Luce Notes
Important information, dates, and school updates.
Principal Lamour's Notes
Hello Luce Families,
Last week was STEM/STEAM Week, a week of deep and hands-on learning. Thank you to all parents who engage in the CAPT Dining for Dollars event at Chipotle in Westwood. Last week was also exciting as we revealed this year's musical!
This year's musical will be Finding Nemo! We are excited for this year's selection.
Luce Musical Auditions (10/24 & 10/26 6-8 pm)
Luce musical auditions are scheduled for Tuesday, October 24th, and Thursday, October 26th. The auditions will be held at the Luce School from 6-8 p.m. If your child plans to attend the audition, a parent must accompany them.
October 27th Early Release Day (8:40-11:50)
This Friday is an early release day. School hours are from 8:40-11:50 a.m. As a reminder, breakfast is served, but lunch will not be served on this day. Please plan accordingly for pickup.
Luce School Improvement Plan (SIP)
Please take a look at the attached SIP for the 2023-2024 school year.
Title 1 Information Night
We held our Title 1 Information Night on Thursday for parents and guardians. The information slides can be accessed here and in our Title 1 Frequently Asked Questions.
Home School Compact
We ask that all parents and guardians please take a moment to review our Home School Compact.
CHS Halloween Costume Party
Date: 10/27
Location: CHS Cafeteria/Auditorium
Time: Costume party 5-6 in the Cafeteria, Movie @ 6:15 in the Auditorium
Movie Title: Coco
Building Safety (Repost)
Locked Doors -- As school employees we will continue to be vigilant about keeping exterior doors closed and locked at all times.
Buzz In -- When we buzz in a visitor, we will say, "Welcome to the Luce. What is your name and how can we help you?" If the office staff has any concerns about the visitor, they will not let them in.
School Grounds --School campuses are closed to the general public during school hours (including playgrounds, fields, basketball courts, walkways near and around our buildings). There are signs on the basketball and playground fences. If a non-school person is on the grounds during the school day they will be asked to leave.
We got this, Crew!
Principal Lamour
Proud partner
Follow us on Twitter @LuceSchool
Luce News & Upcoming Events
Important Dates Worthy For Your Refrigerator!
10/23-11/13 Cupcake Sales
10/24 & 10/26 Luce Musical Auditions in the Cafeteria 6-8 pm
10/25 GMS Building Community Forum 7 pm @ GMS Library
10/27 Early Release Day 8:20-11:50 am
10/27 CHS Halloween Costume Party
10/29 Family Photo Day 9-3 pm @ Bradley Estate
10/31 Favorite Book Character Day
10/30-11/3 Scholastic Book Fair @ Luce
11/8 Brain Games Assembly (Postponed)
October Calendar of Events
Luce Musical Auditions
All 4th and 5th grade students are invited to audition for a role in their musical play, Finding Nemo, Jr! All students will be offered a role, but we would love to see you perform! Audition materials will be provided on the day of auditions. Please try to complete the audition form to bring to your audition. Auditions will be on Tuesday, October 24, from 6-8 pm and Thursday from 6-8 pm in the Luce School Cafeteria! Lots of great roles for everyone! Please use the sign-up genius to pick your slot! Have questions? Email or call/text at 781-856-1030.
Please see the character breakdowns to learn more about the characters before the audition.
Nurse Bonner's Notes
It’s almost Halloween time but witches brew is not the only thing that’s bubbling up in Massachusetts. Please be aware of common illnesses that are emerging and our school protocols to abide by if your child is diagnosed with any of them.
Conjunctivitis (aka Pink Eye)
Pink eye is a condition that causes inflammation of the eye. It can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or allergens, or if something gets in the eye (such as chemicals or dirt). Viral and bacterial conjunctivitis are very contagious, spreading easily to others.
Symptoms: Pink or red color in the white of the eye; Swelling of the conjunctiva (the tissue that lines the white part of the eye and inside the eyelid); Eyelids Itching or feeling like there is sand in their eye(s); Irritation; Eye drainage (clear, thick white, yellow or green), crusting of eyelids or lashes, especially in the morning. The drainage is usually continuous and will return soon after cleaning the eyes; Fever is not a common symptom and may indicate something else going on as well. If your child also has a fever please contact your child's pediatrician for evaluation.
What do I need to do? Watch your child for signs and symptoms. If your child develops symptoms, especially if they also develop a fever, please call your healthcare provider for an evaluation, inform the school nurse, and keep your child home. Please follow your health care provider’s instructions for home care and take medications as directed. Good hand washing and keeping the person, and others, from touching their face is key to helping reduce the chance of spreading it to others. Per CPS policy: A student may return to school 24 - 48 hours after the first dose of medicine, no eye drainage evident, and a doctor's note provided to the nurse, clearing them for re-entry.
Strep Throat
Strep throat infections are caused by streptococcus bacteria.
Symptoms: People with strep throat usually have a red, painful throat, often with fever, and sometimes with headache, rash, abdominal pain and nausea and/or vomiting. Your child may exhibit some or all of these symptoms.
What do I need to do?
The only way to diagnose strep throat is by visiting your health care provider and having a throat culture done. Positive cultures are treated with oral antibiotics. It is important that your child finish all of their prescribed medicine, even if they are feeling better within a couple of days.
School attendance guidelines are as follows: individuals with a positive strep throat culture should stay home until they have completed at least 24 hours of antibiotics and fever is gone.
Coxsackie Virus (aka Hand Foot Mouth)
Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a common illness of infants and young children, most commonly caused by a virus called coxsackie virus.
Symptoms: Mild fever, poor appetite, and a sore throat. One or 2 days after the fever begins, tiny blisters develop in the mouth. A skin rash also develops over 1–2 days with flat or raised red spots, some with blisters. The rash is not itchy and is usually found on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Illness is usually mild and most people get better in 7–10 days.
What do I need to do? There is no specific treatment for hand, foot, and mouth disease but your health care provider may suggest treatment to relieve some symptoms. Always wash your hands with soap and running water after using the toilet, changing a diaper, helping a child use the toilet, and before touching food or eating. Also wash your hands after wiping or blowing noses or after touching nose, throat, or eye secretions. Babies and children need their hands washed at these times, too. Encourage your child not to share food, drinks, or utensils at school.
A child with hand, foot, and mouth disease can return to school as soon as they feel well enough to attend and are fever free (under 100 degrees) without any fever reducing medications for 24 hrs.
CAPT Updates
The next CAPT meeting will be held on November 14th at 6 pm. This meeting will be an in-person meeting at the Luce Library.
Please click here for our facebook page.
Please click here for our website.
Please join us for our next virtual monthly meeting on Tuesday, December 12th.
Repeating Zoom Meeting Link
Topic: Luce CAPT/ Tuesday Tea Meeting
Time: 6-7 pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 824 0026 3164
Passcode: 650232
Join by mobile:
+1 305 224 1968 US
District News
A Note from the Humanities Coordinator, Jackie Abrams
Our K-2 students are using the UFLI Foundations phonics program this year. It is explicit, systematic, and follows a prescribed scope and sequence that builds over time. The program offers interleaved practice which means that students will continue to get practice with previous learned phonics skills while simultaneously being exposed to new phonics skills. There are ways you can support this at home.Here is a youtube video that helps explain what to do with the UFLI Home Practice Pages and here is a copy of a UFLI Parent Letter that tells more about the phonics program.
Community Connections
Academic & Personal Excellence!
Around Town Resource: Local Resources and Events in Canton
Around Town Events!
Canton Public Schools has a Community Resources and Information Page on its website titled Around Town. This page lists resources and events taking place in our community. To access the information on this webpage, use this link: About/Around Town.
At a Glance - New Event(s)
- NA
This webpage will be updated periodically.
Take Time To Shine: Student Incentive Program
Please join me in celebrating the first SHINE All-Stars for the year! Don't worry every child will get their chance to SHINE!
K-2 SHINE All-Stars!
3-5 SHINE All-Stars!
What's Going on At The Luce?
Did you miss the last Smore?.. Look here for a recap
MCAS 2023 Presentation
MCAS results were mailed to all families of students who took the MCAS in Spring 2023 at the Luce. I attached the PDF of the Luce 2023 MCAS results for your review. Below is also a link of the recorded presentation of the Luce 2023 MCAS.
Wayfinder Parent Webinar
The recording of this week’s Wayfinder Parent/Guardian Information Session can be accessed here. Additional information can be found at the Wayfinder Parent Information Hub and in our grade level Curriculum Overviews..
GMS Building Project Community Forum
We are so thrilled to announce the first of four Galvin Middle School Building Project Community Forums. These forums are part of the community engagement element that help inform the design and direction of the GMS Building Project, which is currently in the Feasibility Phase of the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) process.
The first GMS Building Project Community Forum will be held on Wednesday, September 27, from 7-8 p.m., in the CHS Library. Our Design Firm Ai3, in collaboration with our Owner’s Project Manager (OPM) LeftField, will facilitate the forum
All are welcome, and all stakeholders in the Canton Community -- even those who may not have students in the school system currently -- are encouraged to attend. The more voices and perspectives, the better.
The September 27 Community Forum will focus on an overview of the project, including timelines, scope and milestones. The second half of the forum will involve an engaging activity that involves looking at an oversized site map of the GMS building and land space and making suggestions for use by schools and the community.
I have suggested that this is a “hopes and dreams” meeting, and really a great gathering of input on how the building and the site can enhance our educational and overall community. Leaders of youth programming -- from sports to the arts to the extracurriculars -- are encouraged to attend.
There is no need to RSVP. Please just arrive with your curiosity and your ideas. We will start promptly at 7 p.m., so please try to arrive by 6:45 p.m. in the CHS Library.
Click on the following LINK for an overview of the Galvin Middle School Project. This project website will be continually updated and serve as a repository for resources. I would encourage everyone to bookmark this link.
There will be three additional forums in October, November and December. Here are the “save the dates” and the themes for each one.
Wednesday October 25 -- The entire focus of this forum will be grade configuration (Grades 5-8 or 6-8). Location TBD.
Monday, November 20 -- The focus will be continued follow up on grade configuration and the consideration of a middle school auditorium. Location TBD.
Wednesday, December 20 -- The focus of the fourth forum will be an opportunity for a review of input and emerging themes from the process. Location TBD.
We are embarking on a great journey, and we want every member of the Canton community to be informed and have opportunities for input and engagement. We hope you can attend!
Derek Folan
A Note from the Humanities Coordinator, Jackie Abrams
October is Dyslexia Awareness Month, which presents an opportunity for us to recognize some of the many myths and misunderstandings related to dyslexia.
Here are a few myths:
Students grow out of dyslexia.
The direct, explicit instruction that is essential for students with dyslexia isn’t necessary or recommended for typical readers.
All students with dyslexia have the same needs.
Dyslexia is related to vision issues.
Here are some facts:
While students never grow out of dyslexia, most students with dyslexia can learn to read fluently with the right combination of supports.
Explicit and systematic instruction develops sound-letter awareness and an understanding of how written language works and it is an effective way to help children with dyslexia learn to read. In Canton, we use the UFLI Foundations phonics program in grades K-2 to teach this explicitly.
Each student with dyslexia may present differently. By using diagnostic data, we can determine exactly what instructional areas to focus on to close gaps in achievement.
Dyslexia is a language-based learning difference, not a problem with the eyes. Eye and vision problems do not cause dyslexia, but they can co-occur in the same person.
STAR Screener & Curriculum Overviews
Dean S. Luce Elementary School
Location: 45 Independence Street, Canton, MA, USA
Phone: 1(781)821-5075
Twitter: @LuceSchool
Luce Elementary School is a dynamic K-5 elementary school in the Canton Public School District. Our students, staff, and families SHINE bright like diamonds.