Haynesfield Happenings!
February 12, 2025
Important Dates
Thursday, 2/13:
Valentine's Day Parties
(times decided by grade level)
CAC Special Program (3-5) *more information below
Friday, 2/14:
Teacher Inservice Day/Schools Closed
Flex Learning Day for preregistered students
Monday, 2/17:
Schools Closed
Thursday, 2/20:
Bible Club (3-5/preregistered students)
Reading Buddies Party (K-2)@6pm
PTA @ 4pm in Library
Tuesday, 2/25:
Spring Pictures
Friday, 2/28:
Benchmarks begin (1-5)
Monday, 3/3- Thursday, 3/6:
Benchmarks (1-5)
Thursday, 3/6:
2nd/3rd Informance and Art Show
Friday, 3/7:
End of nine-weeks
Monday, 3/10-Friday, 3/14:
Spring Break/School Closed
Monday, 3/17:
Teacher Inservice/No School
Flex Day for pre-registered students
Wednesday, 3/19:
Report Cards
Thursday, 3/20:
Bible Release (3-5)
PTA @ 4pm
Parent Learning Night (3-5) @6pm
Monday, 3/24:
School Board Meeting @6pm
Thursday, 3/27:
Reading Buddies party #4 (K-2)
Special Thanks to our Amazing Counseling Team!!!
Child Advocay Center (CAC) Special Program information
In February, the CAC will be coming to our school and meeting with each grade level to discuss safety. Please check out the links below for more information, as well as, an opt OUT form. These forms will also come home in your child's take-home folder soon. If after you review the information, you do not wish for your student to attend, fill out and opt OUT form and send back to us.
Read Across America
Read Across America coincides with benchmark testing this year. To help limit distractions, we will not do a full week of dress up days at that time. We will still celebrate and have dress up days; however, we are going to spread those out through the month of February. Please see below for detailed information.
A Word from Special Area
News from the Art Room
Art Show coming up! Second and Third grade will be having their art show directly after their upcoming music informance on March 6th. Please visit the cafeteria and let our young artists know what a great job they did!
Current happenings in each grade level:
PK experimented with stencils, shapes, and paint.
Kindergarten is finishing up portraits and working on “heart art” inspired by Jim Dine.
First grade students recently made desert landscapes using soft pastels and freshwater fish habitats that included a Japanese fish printing technique called “gyotaku” (with rubber fish).
Second grade is finishing up their paper mache insects - they are looking wonderfully creepy crawly. Please check them out at the art show!
Third grade has one more viking themed artwork in their unit - foil repousse to create a norse style medallion. Their viking figures will be sailing into the art show on a paper mache longship that the kids helped make!
Fourth grade has begun a student-favorite; 3D rooms. They will each design the interior of a miniature 3D room, decide a color scheme, mood, theme, and build 3D objects like desks, book shelves, etc. This is a great project to foster the budding skills of spacial reasoning,design, and engineering.
Fifth grade is making their way through their portraiture unit and creating some really fabulous artwork. Most students are beginning the final of the three portraits (drawing, painting and collage). Their work ethic has been impressive!
For more information about the projects we’re doing in art, be sure to check under “Modules” in Canvas.
Mrs. Keen
Upcoming Informance(2nd/3rd) information below.