Internet Supplement from OHVA
ISP = Internet Service Provider
Our office will be working on all submissions.
Allow 10 weeks plus mailing to receive your check. You are only eligible for this if your student completed the first semester with OHVA and you provided your internet bills using the school online form.
Thank you.
No late submissions are accepted.
SAVE THE DATES - ISP Submission Dates for 24-25
Fall Semester: Jan. 6 – 22, 2025 - SUBMISSION WINDOW IS CLOSED
Spring Semester: May 19 – June 4, 2025
OHVA - Internet Supplement
Who doesn't like to get a check in the mail?
Note that the ISP Supplement Policy allows that each family regardless of grade level and number of students may receive $20 per month of enrollment for a maximum of 10 months for the school year, with a valid submission. This submission periods are split in semesters. Semester 1 covers Aug - Dec. and Semester 2 covers Jan - May. Refer to the full policy and information HERE.
We have announced this in the OHVA Welcome Packet and the monthly OHVA Family News since the school year began, provided the update to the policy in the OHVA Handbook and Handbook Highlights online session, and this policy and information are posted on the OHVA website.
What else do I need to know?
You will need your student's ID# (just one of your students) and your Family ID#. Go to MyInfo>Student Name>School Tab to locate this. Contact your advisor if you need assistance with this. (tutorial to find student ID: Click here)
*Participation in this supplement is optional. Please refer to the policy, as it takes 10 weeks to process checks from the time the form closes. Thank you for your patience. :)
Thank you,
OHVA Administration
Did your submission go through?
Will someone contact me?
Troubleshooting Tips!
- Register in the OHVA App. (This is not the same login as your Online School) you can find the app by searching Ohio Virtual Academy in you smart phone's app store.
- On the home screen, select Forms. Select the Fall 24-25 ISP Form. Enter your info via the app form.
- If you don't have access to your internet bills from your phone, open a web browser and use your computer to access the form to enter the necessary information and upload your internet bills.
- You may take a photo of your bills, a screenshot of them or attach a PDF file of your bills that you have downloaded to you device.
- The documents or photos MUST show the service dates and address for them to be accepted.
- Make sure every field has content, and every attachment is included for each month August -December.
ISP Monitor for Questions
Email: ispsupplement@ohva.org
Website: https://ohva.k12.com/resources/isp-supplement/
Phone: 419-482-0948