Southern Family Update
This is a 5 day week for students
Important Upcoming Dates:
- March 21sth, 2025: No school for students due to staff development
- March 27th and 28th: Spring conferences
- April 17th, 2025: No school for students due to staff development
- Spring Break: April 18th-April 25th
Car Rider Arrival/Dismissal Procedures Videos
- Please ensure you are entering using the Gunning Bedford entrance. If you have questions about this process please call the school at 832-6300. Also please ensure you are viewing the video below.
- Arrival Procedures
- Dismissal Procedures
- Car signs and directions for cars
Student School Day
- Reminder that the student school day begins at 8:45am and ends at 3:35pm
- Please do not drop your student off before 8:45am because we do not have staff to supervise them.
Southern Spirit Wear
We are excited to offer spirit wear this year through the BSN Sports website. This is a direct to customer website that you can order from. Please visit the link below to learn more.
Student Dismissal Changes
- Southern families please ensure that you contact the school at 302-832-6300 and notify our secretaries of any dismissal changes by 2:00pm. This is to allow for enough time to properly notify your students teacher.
Bus Expectations
- If your child is a bus rider please ensure you review the bus expectations with your child prior to the first day of school.
- Bus Expectations
Stay Up To Date and Connected
- If you are not getting my weekly update phone calls and emails each Sunday evening, please call one of our secretaries at 302-832-6300 to ensure we have your correct phone number or to make sure your contact info is up to date, please visit https://form.jotform.com/222280631174146 or Click here
Please Be On Time
- Students should be in the building by 8:55. Students arriving after 8:55 will be marked tardy.
- Students will NOT be marked tardy if their bus arrives late.
Important Reminders
Parents that drive children to school in the morning, please do not allow your child to walk across the parking lot unaccompanied. When dropping off your child, you must pull to the curb and have your child exit the car from the passenger side.
Nurse Update
Phone: 302-832-6306
Fax: 302-832-6305
elizabeth.grimm@colonial.k12.de.usAll Student Medications will need to be brought to the school nurse by a parent or responsible adult. Parents must pick up medications from the school nurse. No medications will be sent home via the student. If you have any questions please reach out the our nurses at 302-832-6300.
Important Reminders
- No outside food will be allowed for special occasions. If you would like to order items for the classroom please reach out to our cafeteria at 302-832-6307. Families can order approved items for classrooms.
Connect with Richard Bryson
Email: richard.bryson@colonial.k12.de.us
Website: www.colonialschooldistrict.org/southern
Location: 795 Cox Neck Road, New Castle, DE, USA
Phone: (302)832-6300
Richard Bryson
Richard is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters