News from Principal Lamothe
👋 Hello PRS Wizards 👋
Coming up next week...
Monday 9/25 - 3A
- Picture day
- Electrical Safety
Tuesday 9/26 - 4A
- Electrical Safety
Wednesday 9/27 - 5A
- Grade 1 - Curriculum Night - 5:00 - 5:30PM
- Grade 3 - Curriculum Night - 5:35 - 6:05PM
- Grade 5- Curriculum Night - 6:10 - 6:40PM
Thursday 9/28 - 6A
Friday 9/29 - 1B
- All School Meeting(ASM)
🍕 Lunch 🍕
Please check your child(ren)'s account to add to or pay off the balance.
Please check your child's lunch balance many have outstanding balances.
Hingham Education Foundation Annual Spelling Bee
The Hingham Education Foundation is excited to announce the return of their beloved annual Spelling Bee on Sunday, November 5th. This is a fun-filled, community event for 3rd, 4th and 5th graders that helps fund grants for the Hingham Public Schools.
Online registration will be open via the HEF website starting October 2nd and until each grade reaches capacity (30 teams max per grade). This event has become very popular so be sure and register as soon as possible.
Important Information:
One parent captain will register the entire hive on the HEF website
You must have a ‘hive’ name to register so give that thought prior to registration!
Each team or “hive” consists of three students who attend a Hingham public elementary school
Each hive costs $90 to register ($30 per student). Credit Card only.
Additional details about the Spelling Bee timing, rules and more can be found on the HEF website.
Great News!
The PRO PTO has graciously chose to fund and support Plymouth River Elementary who has partnered with PickUp Patrol to help better manage our dismissal process (Traducción Española).
PickUp Patrol provides a layer of safety to our dismissal process by authorizing plan changes and automatically tracking student dismissal plans. The application reduces interruptions, speeds up dismissal time, and is administered by our own staff.
ALL plan changes should now be submitted through PickUp Patrol. When making changes, please do not send notes, emails, or call the office, except in an emergency.
Important Information for PickUp Patrol
Setup an account - The office will send out a reminder to set up an account shortly after this newsletter
Confirm your children’s Default Dismissal Plan
Log into your account and enter your child’s regular daily dismissal plan.
Learn more about PickUp Patrol
Access: Add PickUp Patrol to your Home Screen
We use PickUp Patrol to track: Plan Changes, Absences, Early Dismissals, Late Arrivals, Daily Dismissal Plans (default plans).
If you have questions, please contact PRS main office 781-741-1530 or
Plymouth River Elementary & the PickUp Patrol Team
Aspen Family Portal
Families, please take a moment as soon as possible to complete important beginning of year documents via the Aspen Family Portal. These documents include the following:
- Review of Contact Information
- School Handbook Acknowledgement
- Technology Acceptable Use
- Student Photo Release Opt Out
- Release of Student Data Notice
By clicking on above "PRS PTO News" will bring you to the PTO website.
“What Do You Treasure at PRS?” annual PTO fundraising campaign kicks off on Monday! Keep a lookout for a flier in your student(s)' backpacks on Monday, September 25, as well as via email and social media throughout the 2-week campaign. The events, support, and materials the PTO provides each year to the PRS community are tremendously valuable and are only possible with your support. The Annual Campaign ends on October 6 where the grade with the highest level of participation (not dollar amount) will win an exciting treasure hunt at PRS! Thank you in advance for helping the PTO reach their $25,000 goal and being a part of the PTO! Please reach out with any questions to
✏️ 🍎 Information from Central Office 🍎 ✏️
Naming of New Elementary School Building
The new elementary school that will replace the current Foster School is set to open next fall. We are excited to see the building continue to take shape as construction is well underwar. At this time, we are welcoming the community to share their suggestions for names of the new building.
We will complete two rounds of surveys. The first survey collects suggested names. The results will be shared with the school committee later this fall. After narrowing the names, we will provide the community with an additional opportunity to provide feedback on a narrowed list of names.
Once a name has been identified, the school committee submits a warrant article to the Selectboard to be considered for a vote at the Spring Town Meeting. Town bylaw states that naming a municipal building requires approval by Town Meeting.
The survey will be open through the end of October. See link:
Thank you for your participation in this exciting process!
Hingham Unity Council
We want to hear from you!
Join us for our Community Night Out!
Thursday, October 5, 7:30-9:30 at the Hingham Community Center
What are you most concerned about in our community? How can we make Hingham more welcoming to all? Come join us, enjoy some light snacks and libations, and share your thoughts about our community to shape our future programming.
Free and open to ALL who live, work, study, worship or otherwise have a connection to Hingham but please register so we can plan accordingly:
🗓️ Upcoming Dates. 🗓️
- September 26th - Picture Day
- Curriculum Nights -
- K - October 18th - 5:30 - 6 PM
- 1 - September 27th 5:00 - 5:30 PM
- 3 - September 27th, 5:35 - 6:05 PM
- 5 - September 27th, 6:10 - 6:40 PM
- October 2nd - Voyagers begins
- October 4th - Early Release
- October 4th - PRS PTO Walk, Bike, Roll to School Day
- October 9th - No School
- October 11th - PRS PTO Spirit Day! Spirit Day: Bruins Opening Day - wear your favorite Bruins or NHL team gear
- October 12th - PRS PTO Cultural Enrichment: Laura Duksta: "Empowering *YOU* to Shine!" Presentation
- October 16 - 20th - S.T.E.A.M. week
- October 20th - PRS PTO Spirit Day! Wear Hingham Homecoming weekend: Wear Hingham/PRS Gear
- November 1 - Early Release
Important Information
SCHOOL SUPPLIES - You can order online through Yubbler or purchase on your own. Choose your incoming grade level supply list here
1000 BOOK CLUB - This is a great program for preschool and kindergarten students to check out book bags and read with families!
Kids in Action (KIA) Before and After-School Programs are for Hingham students in grades K-5. Our curriculum focuses on social and emotional development with support in academic skills through play and guidance.
FREE LUNCH FOR ALL - This year, again, lunch will be served free of charge. There will also be a breakfast program ( also peanut/tree nut free) for students who wish to partake in that. There will be one “grab and go breakfast” offering daily.
VOLUNTEERS - We are happy to have parent volunteers in our school again! As we enter a new school year, all volunteers in the schools (classroom volunteers, field trip chaperones, etc.) will require a new CORI check. Forms can be found in the main office or here
2023/2024 Staff
Administrative Assistants- Suzanne Price & Anne Bernazanni
School Resource Officer - Officer McGillicuddy
Nurse - Kristin Godfrey
Classroom Teachers
K - Amy Maescher, Kim O'Brien, Julianne Riley
1st - Nancy Bucey, Katie Burritt, Anthony Cave, Janette Harrington
2nd - Cyndi Bonani, Krystal Bilodeau, Michelle Shapiro
3rd - Laura Falvey, Meagan Ottatti, Shawna Reames
4th - Kara Kremer, Maura Talbot, Susan Willison
5th - Julie Harrington, Joan Kilban, Meryl Vella
Art - Alice Caldwell
Computer Science - Rebekah Stahl-Bryant
Library - Mary Dunphy
Music - Dorothy Turner
Phys.Ed.- Mikayla Pagnini
Spanish - Nancy Swanson
Special Education
Teachers - Colin Butler, Meaghan Gaven, Elizabeth Rubertone, Cassie Pacella, Lauren Smith
School Psychologist- Dr. Brett Bolger
Administrative Assistant - Susan Carey
Support Personnel
Adjustment Counselor - A.C. Decker
School Guidance Counselor - Carolyn St. Laurence
Literacy Specialists - Kati Osterman (K-2nd) and Jennifer Madden (3rd-5th)
Literacy Interventionists - Colleen Connolly and Nicole O'Brien
Math Specialist - Jessica Kitchen
Math Interventionists- Samantha Anderson and Christine Lotano
Principal - Gregory Lamothe -
Assistant Principal - Melissa Smith -
Administrative Assistant - Suzanne Price -
School Nurse - Kristin Godfrey -