Academy Updates
January 20th, 2023
What is Post-Secondary Readiness?
Our mission statement at Tates Creek High School is "to make learning relevant to prepare all Commodores for college and career success and for service as informed and active citizens with intercultural understanding and respect." Our focus has always been on sending students out beyond these walls who are ready for "the real world"--wherever that may be.
Post-secondary readiness is simply a way to measure how many of our students have successfully met that goal, based on criteria developed by the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE). A student can demonstrate post-secondary readiness by (1) earning a diploma and (2) meeting one of the following:
- Academic Readiness (formerly college readiness)
- Career Readiness
There are a variety of ways in which a student can achieve either academic readiness or career readiness. We have created the this document to highlight the methods in which Tates Creek students can meet these standards.
More important than simply meeting these standards is what "post-secondary readiness" means for students.
- Meeting benchmarks on the ACT influences the amount of KEES money a student receives when pursuing higher education.
- Passing an industry certification in pathway coursework can provide college credit for students and/or identifies to potential employers that they have attained an industry standard for a particular skill set.
- Taking IB or Dual Credit courses not only could provide college credit for coursework, but also prepares students for the classes they will take beyond high school.
More information about post-secondary readiness will be featured in future issues and highlight some of our students who have attained academic or career readiness.
Academy Spotlight: BEE Academy
The Academy of Business, Education, and Entrepreneurship is home to several career pathways to prepare students for the workforce in these industries. Whether a student is passionate about managing or overseeing a company, developing and marketing their own business, creating a welcoming environment and events for others, or educating our youth, they'll be able to explore many career options in the BEE Academy.
In addition to preparing students for these professions, the BEE Academy continuously engages community partners through guest speaking opportunities, field trips, and internships. Here are some of the fall semester highlights:
- Students in the financial services pathway toured UK Federal Credit Union last October.
- Mrs. Sewell's students complete internships in elementary and middle schools throughout Fayette County and run the Commodore Playschool.
- Central Bank routinely sends students to business and finance classes to speak on a variety of topics.
- One of our finance students was selected for an apprenticeship with Commonwealth Credit Union.
- Tates Creek graduate Audra Baldwin from Creekmore Marketing spoke to students about digital marketing strategies.
- Over 20 businesses and colleges attended the BEE Fall Festival to engage with students and provide information about their organizations.
- BEE Academy Art teacher, Mr. Holdren, started the "TCHS Visiting Artist Program" and invited artists specializing in a variety of visual mediums to his classroom. Visiting Artists presented to students and then completed a project with them. Most of the Visiting Artists were Tates Creek graduate. You can see more about this program on the TCHS Instagram account.
- The Kentucky Poultry Federation sent a representative to Ms. McGlone's classes to teach students about where their food comes from and gave a cooking demonstration.
Justin Cheatham, Academy Principal
Kim Miller, Academy Counselor
Academy Spotlight: DE Academy
Engineering, manufacturing, construction, robotics, and electronics are just a few of the careers explored in the Academy of Design and Engineering. Engineering and these related fields are always solving our most challenging problems. Engineers rank amongst the highest paid jobs in the world and the related skilled trades have one of the highest job outlooks.
While we offer numerous options in Engineering, this academy is also home to our Cinematography and Video Production pathway. Students in this pathway have been developing our school news station (TCTV) and producing informative pieces about our school and community. Be on the lookout for TCTV in the near future!
Students in this smaller learning community have also had several opportunities to interact with business partners from our very own community and develop skills that they can apply in any industry. Here are some of the highlights from fall 2022:
- Videographer and TC Alum Deven Jackson from WKYT News visited Mrs. Wilson's classes to discuss his role at WKYT and camerawork.
- Spencer Barrett, Social Media Manager at A&W Restaurants, spoke to students about building a social media following and telling a story through social media posts.
- Heidi Reihing from Fayette County Public Schools visited classes to speak about her current role with FCPS and her past experiences working for WKYT and WTVQ.
- Joseph Hallock from Quanex gave a presentation to Mr. Jenkins' classes and answered questions about the field of electrical engineering.
Matthew Ward, Academy Principal
Christy Flowers, Academy Counselor
Upcoming Events
10th & 11th Grade Scheduling @ Creek
Academy English Classes
Sophomore and Juniors will meet with their counselor during their English classes to complete scheduling for the 2023-24 school year.
Class of 2027 Parent Meeting @ TCHS Theater
6:00 pm
The Freshman Academy Counselors and Principal will be meeting to discuss topics such as the transition from middle school to high school, what a block schedule is, 9th grade course offerings, and an introduction to the Freshman Academy model. We share your desire to remove as much anxiety as possible about this transition and encourage you to join us for this meeting.
Academy Showcases @ Creek
Freshman Seminar Classes
During the week of January 23rd, all Freshman Academy students will visit each academy and engage with teachers and students to learn more about what each academy has to offer. We hope these presentations will help students as they decide their academy placement for their remaining three years at Creek.
Career Academy Selection @ Creek
Freshman Seminar Classes
All Freshman Academy students will request their career academy through Freshman Seminar Classes.
Career Academy Reveal
Freshman Academy Students
Students in the Freshman Academy will learn their career academy placement and meet in an assembly with their new teachers!
Academies of Tates Creek High School
Location: 1111 Centre Parkway, Lexington, KY, USA
Phone: (859) 381-3620
Facebook: facebook.com/TCHSacademies
Twitter: @tchsacademies