Uplifting Urbandale
UCSD Newsletter 8.25.23 #upliftingU
Welcoming Urbandale Preschool Students
Are U Ready For Another Great Year?
Urbandale Senior Selected For Statewide Youth Council
Urbandale High School Senior Lilly Hill was one of only 14 students selected across the state of Iowa to be a part of the 2023-2024 Iowa Communications Network's Statewide Youth Broadband Advisory Council. Throughout the school year, the students will meet virtually with ICN Leadership and hear directly from leaders of Iowa technology companies. The council is an opportunity for high school students to research and discuss broadband and Internet topics, learn about Iowa technology companies, and complete a cybersecurity certification training. What a great accomplishment, Lilly! We are #proudofU
New Teacher Academy
Reminder: No School Dates September 2023
Please make note of the following dates in September 2023 when school will not be in session.
Monday, September 4: In observance of Labor Day, there will be no school, no Adventuretime, and the District Administration office will be closed.
Karen Acres Elementary (only)
Friday, September 1: No school due to a recess day. (Note: Karen Acres will also not have school on September 4.)
We wish you and your family a safe and enjoyable Labor Day weekend and we look forward to welcoming all students back to school on Tuesday, September 5!
Safe + Sound Iowa
The Iowa Governor’s School Safety Bureau developed Safe+Sound Iowa—an anonymous reporting tool for students, teachers, parents, and community members to help identify and provide intervention for students in crisis before they harm themselves or others. The school safety reporting tool is available state-wide to help prevent violence, unlawful possession of weapons, self-harm and other forms of victimization and threatening behaviors in schools.
Reports of safety concerns can be made securely and anonymously three ways:
Download the free Safe+Sound Iowa mobile app
Call 800-224-6018
Establishing a Safe Learning Environment: District Wide Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports
Urbandale Spirit Wear presented by Olmsted Elementary PTO: Orders Due September 3
2023 Homecoming Apparel
District Notification System Test: 4:15 p.m. August 31, 2023
UCSD will be conducting a district-wide notification test at approximately 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, August 31, 2023. During this test, parents/guardians and staff will receive an email, phone call, and text message (if you have opted-in to receive text messages). The District Notification Test will be sent to parents/guardians who registered to receive notifications; it will NOT include emergency contacts. We will also post an alert on the District Facebook, District Twitter and District website. The notification test is to ensure we have your correct contact information in our system. If you do not receive the text/phone/email message, parents/guardians should contact their school to request their contact information be updated; staff should contact Kate Johnson to request their contact information be updated. As a reminder, if you’d like to opt-in to receive text message notifications, please text “Y” or “YES” to 67587. The 67587 is a short code that connects directly with School Messenger (our district notification system).
Annual Notices
Save the Date! UHS Distinguished Alumnus Award and Celebration September 23
Join Our Adventuretime Team For the 2023-24 School Year! Before & After School Associate Positions Earn $15.43/hour
Safety & Security
Cancellations & Delays
Learn More About Becoming A UCSD School Board Candidate: Nomination Papers Due Sept 21
Join Our Team! We’re hiring for various positions and we’d like to hear from you!
Our newly posted positions include: Full-Time Substitute Teacher and UMS Math/Science Teacher Learn More
Student Meal Pricing And Payments
UCSD Nutrition Services recognizes the important connection between a healthy lifestyle and a student’s ability to learn effectively which is why we ensure all students have access to a healthy breakfast and lunch on a daily basis. Families will need to carry a positive balance in their children’s school meal accounts in order for children to access breakfast and lunch while at school. Learn more about meal prices, payments, the Iowa Eligibility Application, and the Student Fee Waiver Program.
Use PowerSchool To Pay Student Fees
Beginning in the 2023–24 school year, we will be collecting payment for books, materials, and bus transportation fees via PowerSchool. We have created the following step-by-step instructions for this new process. Please review the instructions and contact Student Data Manager Sandy Walters at walterss@urbandaleschools.com or (515) 457-5011 if you need assistance.
Translated instructions for paying book/material fees in PowerSchool:
Please Note: Meal payments will still be made through LINQ Connect. All other payments will be accepted via RevTrak.
Visitors at UCSD Schools
The Urbandale Community School District (UCSD) welcomes and invites parents/guardians to visit schools during the school day. "Visitors" include parents, guardians, volunteers, contractors, students from other schools, student teachers, student teacher advisors, outside counselors/EFR, and members of the community. In order to maintain a safe and secure learning environment, visitors must report to the school’s main office, sign-in upon arrival, provide a U.S. government-issued ID for scanning into the Raptor system (or provide a legitimate photo ID and have name and date of birth entered into the Raptor system), and then receive a visitor’s badge/sticker which they will be required to wear during their stay in our schools. Visitors are required to sign-out and return the badge/sticker at the main office prior to leaving the school. (Note: Signing in via the Raptor system will not be necessary for individuals who drop-off or pick-up a student or materials in the main office.) Learn More
Join the UCSD School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC)
The Urbandale Community School District School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC) consists of students, parents, teachers, administrators, and community members who learn about and discuss student achievement, programs, and practices. Members of the committee collaborate to develop school and district improvement recommendations for consideration by the School Board.
SIAC typically meets on a quarterly basis from 6:00 p.m.– 7:30 p.m. at the Urbandale High School Media Center. If you would like to participate on this voluntary committee, please email Julie Mitchell mitchellj@urbandaleschools.com by September 1, 2023. Thank you!
UCSD Educators: Apply For A ‘Making A Difference Grant’ By September 22, 2023
New Class Offerings With Urbandale Community Education
Come On Out & Support Your J-Hawks!
Check Out What’s New In The Flyer Hub
Opt-In “Uplifting Urbandale” Newsletter
Contact Us
Email: communications@urbandaleschools.com
Website: www.urbandaleschools.com
Location: 11152 Aurora Avenue, Urbandale, IA, USA
Phone: 515-457-5000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UrbandaleCSD
Twitter: @UrbandaleCSD