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Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 4th October 2024
Harvest Festival
Celebrating the Colours of Harvest
Year 4 presented a beautiful harvest celebration in the Cathedral on Wednesday afternoon. The whole school joined in the thanksgiving with some enthusiastic singing. Thank you to all parents, carers and family members who came along too. We are also impressed with the huge array of produce and toiletries donated for Community House to distribute. Thank you to all.
Year 6 Class Worship
This week, Year 6 were the first to do a class worship for this academic year and perseverance was the theme. They spoke about famous people who showed perseverance as well as when they have shown perseverance when challenged or faced with setbacks. How Stean Gorge certainly seemed to challenge them. Every child spoke clearly, sang beautifully and was a great role model for the rest of the school. It was a pleasure to watch them and to see just how engaged the rest of the school was too. Well done to everyone and thank you to the parents who came along to support.
Stars of the Week
Nursery - Pearl for her amazing singing!
Reception - Charlie for trying hard to manage his feelings, using the regulation station and doing his best to show how well he can behave.
Year 1 - Iris for working hard in phonics and writing sessions. Iris has shown super segmenting when writing words and is remembering to use her finger spaces.
Year 2 - Sophie for showing an incredible amount of perseverance and resilience since starting Year 2! Any challenges that she has faced, she has overcome like the superstar that she is!
Year 3 - Sophia for her fantastic non-chronological report on France which was really informative and well organised.
Year 4 - George E for challenging himself with his mathematics, especially during our work on rounding.
Year 5 - All the class for their fabulous adventures in Lindisfarne - we are looking forward to hearing all about what you have enjoyed there!
Year 6 - Harry for a positive attitude in lessons and for challenging himself in English.
Congratulations to all our Stars of the Week!
Information Sharing
Parent Teacher Consultations
In order to provide parents with sufficient notice, we have now set the date for parent teacher meetings in the final week of this half term (all except Nursery). All appointments will be in person and will take place in the school hall. You will be able to book your slot from the end of next week, via our online booking system, as soon as we have sent out the link. The dates and times are:
Monday 21st October 3.30-6.30pm
Thursday 24th October 3.30-6.30pm
PE Kit and Jewellery
We hope all parents and carers have seen the email about children coming to school in PE kit on PE days from next week. Children have brought home their PE kit today (Year 5 on Monday). The outdoor and indoor clothes reflect the uniform list on the school website. However, we realise that some children may need to come in black joggers initially if you have not yet purchased grey ones. We hope you will understand though that we must insist on no other sport kit or bright colours (e.g. football strips), thank you.
Dates for Diaries
w/b Monday 7th October – Poetry Week
Wednesday 9th October - Year 3 class worship 9am - parents welcome to attend (school hall)
Wednesday 9th October – Y5/6 Netball Tournament at Outwood (am)
Wednesday 16th October – Y6 River Skell project
Monday 21st October - Parent Teacher Consultations 3.30-6.30pm
Wednesday 23rd October -Spiritual Council worship 9am - parents welcome to attend (school hall)
Thursday 24th October – Flu immunisation programme
Thursday 24th October - Parent Teacher Consultations 3.30-6.30pm
Friday 25th October – Training Day: School Closed
w/b Monday 28th October - Half Term Holiday
Monday 4th November - Return to school
Community Events
Like us and follow us...
Email: admin@riponcathedral.n-yorks.sch.uk
Website: www.riponcathedralschool.org.uk
Location: HG41LT, United Kingdom
Phone: 01765 602355
Facebook: facebook.com/riponcathschool