The Weekly Update #4
December 31st, 2023

Happy Birthday to....
- Nurse (Sherry) Sanders, January 6th
- Ms. (Rhonda) Jones, January 13th
- Ms. (Carrie) Ernest, January 18th
- Ms. (Katie) Hood, January 22nd
- Ms. (Carly) Camilleri, January 23rd
- Ms. (Klaire) Davis, January 27th
From (Mr. C's) Counselor Corner...
The results are in from our Food Drive …
We collected 2,400 pounds of food for GraceWorks!!
GraceWorks continues to be amazed at the efforts of our school. That’s ALTRUISM at
work and a great lesson for our students … AWESOME!
The second great lesson provided from the food drive is the life skill of GOAL-
SETTING! With the New Year, often resolutions (goals) are discussed. It is one thing to
set a goal, but it is essential to have a plan, then expect and manage obstacles or
setbacks along the way. This promotes the idea of “resiliency”: The ability to continue
to strive for the goal despite bad things happening … a necessary characteristic to
promote future success.
As a school we set a “GOAL” of 2,000 food items. We reached and exceeded that goal,
but it didn’t just happen; we had to create a plan and work hard to succeed. With the
new year, what a great time for you to have a discussion with your child(ren) about
goals and resiliency and maybe have them commit to a New Year’s GOAL!! Be sure to
look for and acknowledge times your child shows resiliency!!
As always, let me know what I can do to support your child!
Your MES School Counselor,
Mr. Coberly ("Mr. C")
Vision, a Vital Part of School Success!
Welcome back Eagle families! I hope you had a safe and restful Winter Break and are ready to focus on learning! To do that, you need to focus on your vision! Did you know that one out of four children struggle with reading and learning because of undiagnosed vision problems, and that 80% of learning in the classroom is visual? The majority of vision problems that interfere with reading and learning are very treatable. Vision screenings for students in Kindergarten, second and fourth grades have been completed and those with failed or inconclusive results have received a letter from me encouraging a more extensive exam. Please be sure and let me know when that is complete. If you need help finding a doctor, encouraging your kids to wear their glasses, or finding financial assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Sherry Sanders, RN 615-790-4700 sandersshe@fssd.org
Winter Recess Reminders....
The following conditions are considered when teachers determine outdoor safety:
Wind Chill
Length of time outdoors
Adequacy of clothing for children
Condition of the school playground
Increased caution is practiced when temps (including wind chill factor) reach below 40 degrees. Recommended proper clothing based on the temperature is:
Below 60 degrees: Long sleeves or light jacket
Below 50 degrees: Jacket and long pants
Below 40 degrees: Jacket, long pants, gloves, hat
Below 35 degrees: Indoor recess recommended
Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow....
Because inclement weather can close school at any time during the winter, FSSD would like to remind parents of their options when it comes to finding out about school closings. As soon as the decision is made to cancel school, the following outlets will post the information:
FSSD website—www.fssd.org
Twitter (@franklinspecial)
Instagram (@fssdschools)
Facebook (Franklin Special School District)
Local TV stations (channels, 2,4,5, & 17)
Cable channel 3 (WCS channel)
FSSD will also use its mass dialing system to send a recorded message to the telephone number and e-mail addresses you have on record at school.
Throwback Picture #1
Throwback PIcture #2
Throwback Picture #3
New Year = New Healthy Snack Options
Running out of ideas for healthy snacks to bring to school ? If things are starting to get repetitive, you might try these options:
Goldfish crackers with a string cheese stick & a few apple slices
Beef jerky (lower sodium if possible) & fruit
Trail mix & carrot sticks
Protein bar and 1 piece of fruit
Granola bar & 1 piece of cheese
Kefir or yogurt drink with a handful of vegetables or fresh apple slices
Happy New Year (& Happy Snacking!)
Lisa Chatman, FSSD School Health Coordinator
Save the Date!
Jan. 7 -- Students Return
Jan. 10 -- Report Cards
Jan. 20 – MLK Holiday (No School!)
Jan. 26 - Feb. 1 -- School Board Appreciation Week