Soaring to WEEK 9
HAPPY SUNDAY! I hope that you and your families were and are safe from Hurricane Helene. My thoughts were with each of you. If you need any assistance or resources, feel free to reach out to us, we will do our best to support.
As we move forward to the 9th week of school, please remember to continue to support with school safety. We will continue to safety as a priority, we also need your constant support as parents. Please review shared safety responsibilities.
Thank you to you all for attending the DCSD Expo and or Track Championship! We appreciate your support.
Please also see important dates that were also posted on Class DOJO, we look forward to seeing you all!
- Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month - September 15th - October 15th
- National Custodian Day!- October 2nd please have your child to write a card or bring a treat for our custodial staff!
- PBIS KONA ICE DAY!!! - Please check with your child's teacher.
- PTO Meeting- Virtual: Zoom link below-Meeting ID: 867 5232 5208 Passcode: 777260
- VIRTUAL Title I Meeting, October 2nd - 5:30 pm. Please see link below.
- Walk/Bike to School Day- Wednesday, October 9th 6:30am-7:45am
- Fall Break (No School)- Monday, October 14th – Friday, October 18th
- Red Ribbon Week - October 21st - 25th
- Fall Trunk or Treat - Friday, October 25th 6pm (PTO funded)
- Fall Picture Day- Tuesday, October 29th
- Spooky Subject Day (Book Characters) - Thursday, October 31st (during school day)
- See more upcoming dates on the PTO calendar below.
Thank you always for entrusting us with the privilege of educating and nurturing your children!
-Dr. Blanton
Congratulations to our new PAC Members! I look forward to working with them all.
- Scott Meader
- Eric Oliver
- Ashlea Fairchild
- Sayegh Hwayun
- Jennifer Stevens
- Brenda Grimes
- Elisabeth McDowell
What does the PAC do???
The purpose of the Principal Advisory Council is to bring parents, school employees, students and community members together to create a better understanding of and mutual respect for each other’s perspectives and share ideas for increasing student achievement and performance.
The members of the Principal Advisory Council are accountable to the constituents they serve and shall:
- Maintain a school-wide perspective on issues;
- Act as a link between the school and the community;
- Encourage the engagement of parents and other stakeholders within the school community; and
- Work to increase student achievement and performance through transparent operations and shared best practices.
The Principal Advisory Council operates under the control and management of the DeKalb County School District and will follow Board of Education policies and procedures. The Principal Advisory Council provides advice and recommendations to the school principal, the local board of education and local school superintendent on matters related to school climate/culture, student achievement, and community partnerships.
- HMES Girls overall - 3rd 🥉 in the county!!
- HMES Combined overall - 10th in the county!
- Julene Scales - 1st place County champion🥇in the 100!!
- Penelope Peone - 2nd place 🥈in the 800!
-Penelope Peone - 4th place in the 400!
-Leo Bagwell - 4th place in the 400
- Mixed 4x200 relay - 4th place (Roman Sanders, Amani Joseph, Cameron Walker, Julene Scales) *one second from third!!
- Boys 4x200 relay - 6th place (Leo Bagwell, Jack Bagwell, Elijah Aird, Pierce Blanchard)
- Amani Joseph - 6th place 400
- Alice Elliott - 6th place 800
- Elijah Aird - 8th place 400
- Cameron Anderson - 10th place 100
- School doors open at 7:00am and breakfast begins, to avoid traffic plan to arrive early!
- After breakfast Intervention/Enrichment begins. This is a critical time for students that need support.
- 7:30am breakfast ends
- 7:40am Morning Announcements start
- 7:45am Instruction begins
- 2:15pm Dismissal begins, bus riders, van riders, walkers, car riders, and then aftercare are released. We ask that parents that pick up students in cars, allow our buses to be first in line. Buses arrive at 1:30pm and should be able to park in front of all cars.
- 2:30pm All students should be dismissed from classes.
- 2:45pm Parents arriving after this time will have to pick their child up from aftercare and there is a drop in fee that you will be required to pay.
-Henderson Mill Staff
Henderson Mill Elementary
Email: regina_smiley-blanton@dekalbschoolsga.org
Website: https://www.hendersonmilles.dekalb.k12.ga.us/
Location: 2408 Henderson Mill Road, Atlanta, GA, USA
Phone: 678-874-3102
Twitter: @henderson_mill