CMES Meerkat Message
November 17, 2024
Cecil Manor Elementary School
Principal: Dr. Catrina Long (cjlong@ccps.org)
Assistant Principal: Alison Benner (cabenner@ccps.org)
Dean of Students: Lindsey Steltz (lrsteltz@ccps.org)
Website: https://cmes.ccps.org/
Location: 971 Elk Mills Road, Elkton, MD, USA
Phone: (410) 996 - 5090
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cecilmanorelementary/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/explore/locations/793483676/cecil-manor-elementary/
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From Administration
Hello Cecil Manor Families!
American Education Week is here! American Education Week is a nationwide event that honors the dedication and hard work of educators and education support professionals. It emphasizes the value of a quality education and the need for collaboration among teachers, parents, and the community to ensure student success. We hope you will join us on Thursday, November 21, 2024 to hear your child share their goal and some of the amazing things they are learning, along with progress they have made thus far this year. Below are the times parents are invite for each grade level.
Dates to Remember
November 18 – 22: American Education Week
November 19: Reading & Math Night
November 21: PTO Meeting 6 PM
November 22: Marking Period Awards (Invitation Only)
November 22: Fall Picture Make-Ups
November 27 – 29: Thanksgiving Break – No School
PTO Corner
Follow Us On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cecilmanorpto/about
Judy Center
The Cecil County Judy Center Partnership promotes school readiness and success through collaborative community partnerships to offer a full range of services for children birth to age 5 and their families. We are lucky to have the Judy Center working with Cecil Manor.