early May. Please come to our MIT Meeting on Monday or email Molly if you’re interested in helping: MITParentChair@gmail.com
Open MIT Board Positions
Being on the board of MIT is a fun way to be involved at school. We are a fairly drama-free group who love supporting our kids and school staff! If you know someone who is interested or would like to nominate yourself, please reach out. We’d love to hear from you and answer any questions.
Open board positions:
Parent Chair–Description can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k-AgNl6V9T2V3Avv6pTm_mHtxvbFyQu_A4D9xjxnbW8/edit?usp=sharing
Vice Treasurer–Description can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oCNMS3B2p6Dc2fLcO6k8GtEp7tC42BDqxkcapiRdshc/edit?usp=sharing
Recorder–Description can be found here:https://docs.google.com/document/d/19MVR-1OONw9qRiQPglf7xcw8NQRMSxP58KfgJYl5dDE/edit?usp=sharingEmail Submission
We are working to streamline the communication from MIT. If you have an article you’d like to have included in our weekly email, please email your blurb to Molly at MITParentChair@gmail.com by Saturday at noon to be included in the following week’s email. If you’d like the article to be included for multiple weeks (for example, a signup genius for volunteer opportunities) please include that information. We are working to update the website to make submissions for the weekly email an option. Thanks.
Volunteer Paperwork
Have you filled out your volunteer paperwork yet? All volunteers must be cleared by Edmonds School District before volunteering in any capacity at Madrona. It a quick process, but please allow up to two weeks for notification from the district about clearance. All volunteers must have either an ID badge or sticker from the office visible while on campus. Paperwork can be found here: https://www.edmonds.wednet.edu/community/volunteer Unsure if your volunteer status is still good? Please contact the Educational Services Center communications@edmonds.wednet.edu
Interpretation for families is available through the school district for MIT events.
To request ASL interpretation, email aslrequests@edmonds.wednet.edu. To request other language interpretation, call or email Kelly Carlson at carlsonka@edmonds.wednet.edu | 425-431-2900.
* Families that need interpretation must register in advance: We need 7 days to schedule interpreters for events.
* Familias que necesitan interpretación deben registrarse con anticipación: Necesitamos 7 días para programar intérpretes para los eventos.
*통역이 필요한 가족들은 미리 등록을 해야 합니다: 행사를 위한 통역관을 준비하는데3일이필요합니다.
* Các gia đình cần thông dịch phải đăng ký trước: Chúng tôi cần 7 ngày để sắp xếp thông dịch viên cho các sự kiện.
* Семьи, которые нуждаются в переводчике должны зарегистрироваться заранее: нам необходимо 7 дополнительных дня, чтобы заказать переводчика для мероприятия.
بالنسبة للعائلات التي بحاجة إلى مترجم يجب عليهم أن يسجلوا مسبقاً: نحن بحاجة إلى 7 أيام لتأمين جدول مواعيد للمترجمين لهذه الأحداث*
** If you need an ASL interpreter, please send an email to ASLrequests@edmonds.wednet.edu, and a sign language interpreter will be provided. To request other language interpretation, call or email Kelly Carlson at carlsonka@edmonds.wednet.edu | 425-431-2900.
MIT Web Technology Updates
Now Available! Be an editor of your own page on MadronaBearFacts.Com
Become an editor for your MIT project, activity or committee page on our site. MIT Technology has put together the ability to safely allow individuals to be editors of a page on the site. You will be able to login and edit the content on your page whenever you want to keep it updated. You will be able to upload images and media to support your activities. Contact Molly via MITParentChair@gmail.com if your interested in this ability and then register here at https://www.madronabearfacts.com/register/. We are compiling a list of folks with the time and desire to volunteer to adopt a page.
Open Call for MIT technology volunteers. We need to find additional web site support volunteers to help post updates to the web site and produce the MIT news letter emails. A few hours each week are needed. Zoom Training will be provided by Michael Scott McGinn in how to use WordPress, Smore and A.I. tools to create images and story editing ideas. If you would like to volunteer please email Molly at MITParentChair@gmail.com and then register here at https://www.madronabearfacts.com/register/
If you have any trouble viewing this email you can click on the link to view it in your browser. Please update any filters to allow it in to your primary email so it dose not end up in your spam folder. If you can't see the images there is a link to allow them. Please allow them. If you need to unsubscribe from this newsletter you can find the link at the end of this email.
If you need translation you can view this in your browser and you will see the options to select your desired language to have it translated into.
Poll of the Week
What is your favorite type of plant to landscape with?
Help with plants poll
Types of plants.
Annuals: These plants complete their entire lifecycle—from seed to flower to seed—within a single growing season. After blooming, they die and must be replanted each year. Examples include petunias, marigolds, and zinnias. Annuals are popular in gardens for their bright colors and ability to bloom throughout the season.
Perennials: Perennial plants live for more than two years. They may die back to the ground at the end of the growing season, but their roots remain alive and produce new growth each spring. Examples include lavender, hostas, and peonies. Perennials are valued for their durability and the fact that they do not need to be replanted each year.
Evergreens: Evergreen plants retain their leaves throughout the year, providing continuous foliage. They can be either needle-leaved, like pine and spruce, or broad-leaved, like holly and rhododendron. Evergreens are essential in landscapes for year-round color and structure.
Succulents: These are plants with thick, fleshy parts adapted to store water. Succulents are excellent for arid climates as they require minimal watering. Common examples include aloe, agave, and various types of cacti. They are popular in gardens and as indoor plants due to their unique shapes and low maintenance needs.
Deciduous: Deciduous plants are those that lose their leaves seasonally, usually in the autumn. This group includes many trees and shrubs, such as maples, oaks, and hydrangeas. Deciduous plants are known for their spectacular autumn colors and the ability to let sunlight through in the winter after they've shed their leaves.
These categories help gardeners and landscapers choose plants that will thrive in their specific conditions and meet their aesthetic or functional needs.