Jaguar Journal October 2024
Johnson PK Center Monthly Newsletter
A Note from our Site Administrator - Mrs. Huggins
Thanks to all of the families who came out for Parent-Teacher Conferences last week! We had wonderful participation, and for that I am SO GRATEFUL! Your involvement in your child's education is vital to their future school success. I am so happy that we are off to such a great start!!
Your kiddos are also off to a fantastic start! It is so hard to believe that it is already the 8th week of school. Your children are becoming awesome little students. They have picked up on breakfast procedures and hallway procedures, and they are doing such a good job in their classrooms as well. I love seeing their smiles in the morning and popping into their classrooms to see what kind of fun things they are doing! Everyone is settling in so well, it makes my heart happy to see them learning and growing!!
Mrs. Huggins
Important Dates for October
Friday,10/04 -Lil' Jaguar of the Month Recognition: September
Friday, 10/11 - Picture Day
Monday, 10/14 - Friday, 10/18 Fall Break - NO SCHOOL
Monday, 10/28 - Friday, 11/01 Red Ribbon Week
Monday 11/4 - Tuesday ,11/5 NO SCHOOL
Red Ribbon Week is October 28th - November 1st at Johnson Pre-K Center
Families! ALL students should have a COMPLETE change of clothing (underwear, pants, shirt, socks - extra shoes, if possible) in their backpack EVERY DAY. We have had so many friends who have been sick and/or had accidents, with no spare clothing. In that case, we usually can provide clothing from our uniform closet; however, if your student comes home in some of our clothes, we ask that you wash it and send it back. Right now, we are running very low on spare uniforms, because children are wearing them home and they are not being returned. Please check and see if you have any of our uniforms, and kindly wash and return them. For this reason, it is imperative that all students always have a complete change of clothing at school, and that all of the uniforms that have been borrowed are kindly returned to the school. If you have uniforms that your child has outgrown, we will also happily accept donations for our uniform closet. Thank you so much for your assistance!
October Character Trait: Responsibility
Responsibility means taking credit, or criticism, for your own actions.
Quote: How high I am, how much I see, how far I reach, depends on me.- unknown
Voices for the Future - Community Listening Sessions
The OKCPS School Board will be holding community listening sessions to gather feedback from our families and community. They will hold these listening sessions all across the district during the month of October. Please see the flyer below, and choose a date and location that works best for you! There will be a session at John Marshall High School next week on October 10th at 6pm. Spanish and ASL interpretation will be available at all meetings. We hope that you can join us and make your voice heard.
Picture Day is Friday, October 11th!!
We will take individual pictures at Johnson Pre-K on the morning of Friday, October 11th. Information will come home on Thursday, October 3rd, and the order forms will come home on Tuesday, October 8th. There will also be an online order option available. Please dress your student in their regular uniforms, as fall pictures are yearbook pictures. We will do pictures again in the spring where students will have an opportunity to dress out of uniform. Thank you for your assistance.
Johnson Pre-K Volunteers - The Jag PACK!
Who wants to be part of the Jag PACK (Parents Assisting Cool Kids)? We have started a parent volunteer group to assist us with projects and volunteer opportunities at our school. Our next meeting will be on November 12th at 5:30pm, but if you would like more information before then, contact our Jag Pack Leader - Mrs. Kelly Silvers at knsilvers@okcps.org or Mrs. Huggins at jjhuggins@okcps.org.
Everyone must be an approved OKCPS volunteer in order to volunteer in our building, so be sure to visit the website and sign up if you haven't already done so!
Johnson Pre-K Aftercare Program
Did you know that Johnson Pre-K has our own Aftercare program? We are open on school days from 3pm - 6pm. We have fun activities, learning opportunities, and even a snack every day! Right now we have openings in our Aftercare Program, so call the office if you would like more information, or email Mrs. Huggins at jjhuggins@okcps.org
FALL BREAK is 10/14-10/18 NO SCHOOL!
Red Ribbon Week is Coming! Oct 28th- Nov 1st!
Stay tuned for more information about Red Ribbon Week activities happening at the end of the month!!
School Menus
Please be sure that we are aware of any medical issues or allergies that your child has that may affect them here at school. As per district policy, we are unable to provide or administer medication to your child unless we have an Authorization of the Administration of Medication form that has been completed by your child's physician. Please DO NOT send medication - including inhalers - in your child's backpack. When the form has been completed and sent to us, you will need to bring the inhaler into the office where it will be locked in a medical safe.
Also, if your child has food allergies that we should be aware of, please have your child's physician complete a Medical Statement form and return to us so that we may share this information with our cafeteria staff to make accomodations for your child. Both of these forms are available in the front office or on the OKCPS website.
Johnson PK Center is a Uniform School
As part of OKC Public Schools, we follow the elementary uniform policy. Students will need to wear uniforms daily.
Uniform Policy
• White, Red, Grey, & Navy Collared Shirts/Tops
• School Shirts
• Navy Blue, Khaki, & Black Pants/Bottoms
Closed-toe shoes - we have recess daily (weather permitting) and PE several times per week. Please help us keep everyone safe.
All bottoms must be at least fingertip length. Please have students wear shorts under dresses and rompers.
Johnson PK Center Core Values: Respect, Responsible, Safe
GE - 8 Expectations for Living
School Information
Arrival & Dismissal Information
Mrs. Jana Huggins, Site Administrator
💻 send me an email
☎️ give me a call
Email: jjhuggins@okcps.org
Location: 1810 Sheffield Rd, OKC, OK 73120
Phone: (405) 587-6700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JohnsonPKCenter