The Wildcat Weekly
Important Reminders
- Do NOT drop students off in the staff parking lot during morning drop off, please pull through car line.
- If you need to make a transportation change, call the office before 2:30 to make that change.
- If you have had any changes in address, phone number, emergency contacts, etc. please contact the office at (417)523-1200 and let Sussie know so that information can be updated.
- If you would like to shout-out your student's teacher or any other Weaver staff member, see the information below, and fill out the form.
- Please remember to sends students to school in coats, hats, gloves, and appropriate shoes for the weather. We will have outside recess whenever possible according to district cold weather guidelines (see below).
Upcoming Dates and Events
- Tuesday, Jan. 28th--Bulldog Basketball Academy Starts (see flyer below)
- Thursday, Jan. 30th--Good Dads (see flyer below)
- Friday, Feb. 14th--Friendship Parties (More info. to come)
- Monday, Feb. 17th--No School-President's Day
- Thursday, Feb. 20th--K-Prep
- Thursday, March 13th--K-Prep
- Friday, March 14th--No School-Professional Day
- March 17th-21st--Spring Break
News from Nurse Kristie
Wildcat families,
Norovirus has been going around the community. It is a virus that causes the stomach flu. In order to keep this from spreading it is important to keep hands washed with soap and water. Hand sanitizer does not work well to clean hands and avoid this illness.
Good Dads
Bulldog Basketball Academy
Cold Weather Information
Please see the following information about cold weather guidelines for recess. Please note that we will take students out for at least 10 minutes of recess unless the temperature or windchill falls below 20 degress. Please ensure that students have appropriate cold weather gear (coats, hats, gloves, pants, closed-toe shoes) every day.
All About Attendance
Current Attendance Information
Overall Building Attendance= 90.88%
--Our goal is to be at 95% building-wide
Wonder Years= 88.28%
Kindergarten= 90.56%
1st Grade= 90.55%
2nd Grade= 89.80%
3rd Grade= 91.29%
4th Grade= 92.47%
5th Grade= 92.34%
Attendance Challenge: Together Everyone's Attendance Matters
Dates: 1/6/25-2/7/25 (22 school days)
Type of Challenge: Team Challenge
- Each classroom is divided up into teams of 4-5 students.
- Every day, Mrs. Keltner will check-in with each team to see if every member is at school.
- After a team has all of its members at school for 4 days, they will receive a prize.
- At the end of the challenge, the team with the highest attendance percentage will receive an additional prize.
- Also, ALL students who maintain 95% attendance or higher for the entire challenge will be invited to participate in "Open Gym" in February.
- This means students must be at school 20.9 out of the 22 challenge days. This has been adjusted for our 2 snow days and will continue to be adjusted for any other inclement weather days.
Update: We have 2 more weeks of the Together Everyone's Attendance Matters challenge. Our teams have done a great job of being at school, with many teams earning multiple attendance prizes. Our students come into the cafeteria everyday asking about their attendance and ready to hear if their team has earned an attendance prize for the day. We also hear our students encouraging and praising their teammates for being at school. We love seeing ALL of our Weaver Wildcats at school every day!
Teacher/Staff Shout Outs
Parent Resources
Location: 1461 N. Douglas Ave.
Phone: (417)523-1200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WeaverElementaryMO/