What's the Buzz?
Upcoming Dates
Remember to utilize our SMS Google Calendar subscription (click here to view), or view the “Events” page on the SMS website.
Mar. 7 - Harris-Grieco Irish Dancers - 1:30pm
Mar. 8 - HSA Roller Skating Party, 5 pm, walk-ups welcome, pay at the door!
Mar. 9 - Daylight Savings Time Begins, TURN CLOCKS AHEAD 1 HOUR
Mar. 10 -Penance Service for Grades 2-8 (Students who have made their 1st Reconciliation will go to Confession)
Mar. 13 -9 am School Mass (THURSDAY) led by St. Joan of Arc Faith Family (Mrs. Bishop)
Mar. 14 - NO SCHOOL - Teacher Inservice
Mar. 21 -9 am School Mass led by St. Joseph Faith Family (Mrs. Picone)
Mar. 22 - Last day to purchase tickets for the Spring for Success Auction Gala!
Mar. 22 - It’s Game Time! For SMS Boys & their Very Important Ladies
Mar. 25 - Spring Picture Day & Kindergarten Graduation Photo Day
Mar. 28 -9 am School Mass led by St. Nicholas Faith Family (Mrs. Wojtaszek)
Mar. 28 - Pray and Play - 6:30pm
Mar. 31 - Spring for Success ONLINE Silent Auction Opens, 8 am
Apr. 4 -9 am School Mass led by St. John the Apostle Faith Family (Mrs. Gon)
Apr. 5 -Spring for Success Auction Gala
News from the Cafe
Mr. Quinn wanted to share that tomorrow's pizza will be cheese only.
Also, if you are interested in helping out in the lunchroom and are VIRTUS trained please sign up below using the buttons. If you have any questions, you can email Mr. Mangione at attendance@st.maryschoolswormville.org.
Lunch Room Volunteers
The weather will be warming up for good soon (we hope!) and it’s time to think about Summer! SMS Summer Programs will be offered select weeks, Monday through Friday for rising Montessori PreK3 - grade 6 students. See details and sign up links below. Sessions will be open to current SMS students first before they are offered to other students within our parish family or the general public.
Used Uniform Donations
Many of you have been periodically dropping off used uniform donations to the office as the seasons change and your students’ grow - thank you! However, we have currently run out of storage space for any additional uniform items. If you could please hold any further donations until after the school year ends, we would appreciate it!
Also, due to our lack of storage space we are cutting down the list of items we will accept to only include uniform items that are not readily available at local retailers. Please see the lists below for what we will and will not be accepting moving forward:
- Montessori embroidered polo dresses
- French Toast skorts (navy or khaki)
- SMS & Montessori embroidered polo shirts
- SMS Plaid Jumpers
- SMS Plaid Skirts
- Any SMS branded outerwear (fleece jackets, zip-ups, sweatshirts)
- Any SMS Spirit Wear items, including apparel & other SMS branded items
- SMS Gym Uniforms
- Navy blue or white cardigan sweaters & sweater vests (embroidered or non)
- Plain white polos or uniform shirts for girls & boys
- Uniform pants or shorts
- Leggings
- Socks
- Shoes
- Belts
- Hair accessories
- Any unbranded (plain) navy or royal blue sweatshirts, fleece jackets, etc.
- Unembroidered navy polos
Remember to turn in your basketball uniforms!
All of our basketball teams' seasons have ended, please remember to WASH & RETURN your uniforms to your coach or Mr. Reeds. Thank you to all of our dedicated parents who put in their time & effort coaching basketball this season, as well as the parents driving students to and from practices and games - we couldn’t do it without you! It was amazing to see our young players learn about the game and hone their skills - we can’t wait until next season - GO BEES!
Invite your friends to “Be a Bee” for a day!
Do you know anyone considering a change for their child, or preparing to enter Pre-K? Talk to them about SMS! ...Even if you can't think of anyone you know, like and share our posts about this event from your own social media pages to spread the word! Parents may choose from one of the following dates to tour our Montessori Pre-K or Kindergarten Classrooms, or shadow a current student in grades 1-8!
Montessori & Kindergarten Tours will run from 9 - 10 am each day. Parents are encouraged to bring their children, see our classes in action, speak with our teachers, and enjoy light refreshments during a short Q&A session in our cafeteria with Rebecca Kisailus, our Enrollment Coordinator. Grade 1-8 Student Shadow Experiences will run from 10 am - 1 pm each day. Your student will be matched with a current St. Mary's "Bee" in their prospective grade level, and shadow that student for several class periods & lunch! • Friday, March 21st • Monday, March 24th • Friday, March 28th • Monday, March 31st
Don’t pass on your “big break” for a SPRING sponsorship opportunity with the St. Mary School Swormville Drama Club!
Sign up now to receive exposure in our Spring Musical program - choose a traditional printed ad, or receive online exposure with a link to your website as a “Spotlight” sponsor! Multiple sponsorship levels are available, choose the package that best fits your family’s or business’s needs. Your generous, tax-deductible gift of sponsorship will help purchase costumes for our students, refurbish sets, and defray the cost of purchasing new curtains, mats and canvas backdrops for our stage! We are in dire need of funds to replace these items. Help us keep the St. Mary’s stage looking beautiful for the Drama Club, and all school and parish groups that use it. If you’d like to sponsor the SMS Drama Club’s Spring Production, please scan the QR code, select your sponsorship package, and submit payment by March 21, 2025.
Spring Musical | “Music Man Jr.” | April 25 & 26, 2025 - more info on tickets available soon!
You’re Invited to the Spring for Success Auction Gala - tickets now available online!
Tickets are now on sale for the St. Mary’s Spring for Success Dinner and Auction Gala on Sat. April 5th, at Marygold Manor! Enjoy an evening out among friends with an open bar, delicious hors d’oeuvres, a “pick a flower” gift card pull, wine toss, gourmet dinner, and exciting LIVE AUCTION items available EXCLUSIVELY for auction attendees to bid on!
Our online silent auction will be open to everyone, and you may bid from home, or the event. More information on how to register to bid in the silent auction, and details on the wonderful items available will be coming in the next few weeks - be sure to watch your email and social media for updates!
Even if you can’t attend the night of 4/5, school families are encouraged to get involved, and there are a number of ways you can do so:
- Be a Program Advertiser
- Donate or Solicit a Gift: A variety of auction items are needed including travel experiences, winery and distillery tours, hometown experiences, gift cards, monetary donations, and more!
We have some #Buzzworthy students!
In case you missed it, two SMS students were recently featured as #Buzzworthy for their achievements outside of school! Check it out at the links below. Do you have a #Buzzworthy student who is doing great things in athletics, scouting, their community, or somewhere else? Let us know! Email a short description and a photo to buzzworthy@stmaryschoolswormville.org.
Middle School Scholarship Opportunity
The St. Thomas More Guild is sponsoring its yearly essay contest for students in grades 6-8. Students can win scholarship money. This is a great opportunity for our students, and one of our alumni received this award two years ago.
Save the Following Dates for Upcoming HSA Events!
Join Us at the next HSA Meeting!
Monday, March 3⋅7:00 – 9:00pm, SMS Cafeteria
Fowler’s Orders are DUE TOMORROW!
The annual HSA Easter Chocolate Sale is ending tomorrow! All orders are placed online and the customer has the choice to ship to school for free or to their home for a shipping fee. You must first create an account. After you create your account you will receive a link that you can share with family and friends. A flyer came home with your child with directions on how to register for an account. You can also go to shop.fowlersfundraising.com and use our school code, FC40. Pick up at the school will be the week of March 24. Any questions, please contact Leah Valentine at 716-544-0609.
PLEASE NOTE: If we don’t reach our goal we won’t receive a % back as a fundraiser- please contribute!
SEE YOU SATURDAY at the HSA Roller Skating Party/School Wide Gift Gathering Party!
Join us THIS SATURDAY, MARCH 8 from 5-7 PM at RAINBOW SKATELAND, 1109 LINCOLN AVE, LOCKPORT, NY 14094 - $25 per skater (Cost for students only is included for families that opted for the All-In or Fund Raising donation at the beginning of the year). Includes skating, skate rental (if needed), arcade tokens, and prizes. Concessions will be available for purchase. Skate helpers will be available.
We will take walk-ins & you may pay at the door, please join us, have fun, & help raise funds for the Spring for Success Auction Gala!
Click here for more info: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bnjJ8OgkKt3OmjTgIaeEXyDeanSSn-Wk/view?usp=sharing
It's Game Time!
Payment may be sent in via cash, check, or online at: https://stmaryswormville.ejoinme.org/2025GameOn
We are also in need of volunteers & donations for the event, sign up here:https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C044CAEAD2CA3F94-55342767-game#/
We are also in need of volunteers & donations for the event, sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C044CAEAD2CA3F94-55342767-game#/
Join us for this Annual St. Mary’s Lenten Tradition - Pray & Play!
Friday, March 28⋅6:30 – 8:30pm, SMS Gymnasium
5th Grade will begin with their presentation of "The Living Stations of the Cross”, followed by the 7th graders' "Play" part of the night with simple games and activities that cost .50 cents-$1.00 each. Ice cream will be available for $1-3. The night will also include the PIE IN THE FACE activity and annual CAKE WALK! YOU WON’T WANT TO MISS this tradition for the school children and a beautiful time to reflect on our faith. We are looking for volunteers to help that night, and donations of ice cream treats- click the link below to see what’s needed.
Rice Bowls were sent home!
Catholic Relief Services started the rice bowl mission 50 years ago. Jesus calls us to serve and help those who hunger, especially during Lent. The funds raised through this mission will go to those who experience hunger and food insecurity around the world and in our own community. We invite you to participate in this mission. God bless!
Click here to learn more about CRS Rice Bowls and how you can bring Lent to life in your home
Save the Date for Our Father/Daughter Dance!
Saturday, May 3, SMS Gymnasium
Save the date - more info to come, watch the "Buzz" Newsletter!
Spring Spirit Wear is Now available!
The HSA Spring Spirit Wear Sale link is now live: check out all the cool SMS gear available, including the warm weather uniform shirt option as an alternate option for boys and girls from Montessori to Grade 8 to wear to school with their uniform shorts beginning May 1 - it’s Principal approved!
SMS branded umbrellas, socks, beach towels, insulated mugs, water bottles, duffel bags, tees, hoodies, baseball caps, and more are all available now.
Click here to Order: promoplace.com/stmaryswormville
Area Chess Tournament
One of our Chess Club parents shared that they found a St. Patrick's Chess Tournament in our area if anyone is interested in participating. St. Mary's Chess Club is hoping to host our own Chess Tournament in May as well.
Youth Football and Cheer
If you are interested in getting your child involved in youth football or cheer, please see the button below for more information.
St. Joe's is happy to provide the following opportunities for prospective students and their families to visit campus and would ask that you share this information with your community. Details and registration information is below. For questions, concerns, or more information, contact our Admissions Center at 716.874.4953 or admissions@sjci.com.
SPRING OPEN HOUSE for all prospective families
All prospective students and their families are invited to the Spring Open House for private, self-guided tours of our campus. Reservations are available between 10:30 a.m. and 12:45 p.m. The event features a campus tour, an explanation of the academic programs and student opportunities, and time to meet teachers, students, coaches, and our admissions team.
Register for Spring Open House
EXPERIENCE ST. JOE'S MORNING PROGRAM for parents of prospective students in grades 6, 7, & 8
Each session will include remarks from our President, Christopher Fulco, Ed.D., and Principal, Mr. James Spillman '95, a tour of campus including opportunities to experience classes in session and an opportunity to interact with current students. The final session is scheduled for Wednesday, 3/12 from 9 - 10:30 a.m.
Register for the Experience St. Joe's Morning Program
SPRING 7TH GRADE PRACTICE EXAM for prospective students in grade 7
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Saturday, May 10, 2025
If your goal is to become a member of the St. Joe's brotherhood, then now is your chance to find out how you’d perform on the Scholarship & Entrance Exam. We encourage you to take a practice St. Joe's Entrance Exam under normal testing conditions for FREE! Any young man currently in 7th grade is eligible.
Register for the 7th Grade Practice Exam
SUMMER CAMPS for all prospective students
Embark on a summer of fun, sports, learning, and Brotherhood at St. Joe's! Our summer camps are designed to ignite the curiosity and passions of middle school students, offering a diverse array of activities led by St. Joe's teachers and Marauder coaches. Whether your interests lie in sports, music, academics, or beyond, we have something special waiting for you.
Registration for our 2025 summer camps is now open! Don't miss out on the opportunity to secure your spot. Click below to discover the complete list of camp dates and details, and start your journey with St. Joe's today!
Register for St. Joe's Summer Camps