Weekly Wildcat Newsletter - May 21
Northwestern Middle School News and Notes
Good Afternoon Wildcat Country!
Three. More. Days. People have been asking me if I am counting down the days. The truth is I don't have to. Every student and adult I walk by this week gives me the count!
This morning during the announcements I was so excited I said today was the last school day of the year, but what I meant to say was today was the last FRIDAY of the school year. I quickly corrected myself, so if your student tries to tell you there isn't school next week, don't believe them!
We are ready to celebrate and have fun with our students! We have a lot of fun things planned for next week. I sent out the 8th grade specific information last night. We would love for our remote students to attend school any day next week to participate in the fun. The temperature will get above 90 degrees each day. I recommend students bring a refillable water bottle each day to stay hydrated as some events are outdoors.
For the 8th grade Block Party, please consider donating one of requested items. You can see the note from our PTO below about donations. Please drop off any donations you have on Monday. THANK YOU!!
Students should bring headphones or earbuds to watch/listen to Career Day videos on Monday.
Important News: Today Dr. Looney announced that beginning Tuesday, June 1, masks will be strongly recommended for students, staff and visitors, but not required at Fulton County Schools’ facilities. More information is below.
If you have any questions, you can email me directly at petersonj1@fultonschools.org.
Have a great weekend! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone back on Monday!
Important Upcoming Dates:
Monday, May 24 - 8th Grade Awards Ceremony (Microsoft Teams)
Monday, May 24 - 8th Grade Block Party at NMS
Tuesday, May 25 - 8th Grade Promotion Celebration at NMS
Tuesday, May 25 - Spring Band Concert at Milton HS
Wednesday, May 26 - Last Day of School
Friday, July 23 - School Governance Council Meeting
Monday, July 26 - Friday, July - 6th Grade School Visits
Thursday, August 5 - NMS Information Day
Yearbook Distribution
NMS Parents of F2F Students -
If you ordered a yearbook, they will be distributed to your child via Homeroom teachers at school according to the following schedule -
8th graders - Monday, May 24, in the morning
6th and 7th graders - Tuesday, May 25, in the morning
Please make sure that your child is present to pick up their yearbook.
NMS PTO yearbook team
6th/7th Grade End of Year Celebration - Tues. May 25
Our 6th/7th grade students will have an opportunity to rotate outside to watch the 8th grade promotion drive through. Any 6th/7th grade siblings are encouraged to participate with their 8th grade sibling and family for the drive through.
6th/7th grade students will receive their yearbooks and have time for signing on Tuesday morning. Students will have a picnic lunch during their normal lunch period - they should bring a lunch or they can get a brown bag lunch from the cafeteria.
Remote students should email their teachers if they are planning to attend school F2F.
Student Devices - Summer Information
M-F 7:30am-12:00pm June 7th-July 22nd
FCS Summer Learning
The elementary chapter, middle school, and high school books will be available for checkout on the district's online ebook platform, SORA beginning May 28, 2021. Directions for accessing SORA are included on the summer reading site.
Summer Learning Transportation
Summer Learning transportation routing is now available in Webquery. Parents can put in their address and their student’s summer learning transportation route should be there. This is very new and we are continuing to make transportation adjustments based on changes in summer learning registrations.
Summer Curbside Meal Distribution
Students attending face-to-face summer school or Pre-K will receive free breakfast and lunch meals during their school’s scheduled mealtimes.
For children not attending face-to-face summer school, Summer Curbside service provides an opportunity for families to drive through and pick up FREE Meal Kits for children 18 and under, or those under 21 with special needs. Meal Kits will include a weeks’ worth of meals. Meal Kits contain a variety of kid-friendly choices such as whole-grain rich breakfast cereals, 100% fruit juice, assorted fresh fruits and vegetables, and low-fat milk.
Summer Curbside service will kick off on Wednesday, June 9th at 20 school sites throughout the district. Summer Curbside sites will be open on Wednesdays from 8:30-9:30 AM.
The suggested pick up for Northwestern Middle Schools is Summit Hill Elementary School.
13855 Providence Road, Milton, GA 30004
Clinic Information
Medications may be brought to the school. Prescription medications must be in the original container and labeled. All medications must be accompanied with proper medical forms. Medications will be accepted by appointment only. Please call Mary Crandall at 470-254-8514 or send an email to crandall@fultonschools.org.
NMS Clubs and Student Activities
Northwestern is excited to offer a variety of clubs and activities this school year. Please visit the NMS website’s Quick Links and select Student Clubs and Activities to learn more about our offerings.
Milton Baseball
Milton Softball
Tim Lester "34" Day
Milton Cross Country
Cambridge Baseball 2021 Summer Camp
Cambridge Baseball Summer Camp Registration Now OPEN, June 7-10, 2021
The Cambridge Baseball Program is proud to announce its 2021 Summer Camp. Throwing and fielding mechanics, hitting fundamentals, base running, and baseball philosophy will all be covered. Head Coach, Evan Tieles, along with his coaching staff and current/former players will be providing exceptional instruction and leadership throughout the camp.
REGISTER HERE: https://app.picklejuiceapp.com/a/ureg/open/event/1E3B0AD1
WHO: Rising 1st through 9th Graders (2021-2022 school year)
WHEN: Monday - Thursday, June 7-10, 2021 from 9:00am-12:00pm, Rain or Shine
WHERE: Cambridge High School Baseball Field at 2845 Bethany Bend Road, Milton, GA 30004. Please enter Cambridge High School off of Cogburn Road, go straight passing 2 stop signs, pass the football stadium, and the baseball field is on the left.
PRICE: $155 per camper. Due to the staffing of coaches and ordering of t-shirts, NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN AFTER MAY 21, 2021 EXCEPT FOR COVID REASONS. If Fulton County Schools closes the baseball field due to COVID-19, full refunds will be given. If your camper is sick or been around someone who is sick with any COVID symptoms, within 14 days prior to camp, a full refund will be given, less credit card processing fees.
BRING TO CAMP: Hat, glove, bat, baseball pants, & water bottle. Masks are encouraged before/after camp.
If you have any questions, please contact Cathy Sisson at sissylouisesisson@gmail.com.
Milton Volleyball
Milton High School Chorus
NMS Student Newspaper
March Staff of the Month
Professional of the Month: Ms. Nadine Frierson - Nutrition
PLC of the Month: French - Sally Cook and Karl Myrthil
Thank You
Thank you to our ‘graduating’ PTO Board member, Laura Sayre, who held the positions of Secretary, Volunteer Coordinator, Website Master, and Social Media. We are thankful for your service and passion for Northwestern.
Thank you to our committee chairs that will be moving onto high school with their children: Tara Spolan; Clinic Liaison, Community Outreach, and Parking Liaison. Ann Nath; spirit wear and yearbook (also prior PTO President). NMS will be forever thankful for your time and contributions to our Wildcats.
Donations for 8th Grade Block Party
Eight graders are invited to a block party of fun on Monday, May 24 from 6-8PM on the NMS back patio. The PTO is asking for donations of cases of water bottles, coolers, cookies, tents, back yard games (like corn hole and ladder ball, etc). A few parents are needed to help set up and clean up after the event. Even a few to hang out during the party to help with the food and games. It will be fun for all. Check out the PTO homepage for a sign up listing the needs for donations and items to borrow to make the evening unforgettable.
Still Need to Purchase A Yearbook?
There are only 175 yearbooks left and once they’re sold, they’ gone. Order yours today via this link https://northwesternpto.membershiptoolkit.com/home
Looking for Volunteers for Next Year
The NMS PTO invites you to be a part of our Wildcat family. Please consider a role with our PTO, we have a few open positions on our PTO board for the upcoming school year;
· Co-president – 2-year commitment, works closely with other co-president and school admin
· Secretary – attends monthly PTO meetings and takes minutes
· Parliamentarian – attends monthly PTO meetings, part of the executive committee but does not vote on board decisions.
· VP of Ways & Means – oversees the following committees: yearbook, parking, sprit wear, spirit nights, business Partners, and membership. attends monthly PTO meetings
· VP of Student Services – oversees the following committees: grade level dances, PRIDE Wall, Straight A recognition, PBIS Liaisons, Club Fair, Pizza with Peterson. attends monthly PTO meetings
There are also committees that need a team to support them:
· Yearbook- help with taking candid pictures of student life and clubs, help create layouts, help with sales and distribution
· Community Outreach- works with counselors, social worker, and admin to support identified families in need.
· Business Partners- part of a team that secures business sponsorship to support NMS (flexible hours and can be done from home)
· Student Enrichment- works with grade level chairs and department chairs to secure in house and off-site enrichment opportunities, (field trips) (flexible hours and can be done from home)
· Website Management- manages and maintains the PTO website and its platform, Membership Toolkit. (flexible hours and can be done from home)
· Volunteer Coordinator- creates volunteer sign ups when requested by the PTO or the School on the PTO website. (flexible hours and can be done from home)
· Membership – works with the PTO board to increase PTO membership
There is something for everyone. We encourage you to join us as we support our teachers, staff and students at Northwestern. Grab a friend and volunteer together! Email northwesternmspto@gmail.com with questions.
Do You Own Your Own Business?
or Know Someone Who Does?
Northwestern Middle school invites you to partner with us to enhance the educational experiences of our students and support the needs of our teachers. Become a Business Partner and your financial donation will be greatly appreciated. In return, the NMS PTO would display your business logo to our NMS families in various communications, websites and on campus throughout the year. Click HERE to learn more about our Business Partner levels and ways to partner with us.
Northwestern Middle School
Home of the Wildcats!
Email: nmsfrontdesk@fultonschools.org
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/northwesternms
Location: 12805 Birmingham Highway, Milton, GA, USA
Phone: (470) 254-2870
Twitter: @TheNMSWildcats
NMS Front Office Hours
Outside of these hours, you can send an email to our front office staff at nmsfrontdesk@fultonschools.org.
Thank you for your continued support of Northwestern Middle School!
Joel - Principal
Northwestern Middle School: Teach Hard, Love Harder - The Wildcat Way!